Reading the SOI Test Flashcards
How is motivation defined?
Motivation: Internal/External
SOI behaviors effect each other, combining to create a motive or payoff that we seek and the methods by which we seek them.
Motive for which people primarily work from, the payoff they’re seeing.
Motivation: Internal/ External- Cognitive and Relational define internal dynamics and process ; goal and detail execution and product driven.
How is zone strength: self management defined?
Some SOI behaviors are more visible than others and they “take action” faster than others; causing us to not see all of our abilities as strengths. Managing this strength allows us to use all our behaviors in appropriate ways.
Which score takes actions before others
How is firing order: mode of operation defined?
SOI abilities express themselves in a preconditioned order that helps produce our general mode of operation (MO). Understanding this “order” helps us fit ourselves into organizational and relational roles.
How do you gather internal/external percentages?
Internal- Cognitive + Relational
External- Goal + Detail
Add up Grand total and then divide each for percentage
Determining internal/external percentages
When this difference is greater than 20% you have a distinctive “emphasis” to your perspective… in that you are motivated to interact with the world for the enticements particular to your more dominant “side”.
People with “Internal” motivations want internal payoffs and when those payoffs are not present they keep trying to gain them using internal methods. They seek Communication and Inspiration… Connection and Warmth.
People with “External” motivations want external payoffs and when those payoffs are not present they keep trying to gain them using external methods. They seek Authority and Action… Discipline and Predictability.
People with both sets of motivations want both sets of payoffs and when either set is not present they “switch” to try to gain the other payoff using the method for that “side”. By abandoning their originally desired payoff they will often realize less overall satisfaction than they desired.
Internal Flow
“Up” Cognitive to Relational
Non-Rational, Feelings-Oriented, Connection-Focused
“Flat” Cognitive to Relational
Thinking and Emotion are connected
“Down” Cognitive to Relational
Rational-Thinking, Problem-Solving
External Flow
“Up” Goal Achievement to Detail
Sees issue better when they control details, resists delegation
“Flat” Goal Achievement to Detail
Military-like discipline over their activities
“Down” Goal Achievement to Detail
Sees issue better when they don’t control details, tends to delegate
Zone Strength
Upper Zone… 66 - 99.5%
Active Strengths - “on” all of the time, used when you are trying to and when you are not.
Middle Zone… 36% - 65%
Interactive Strengths - When you are trying to be engaged with others but are no longer in the driver’s seat.
Lower Zone… .5% - 35%
Reactive Strengths - When you have essentially disengaged with others. Become active when triggered or prodded into action.
Zone Strength and Self Management
Focus on the “Refining Skill” for your score on each scale:
Active Zone… 66% - 99.5%Scores over 66% and above are always “on”… but because life does not always call for these skills… you need to learn when and how to manage them and “shift” your behavior. Interactive Zone… 36% - 65% Scores between 36% and 65% “come on” and “go off” instinctively, when needed… being aware that this is happening, or could happen, contributes greatly to self-management. Reactive Zone… .5% - 35% Scores below 35% are normally used for “self” and don’t typically come on in public… but because life does not allow this level of private life at all times you need to learn to stimulate (manage) these areas when necessary to fulfill responsibilities.
Characteristics of 0 Peak?
0 Peaks
All points are
within a single
segment range.
KEY: Balanced but can freeze in decision making – actions don’t need to satisfy all drives.
Characteristic of 1 Peak?
1 Peak One point is at least one segment higher than all others.
All other scores
serve the peak.
Characteristics of 2 peaks?
2 Peaks The two highest peaks are within the same segment range.
Two peaks work
Characteristics of 3 peaks?
3 Peaks The three highest points are within a single segment range.
Trigger is the low
Managing your peaks
Your “Firing Order” helps you realize your behavior ‘pattern’ and also represents your ‘default’ mode of operation.
This is true because we tend to act and respond from our more outward influencing behaviors… before we move toward those that are more personal. Ask yourself… As a \_\_ peak line, I need to remember \_\_\_\_\_\_\_ so my behavior contributes to those around me and does not shut them down.