Ready To Study: The Cancer Patient Part 1 [I of II] Flashcards
There are four phases in the cell cycle. Name the 4 stages?
First growth phase G1
Synthesis phase S
Second growth phase G2
Mitotic phase M
Study Tip: This is why some anti-neoplastic medications are cell cycle specific which means that they work at a certain stage in the cell cycle.
It all begins when the sperm meets the egg; boy meets girl; 1+1=1 in this case; we have 1 germ cell from the man, 1 germ cell from the woman and when they join up it becomes 1 cell that is now capable of becoming a human being and that one cell is called a _______; from the moment that those 2 join up or conception occurs, cellular division happens and 1 cell becomes 2, then 4, then 8, 16, 32 and so on up to 100 trillion cells.
Ex. Lymphoblastic Leukemia, Glioblastoma, Myoblastic Leukemia
These are examples of what type of cancer cells?
Study Tip: these types of cancers grow rapidly.
The _________ is the interval between each cellular division and every cell that reproduces goes through that. There are pauses and checkpoints in there that are supposed to stop mutations from occurring. These checkpoints are where these cancerous processes can be stopped because the cell recognizes that something is wrong. Sometimes those changes don’t get stopped or the cell just keeps growing.
Cell cycle
Skeletal system.
Muscular system.
Muscular layer of stomach and intestine. Excretory system.
Circulatory and lymphatic systems. Reproductive system except germ cells. Dermis of skin.
Lining of body cavity.
Adrenal cortex.
What germ level are cancers that affect these body systems originating?
During ______ phase of the cell cycle the cancer cell does NOT grow, it just hangs out waiting to be called up like the reserves in the military and when your body needs more cells.
Referred to as G0
Ex. When you get a cut on your hand, now you need some skin cells, so the stem cells will enter the cell cycle and become skin cells to fill in the cut.
The _______ germ level consists of these cells:
1. Epithelial Layer
2. Skin Cells
Ex. Basal, Squamous, Keratinocytes, and Melanocytes.
These cells line all of the body cavities.
Ectoderm aka the outer shell
Replication of DNA
Interphase > Cell Function
What cell cycle phase is this?
Synthesis phase
Referred to as S
Some cells are continuously in the reproductive cell cycle like your ________ cells, because when these cells die they are replaced very, very frequently. The skin cell can go through the entire cell cycle in 8 hours, some other cells that are not quite as active can take up to a year to complete the cell cycle. There are some cells like neurons that exit the cell cycle and never come back so we know that there are some cells that _____ reproduce.
Cellular ________ is defined as division and reproduction.
Ex. We are thinking about that cut on your hand again. Let’s just say when you cut your hand you lost 1,000 skin cells so your body is programed to replace it with 1,000 more skin cells from the reserves. The body is going to replace the missing with the exact same amount of cells that it needs to be replaced.
Cells have _________ as a form of regulation so when those cells start filling in the damaged area (remember the cut on your hand) the cells reproduce and when they start to bump up against other cells the cells say “Hey we are done now!!” and they STOP reproducing. So the normal number of new cells is equal to the number of dying cells.
contact inhibition
When the zygote is at the point that there is 128 cells clumped together; it’s forms a ball of cells and that ball of cells is called a ______. This group of cells implants itself in the uterine lining to form a child.
Ex. This is very similar to what a cancer cell does when it migrates somewhere and becomes a malignant growth; it’s really kind of remarkable that there is that similarity between reproduction and cancer reproduction.
REMEMBER: When you have a patient that has cancer and their diagnosis contains the word BLAST, you should think in your head “This is going to be a very FAST growing cancer”.
Anything with an opening to the world has epithelial cells.
What germ level are cancers that affect these body systems originating?
Ectoderm aka the outer shell
This is a haploid cell, which can carry unpaired chromosomes. This is a particular multicellular organism always carries only half the number of chromosomes carried by a somatic cell of that particular organism. Germ cells are the cells which give rise to ________. Meiosis takes place during gametogenesis giving rise to haploid cells. Haploids fuse during sexual reproduction giving rise to a diploid zygote. This is considered what category of human cells?
Study Tip: Ex. A human gamete contains only 23 chromosomes where as a human somatic cell contains 46 chromosomes. Gametogenesis is the process of gamete production.
Growth Occurs.
Normal metabolic roles are assumed.
What cell cycle phase is this?
First growth phase
Referred to as G1
The process of __________ is what happens when the cell leaves it’s stem cell status and matures. The cell grows up and specializes from a stem cell to a specialized body cell that serves a specific function.
When we are diagnosing cancer, we do a biopsy of a patient with lung cancer and we look at that under the microscope and we say this cancer cell doesn’t really look like a lung cell it looks more like a stem cell. The pathologist would say that it’s poorly differentiated so that means it looks more like a stem cell then it does a lung cell. It is important to remember that when there is an undifferentiated cancer cell it looks more like a stem cell than it does like the cells of the actual ______ affected with the cancer.
Every cell begins as a ________ embryonic stem cell. This is because all of the stem cells and all the embryonic stem cells look the same.
Ex. Imagine looking at a nursery full of newborn babies, they all look like aliens, they are all scrunchie faced and red faced, crying, all wrapped in little blankets and they just look like a blanket with a face; it would be really hard to even pick out your child if you are just looking at a whole bunch of babies, so I know that they all don’t look exactly the same, but they really do look quite a bit alike; as they grow, and become more mature, they start to look more like themselves and less like the other babies in the nursery; that is what happens with cells as they grow up and specialize.
When a cancer cell is first born it is because of a mutation in the _______ of the cell. The earlier in the process that this happens, the closer the cell is to still being a stem cell when this mutation occurs the less differentiated that cell is going to be. If the pathologist documents this in his notes that means the change must have occurred while it was still a baby cell.
If the cancer mutation develops later in differentiation, the differentiation halts right where the mutation occurred so the cancer cells ______ differentiating once they develop the cancer mutation.
genetic material
Cancers can be undifferentiated, poorly differentiated, or well differentiated. What is the difference?
Undifferentiated - Still a stem cell.
Poorly differentiated- More like a stem cell than a specialized cell.
Well differentiated - Most specialized type of cell.
Ex. The Dr will say “this is definitely a lung cell that has become cancerous.” If the cell is poorly differentiated.
The less differentiated a cancer cell is the more ________ it is. This makes it more difficult to treat this type of cancer and it makes the cancer cells more likely to metastasize.
The ______ differentiated a cancer is the more quickly it will grow rapidly and the more likely it is to metastasize.
STUDY Tip: This is IMPORTANT! So we know that if we have a patient that has poorly differentiated lung cancer, you see that in a pathology report that your patient is going to have a more difficult time based on this result alone. High risk for metastasis.
Growth Occurs.
Preparation for mitosis occurs.
What cell cycle phase is this?
Second growth phase
Referred to as G2
Let’s go back to the zygote. The cell that develops when the 2 germ cells are combined and those cells keep reproducing when they get out to the 8th layer. At the 8th layer of the stem cells it forms 3 layers within that cluster of cells and they are the _______, _______, and the ________ and from those 3 layers, your whole body develops, all the structures of your body.
- Epithelial Layer
- Skin Cells
Ex. basal, squamous, keratinocytes, and melanocytes.
What germ level are cancers that affect these body systems originating?
Three germ layers where stem cells develop are named?
Cells don’t function properly
Cells don’t die in normal time frame.
Cells are going to overwhelm the normal cells. Cells are not going to be able to perform the duties of the immune system so people with this type of cancer can be overwhelmed by infections > This causes immunosuppression.
This occurs with what type of cell differentiation?
Ex. If you have undifferentiated WBCs these are called blast cells if they are really immature.
Skin, colon, lung, breast, prostate, bronchial tubes, your whole GI tract (from your esophagus to your anus), your gall bladder, stomach have these cells. They also all have exposure to the environment including the vagina, prostate, bladder, the ductal lining of the breasts, and ovaries.
What germ level are cancers that affect these body systems originating?
Ectoderm aka the outer shell
- Prophase.
- Metaphase.
- Anaphase.
- Telophase.
What cell cycle phase is this?
Mitotic phase
Referred to as M
If a surgeon opens up a patient and cuts into the tissue and there is some malignant cells there that the Dr. did not see and then he uses that scalpel to cut into something else and takes those malignant cells that are on the scalpel or another instrument to another part of the body during the surgery.
This is what route of cancer malignancy invasion and metastasis?
Accidental Surgical Transplantation
- Bones
- Muscles
- Lymph
- Cartilage
- Fat
- Bone Marrow
What germ level are cancers that affect these body systems originating?
Mesoderm aka the filler
Inside those organs that have epithelial cells there are also glandular cells so there are
mucous producing glands such as the lungs, stomach, and bowel so they can have this type of cancer also.
What germ level are cancers that affect these body systems originating?
Endoderm aka Glandular Tissue
Cancer is NOT a single disease it can be
solid tumors that can grow _____ of the skin.
ex. In the image the breast cancer had actually grown outside of the breast and if it’s not treated it will do that. Cancer will grow in every direction so they will come out of the skin and they can be pretty awful looking sometimes.
Anterior pituitary
What germ level are cancers that affect these body systems originating?
Endoderm aka Glandular Tissue
Cancer’s of the Blood can include what three cancers?
multiple myeloma
Because of a lack of _______, a malignant tumor is more difficult to remove than benign. This is because they are usually surrounded by a capsule so when we want to remove them we just go remove the whole tumor that is all nicely packaged in this bundle for us so we know that we removed it all.
Cancerous tissue is called “_________” from the Greek word for “neoplasm” or “new growth”.
Cancers that used to have a poor prognosis like _______, _______, and ________ have now been moved over to the category of the cancer’s that we are often able to CURE.
Hodgkin’s Disease
Hodgkin’s Lymphoma
Testicular Cancer
Epithelial lining of digestive tract.
Epithelial lining of respiratory system.
Lining of urethra, urinary bladder, and reproductive system.
Thyroid and parathyroid glands.
What germ level are cancers that affect these body systems originating?
This type of cancer tends to have a high mortality rate. Where is this cancer located in the body?
Study Tip: When talking about cancer research and curing cancer it’s so huge that it’s probably pretty difficult to hone in on a single cure since it’s not really just one specific disease, it’s more of a process then a disease.
In cellular differentiation we have talked about how regular cells start as stem cells, then grow and progress and divide and change until a stem cell becomes a skin cell is a skin cell or the muscle cell is a muscle cell. When this mechanism is functioning correctly cancer cell differentiation can be _______ along the way at one of the many checkpoints.
Study Tip: Concepts of Abnormal Cellular Growth are very much like those of normal cellular growth, it’s just a matter of following the rules.
Cancers from the _________ layer are called sarcomas.
Ex. Osteosarcoma and Lymphosarcoma
What germ level are cancers that affect these body systems originating?
Mesoderm aka the filler
With abnormal cellular growth the rate of growth is uncoordinated, autonomous, and lacks _________. The cancerous cells do not care if you don’t need any more skin cells or if you don’t need any more lung cells, they just keep producing and producing and they can overwhelm the normal cells.
Abnormal cellular growth involves abnormal proliferation and differentiation in the growth of abnormal cells. This process is usually governed by cellular signals that are now either _______ or something else occurs that makes the cells NOT obey the cellular rules anymore.
Corrupted > Mutated
Cancer Cells can mutate anytime during the cell differentiation process:
- If the cell mutation occurs early in the cell cycle what occurs?
- If the cell mutation occurs late in the cell cycle what occurs?
- The final cell is less differentiated.
THE WORST PROGNOSIS! > MALIGNANT! - The final cell is more differentiated.
If a mutated cancer cell has no differentiation at all what is that called?
Epidermis of the skin and it’s derivatives. (Including sweat glands and hair follicles.) Epithelial lining of mouth and anus.
Cornea and lens of eye.
Nervous system.
Sensory receptors in epidermis.
Adrenal Medela.
Tooth enamel.
Epithelium of pineal and pituitary gland.
What germ level are cancers that affect these body systems originating?
Transported Via blood and lymph vessels to be spread to other parts of the body.
This is what route of cancer malignancy invasion and metastasis?
If you have a woman with ovarian cancer and those cancer cells are growing on the ovaries; some cells can easily release from the tumor because cancer cells lack cohesion, so those cells don’t stick together so they go out on their own and they can attach to the intestines, the liver or the outside of the stomach and spread the cancer that way. Once the cancer cells have attached to ________ this is an example of a great place for them to access the rest of the body.
This is what route of cancer malignancy invasion and metastasis?
Cavity Seeding
With a malignant tumor they send out those little fingers so the surgeon will take away the bulk of it, which is called ______ the tumor. The Dr will take away the biggest part of the tumor that they can visualize. They can go around the perimeter and hope that we got it all but if they are extending their little fingers out to surrounding tissues it can be very difficult to get all of it.
Ex. Sometimes they will leave the patient on the table, cut out the tumor, send it to the lab, the pathologist will look at it and he will call back to the OR and say the margins are CLEAN which means that there are just normal cells on the periphery of the tumor or they will say you will have to cut some more tissue because there are still some abnormal cells there. This is a way that they can work together to make sure that as much of the cancer that can be removed has been removed.
Ex. Adenocarcinoma of lungs, colon, etc.
What germ level are cancers that affect these body systems originating?
Endoderm aka Glandular Tissue
Study Tip: Prefix for glandular cancers is “adeno-”
Cancer is NOT a single disease it can be _________. These are cancers of the blood, they originate in blood forming tissues.
The stem cells enter the cell cycle when you have a cut because the stem cells know that skin cells are needed so that stem cell enters the cell cycle to become differentiated so that it begins to look like a skin cell and completes the ______ of a skin cell. It is a skin cell.
Ex. it can’t change its mind and become a liver cell as a second career; it is always going to be a skin cell forever; much like the babies in the nursery; you look at your baby and think of all the possibilities, oh my baby is going to be an astronaut, or President of the US, well every baby can’t be an astronaut or President although they have the potential probably at the beginning, but instead your child grows up to be a rocket scientist or brain surgeon; then we see a rocket scientist, we see a brain surgeon and we see the President of the US and we know that the President is never going to be an astronaut and he is never going to be a brain surgeon most likely. Lol! Not a perfect example, but hopefully that helps you understand what it means when a cell differentiates.
The MOST common cancers are epithelial and are named ________.
With a patient with a lung carcinoma you will know that the epithelial is involved there. Name the layer?
This cell is any cell other than a germline cell found in the body of a multicellular organism. These are diploid cells having two sets of chromosomes; one is maternal and the other is paternal. Stem cells produced by mitosis undergo differentiation and give rise to different types of these cells, which in turn form almost all of the internal and external structures of the body. This is considered what category of human cells?
Ex. A human somatic cell contains 46 chromosomes arranged in to 23 pairs in which one chromosome of each pair is maternal, and the other is paternal.
What is the importance of the three germ layers?
These levels are where the beginning of stem cell differentiation occur.