Reading Quiz 5 - 9 + Articles Flashcards
Who are the participants in the terrorist environment?
- Terror Actor
- Terror Organization
- Supporters
- Victims
- Interpreters
- Facilitators
What are the types of terrorism supporters?
- Ideological Supporters
- Financial Supporters
- Logistical/Material Supporters
What are the types of terrorist victims?
- Targeted/Primary Victim
- Indirect Victims
- Secondary Victims
- Global Victims
- Economic Victims
Who are Targeted/Primary Victims?
Anyone who is killed or wounded in the event.
Who are Indirect Victims?
Family and communities of those impacted by the event.
Who are Secondary victims?
Responders and other personnel who deal with the event.
The media who cover the attacks may become secondary victims.
Who are global victims?
Individuals in the global community
Who are economic victims?
Individuals, organizations, and governments who experience financial loss due to the attack.
Who are Interpreters?
People who explain the who, where, when, what, why, and how of the event.
What are the types of Interpreters?
- Authors and Academics
- Armchair Generals
- Policy Makers and Politicians
Who are author and academic interpreters?
Those who educate in the long form through books, articles, lectures, and educational platforms.
Who are armchair generals?
An expert in a given area who lends their perspective to an event
They have credentials and real world experience that give them a respected opinion.
Who are policy maker/politician interpreter?
Policy makers that use terrorism events to change programs and guidelines
What is the primary difference between Logistical/Material supporters of terrorism and Financial supporters of terrorism?
Logistical/Material supporters KNOW they are directly supporting the organization, while financial supporters may just be supporting a shell front.
What are ideological supporters of terrorism?
Those who hold beliefs and views that align with the terrorist organization. They repeat the official message of the organization, even if they don’t always exactly agree.
What are financial supporters of terrorism?
Those who provide money through direct contributions, fundraisers, or purchases.
It is possible for donors to not be aware their money is supporting a terror organization.
What defines a terrorist actor?
Having the intent to bring violence into play, and the capability to carry out the attack.
In which terror attack did the terrorist call and warn people that it would happen?
1996 Manchester Bombing by the IRA
Have terrorist organizations and networks increased or decreased in size?
Terror organizations are/were getting smaller.
What are the two periods of terror group evolution?
1985-2011 (Small localized groups with nearby enemy)
2011->Onward (Rise of Super Groups such as ISIS, AQIM, AQAP, Boko Haram)
What is Ideology?
Systematic body of concepts, ideas, and manner of thinking that is characteristic of an individual, group, or culture.
Ideology is a movement… does not simply define, but inspires as well.
Who did terrorist organizations in the 70s and 80s serve?
Terrorist groups in the 70s and 80s ‘served’ a group or society.
Who are modern terrorist organizations serving?
Modern terrorist groups serve themselves and a nebulous ‘elite’. Apocalyptic design.
How do Terrorist Constituents evolve?
They evolve from a focus on a constituency from which support and volunteers can be recruited. Act as “Champions” for the people. Wide Appeal.
Evolve into “Elites” who identify as “true believers” and disdain those who do not agree. Narrow appeal.
How have the scope, tactics, and targets of terrorists changed in the last thirty years?
Moving away from small, sure attacks (low risk, low reward) to prominent, high profile attacks with greater risk of failure (high risk, high reward)
- Less risk averse + understanding power of large, terrifying events.
What does AQIM stand for?
al-Qaeda in the Islamic Maghreb
Who is AQIM?
al Qaeda in the Islamic Maghreb is a Salafi-jihadist militant group that originated in Algeria in the 90s.
At peak power they controlled much of Northern Mali and worked with Boko Haram and al-Shabaab. They are current struggling with ISIS forces for control of the region and Libya.
What does AQAP stand for?
al-Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula.
Who is AQAP?
A group of mujahedeen that formed al-Qaeda in Yemen (AQY) that was responsible for attacking the USS Cole.
They then merged with the Saudi Branch in 2009, forming AQAP.
Who is largely recognized as the most dangerous group against America?
AQAP (al-Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula)
What major events were AQAP behind?
- Inspired Major Nidel Hasan who killed 13 during the Ft. Hood shooting.
- The failed “Underwear Bomber” of 2009
- The failed 2010 cargo plane bombings.
- Indirectly inspired the failed Times Square bombing by Faisal Shahzad.
Who was Anwar al-Awlaki?
An American w/Yemeni Parents.
Created “Inspire” magazine, aimed at Americans and prompts them to act domestically, providing instructions for bombs and other weapons.
- Boston Bombers learned bomb construction from “Inspire”
- Was killed in a 2011 drone strike.
What does AQI stand for?
al-Qaeda in Iraq
Who is AQI?
al-Qaeda in Iraq
- Originated in Jordan, 1999 w/many exiled Iraqis. Moved back into Iraq after 2003 US Invasion.
- Fought against US forces
- Terrorized shias with indiscriminate violence.
- Al-Qaeda cut ties in 2006.
- Eventually becomes ISI (Islamic State of Iraq) -> ISIL (Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant)
- 2015 al-Zawahiri (leader) declares IS to be apostates that do not represent a caliph.
What is the evolutionary cycle of terror organization sizes?
Large organizations of hundreds/thousands of members -> Small cell based organizations -> Back to Large Organizations -> Repeat?
How do Dissident terrorists evolve?
Left wing, Right wing, ethno-nationalist motives -> Religious Terrorists motivated by divine guidance and assurance that cannot fail.
Who were the Ba’athists?
Secular ideology in Iraq that believed in a unified Arab state through a one-party system. (Started in 1940s)
What happened to the Ba’athists?
Saddam Hussein gains control and alliance among Ba’athist leaders. Purges 68 leaders after taking power in 1979. Several hundred are killed within the month.
What was the Iraq-Iran War?
Iraq attacks Iran on Sept. 22, 1980 to capture Khuzestan and cause the Iranian government to collapse.
- Ended on July 20, 1988. Costed $600b+ and killed up to 2m.
- Iraq used Mustard Gas across the front lines, killing 50k+ Iranians. Supplied by the US.
What was the Gulf War?
Iraq invades Kuqait on August 2, 1990. Captures state within 12 hours.
- Coalition invades Iraq on February 24, 1991. Declares victory on the 28th after 100 hours.
- 300 coalition deaths, 8-10k Iraqi forces death.
- US refuses to occupy country or overthrow Saddam.
- CIA attempts internal coup and encourages rebellions, all crushed by Saddam.