Reading Development: Comprehension Flashcards
specialized vocabulary commonly found in an academic setting
Academic Vocabulary
actively engaging with a text while reading
Active Reading
are used to compare two things that are usually thought of as different but have something in common
Level 4. Connect different ideas
making notes in a text and questioning unfamiliar ideas while reading something new
a series of statements used to preview and activate prior knowledge before reading a text
Anticipation Guide
a form of scaffolding in which students make predictions prior to reading a text
Anticipatory Set
words with opposite meanings
determine whether the subject matter is appropriate for the students’ maturity level
a recording of a reading of a book
an attitude or perspective toward the author’s opinion
Author’s Point of View
why the author wrote the text
Author’s Purpose
a hierarchy of levels of knowledge; each level has associated verbs teachers can use to start questions
Bloom’s Taxonomy
short explanations below photos
the author explains reasons why something happened or the effects of something that has happened
Cause and Effect
An attitude or perspective toward the topic of what is being written or spoken by the character within the story.
Character’s Point of View
the persons, animals, or other figures who are in stories
An organizational approach that follows an orderly progression of events based in time.
Chronological Order
An organizational approach where the author argues against a statement, fact, or claim.
Claim and Refutation
a teaching strategy in which students carefully and purposefully read and reread a text
Close Reading
An organizational approach where the author provides similarities and differences about two ideas
Compare and Contrast
a form of scaffolding in which a new concept or vocabulary word is written in the center and pictures or descriptive words are written surrounding it
Concept/Vocabulary Map
the implied meaning of a word; the feelings a word conveys
Level 6. Pro
Create (Bloom’s Taxonomy)
dealing with difficult topics carefully and considering how different cultures would interpret the information
Cultural Sensitivity
a literal, dictionary meaning of a word
Denotative Meaning
an online dictionary
Dictionary (Digital)
use when you need to define a word
Dictionary (Print)
resources that provide content beyond what is available in print
Digital Resources
representations of people with their different cultures
serious and though-provoking dramatic literature
to make final comments/summation over what has been read or written
Draw Conclusion
Level 5. Justify a stance
Evaluate (Bloom’s Taxonomy)
The ability to analyze text by questioning whether it is fact or opinion, determining if there is faulty reasoning, and explaining how the characters are developed.
Evaluative Comprehension
writing that describes imaginary events and/or people
a word or phrase that does not have its normal everyday, literal meaning
Figurative Language
stories that are orally passed through generations
a popular form of semantic mapping which helps students to identify and define unfamiliar concepts and vocabulary
Frayer Model
various forms of texts
a list of important words to know along with their meanings
teaching strategy in which students are gradually given less direct guidance
Gradual Release
charts, graphs, photos, and graphic organizers
Graphic Features
a visual display of the relationships between facts and ideas
Graphic Organizer
a title of a section
a catalogue list at the end of the text containing all of the topics discussed
A conclusion or opinion based on information that is given, and that is sometimes called an educated guess.
Inference (when reading)
understanding parts of the written text without it being stated explicitly
Inferential Comprehension
Text that provides factual information
Informational Text
A graphic organizer used throughout a unit that shows what students know, want to know, and learned
K-W-L Chart
the collective vocabulary of a person or language
smaller or more restricted bank of words than is typical
Limited Vocabulary
words a listener can recognize when heard
Listening Vocabulary
Understanding of the facts in written text
Literal Comprehension
the careful examination of a text or one element of a text
Literary Analysis
used by authors to communicate specific idea to the reader
Literary Device
the central point of the passage
Main Idea
the tendency for stronger readers to build exponentially on their strengths and weaker readers to continue to struggle with their weaknesses, thus widening the gap between weak and strong readers
Matthew Effect
a story or account of someone’s life or a part of that person’s life
the ability to think about one’s own thought processes
lesson or message to be learned
Fictional stories, plays, poems. Usually contains some element of plot or conflict.
Narrative Text
writing based on factual information and that may tell a story or give information
An organizational approach where ideas are arranged with the most important claim at the top or bottom
Order of Importance
Text structure can include cause/effect, problem/solution, main idea/details, and/or sequence
Organizational Structure
putting something that was read, heard, or viewed into your own words
the events included in a story
creating writing written in verse and often including rhymes or heavy use of figurative language
aspects of a text that can only be measured by a reader
Quantitative Measures of Texts
Aspects of a text that are too hard for a reader to measure.
Quantitative Measures of Texts
motivation, knowledge, and experiences
Reader Considerations
the ability to read a text and understand its meaning
Reading Comprehension
The ability to read with appropriate speed, accuracy, and prosody
Reading Fluency
words a reader can recognize while reading a text
Reading Vocabulary
objects used in everyday life brought into the classroom to enhance instruction
Aspects of reading a text that relate to the reader or the reader’s purpose in reading the text.
Reader and Task Considerations
An organizational approach where the author presents a problem and possible solution
Problem and Solution
a dialog between teachers and students regarding segments of text; there are four parts: summarizing, question generating, clarifying, and predicting
Reciprocal Teaching
background knowledge a reader brings to a text
Schema (when reading)
a form of scaffolding which helps students to develop connections among words
Semantic Mapping
the study of word or symbol meaning
An organizational approach following an orderly progression of events, ideas, or steps
Sequential Order
the time and place that a story takes place in a novel
words or phrases that show the connection between ideas
Signal Words
an organizational approach where ideas are arranged related to physical space
Spatial Order
all the words known and used by a person in speech
Speaking Vocabulary
a graphic organizer in which elements from a story are recorded to help with literary analysis
Story Map
a tittle for a smaller portion of text
Writing or speaking a brief description of more extensive information by covering only the main/most important points, without details.
words with the same or similar meaning
a form of scaffolding which helps students to compare features of words
Semantic Feature Analysis
a text feature found on a page before the start of a written work that lists chapter names or section titles along with their corresponding page numbers
Table of Contents
the complexity or the assignment related to the reading; questions asked about the reading
Task Considerations
Teachers can include text frames throughout a reading with questions designed to prompt students to think about relationships between key ideas, concepts, and events in a text.
Text Frame
Proof or support of the meaning of what is being read or has been read
Textual Evidence
the big idea of major message in a story which is often universal in that is goes beyond cultural boundaries
an online thesaurus
Thesaurus (Digital)
use when you need to locate a more suitable synonym for a word
Thesaurus (Print)
a teacher stated her thoughts aloud to demonstrate how the students should go about solving a problem or understanding a text
the teacher provides a prompt, the students consider it individually, then pair up and brainstorm responses or solutions, and then the students then share their results with the class
common words that are already familiar to students when they enter school.
Tier 1 Words
academic words that students will encounter frequently and that are used in multiple content areas
Tier 2 Words
Academic words that are specific to a particular content area or discipline.
Tier 3 Words
the attitude of the author in writing
Phrases and words used to link sentences, paragraphs, and ideas together.
Transition Words
common ideas that appear in literature across all cultures
Universal Theme
the frequency with which a word will be encountered
Utility (in vocabulary)
A graphic organizer with two or more overlapping circles used to illustrate/examine similarities and differences between two subjects.
Venn Diagram
a written list of key vocabulary words or phrases used to support students in writing
Word Bank
method of vocabulary instruction that encourages student interest in new and unfamiliar words
Word Consciousness
a form of scaffolding in which students put words into categories
Word Sort
An on-going bulletin board with common terms used frequently in the classroom.
Word Wall
a form of scaffolding which helps students to understand and retain new words and concepts.
Word Web
all the words known and used by a person in writing
Writing Vocabulary