Reader's Digest (Tumblr) Flashcards
- Peel and grate the potatoes.
- grated cheese

adv. -dily
n. -diness
adj. - strong, well-made, and not easily broken;
- s.o. who is sturdy is strong, and healthy looking
- determined and not easily persuaded to change your opinions
- Since root vegetables are sturdy, grate them
- That chair doesn’t look very sturdy.
- sturdy comfortable shoes
- a sturdy young man
- sturdy legs
- They kept up a sturdy opposition to the plan.

adj. food that is crispy is pleasantly hard on the outside
- If they’re still too crispy for comfort, marinate them
- a piece of crispy fried bread

n. a mixture of oil, vinegar, salt, and pepper that you put on a salad
salad dressing
- marinate them for a half hour or longer in a vinaigrette.

to scarf
(to scarf down/up) to eat something very quickly
- n. atkı, plural scarfs or scarves
- It fills you up and elongates the meal, which prevents you from scarfing down your food.
- She scarfed down a bagel on her way to work.

to spritz
to spray small amounts of a liquid on something
spritz n. countable
- Mix vodka with water and a few drops of liquid dish soap in a spray bottle, and spritz directly onto your target.

to numb
adv. -bly
n. -bness
to make someone unable to feel pain or feel things they are touching
- (Vodka) Not only does it kill bacteria, but it can also help to numb the area.
- The cold had numbed her fingers
- the numbing effect of the drug
- He was numbed by the shock of his wife’s death
n. a part of your body that is numb is unable to feel anything, for example because you are very cold
- My fingers were so numb I could hardly write
- The anaesthetic made his whole face go numb.
- numb with shock/fear/terror etc
- I just sat there, numb with fear
n. -giness
adj. dark, dirty, and in bad condition
- If your jewels are looking dingy, try soaking them in vodka
- a dingy room
- a dingy side-street

to rinse
to wash clothes, dishes, vegetables etc quickly with water, especially running water, and without soap
- …then rinsing them with water
- Let me just rinse my hands
- Don’t forget to rinse out your swimsuit
(rinse something off/out/away etc)
also. to put colour into your hair [= dye]
also. rinse your mouth: çalkala!
n. gem(mücevher) ,jewel, precious stone
- It’s safe for diamonds and other gemstones, too

to digest
1) hazmetmek, sindirmek
- This can cause gas and bloating in the estimated one in three people who has difficulty digesting fructose
- Their stomaches can’t digest other foods properly until this age
2) özümsemek: understand and assimilate information
- Evaluating and digesting the information.
- The computer digested your labors into a form understandable by a program.
n. öz: a comilation or summary of material or information
- a digest of their findings
v. to fill soft substance with gas, water; to cause to swell
digestive tract
sindirim sistemi
(tract: kanal, boru)
* But physical activity stimulates the muscles of your digestive tract, which helps move through your GI tract the food and air bubbles that make you feel bloated.
adj. (sutki) of relating to (recurring naturally) or showing rhytmic behaivour with a period of 24 hours esp. a biological process.
- the body’s circadian rhythm
- Changes in your circadian rhythm throw off the hormones that help food and waste move through your gut.
- n. [plural] things such as drinking, eating, or dancing that are done to celebrate a special occasion:
- If you’re looking for “America’s biggest birthday party,” then this is the place to be. The festivities start with…
- The festivities started with a procession through the town.
2 . [uncountable] a happy feeling that exists when people celebrate something:
- There was an air of festivity in the village.
to spill into
v. (of a number of people) to move out of somewhere quickly (+out of s.where)
- “About half a million people from the region spill into this community of 13,000 to experience the musically choreographed display.
- The students began to spill out of the building.
/spektikıl/ sth exhibited to view; usually sth presented to view as extraordinary, or unusual and worthy of special notice;
a reamarkable or noteworthy sight/show
- The spectacle is visible from anywhere in Addison.
to cradle
to be the place of origin of..
beşikliğini yapmak
- “A city that cradled the American Revolution and once threw wild tea parties hosts a party of a different kind today,”
n. beşik - The northeastern states cradled an American Industrial Revolution
n. the desire to know about something
- Margaret looked at him with curiosity.

şiddetli, kızgın
- a fierce witch had taken posession of the tower
n. goods that are being sold
ticari mallar
- travellers bringing food and merchandise.
- A range of official Disney merchandise was on sale.
v. to try to sell goods or services using methods such as advertising
to market
- If the product is properly merchandised, it should sell very well.

vahşi, barbar
- she opens the gate wide open to savage tribes from the north.
brave, manful
cesur, yürekli
- the sword was th valiant Watanabi’s.
to be a credit to
+ (so/sth)
+(one’s memory)
(also) do somebody/something credit to;
to behave so well or be so successful that your family, team etc are proud of you
layık olmak
- still we have the sword, i can fight, i can be a credit to my father’s memory.
- She’s a credit to her profession.
- Your children really do you credit.
to pay heed to something
to take heed of something:
to pay attention to something, especially something someone says, and seriously consider it
- So the witch paid little heed to Watanabi’s son.
- The government was taking little heed of these threats.
v. to pay attention to someone’s advice or warning.
* If she had only heeded my warnings, none of this would have happened.
n. glory
ışıltı, tantana, şaşa
- but the splendour of Watanabi’s sword blinded her.