real Q1 - Intro, Nero, CC, OC Flashcards
humans are shaped primarily by their inherited nature
fixed at birth
humans are primarily shaped by their experiences - nurture
focus on behavior bc it’s observable, quantifiable, and objective
nature vs nurture
nature: what we’re born with
nurture: shaped by experience
the process by which changes in behavior arise as the result of experience interacting with the world
the record of our past experiences, which are acquired through learning
memory consolidation to LTM
learning new facts
controls the impact of emotions on memory
- emotional memory
Basal ganglia
planning and producing skilled movements
MRI: detects water density
fMRI: detects blood flow activation
neural plasticity
re-wiring of the brain based on experience
the brain is always changing
- adapts to make up deficits
- make more/less transmitter
- Have more/less receptors
- Make synapses bigger/smaller
- Eliminate synapses/make new synapses
Neural Plasticity types (2)
- LTP – long-term potentiation
- LTD – long-term depression
Neural Plasticity and Learning
- Experience provokes neural plasticity
- This neural plasticity alters the way the brain processes information
- On the next experience, behavior will be altered
ex. in rats raised in enriched environments, neurons make more synaptic contacts
classical conditioning steps (2)
- Begins with an innate (unlearned) reflex
- Unconditioned stimulus (US): food
- Unconditioned response (UR): salivation - A neutral stimulus (CS) is then repeatedly presented before the reflex is triggered, producing a new reflex
- Conditioned stimulus (CS): bell
- Conditioned response (CR): salivation
conditioned compensatory response
CR that is the opposite of the UR, helping to balance/correct for the US-UR reflex
- Inject adrenaline (US) -> heart rate increase (UR)
- Repeat procedure in same testing chamber (CS)
Eventually, CS comes to produce a decrease in heart rate (CR) that helps maintain homeostasis (balance) against expected adrenaline injection = tolerance - testing chamber evokes a CR that weakens the overall effects of the drug
Breaking the association between the CS and US can extinguish the new CS->CR reflex:
- Present the CS alone repeatedly.
- Initially, CS evokes strong CRs.
- With repetition, however, CS becomes less effective, similar to beginning of training