Reactor Building Spray Flashcards
What capacity do both RB spray pumps provide for containment cooling? Iodine removal?
Both spray pumps provide 100% capacity for containment cooling and 200% iodine removal.
What accident analysis would result in the highest containment building pressure?
Hot leg rupture (worst case is a 5 sq ft rupture) -> Max pressure/temperature for this accident would be 54psig/284 degrees F
How many RB spray nozzles are there and what are they sized for?
96 nozzles designed to pass particles up to 0.375” which the RB sump suction strainer is also designed to pass.
What flow is RB spray throttled to during an ES condition and why is this performed? What is normal flow rate?
Throttled to 1050-1200 gpm to ensure adequate NPSH to DH pumps.
Normal flow ~ 1500 gpm.
What ES channels are associated with RB spray and NaOH and when are these actuated?
ES channels 7 - 10 actuate at 30 psig.
Channels 7/8 are for RB spray, 9/10 are NaOH
What is the definition of RB Intact as defined for operability per TS 3.6.1?
1) All 3 hatches closed and sealed
2) All non-automatic valves and blind flanges installed as required
3) All auto-isolation valves are operable or deactivated closed
4) RB total leakage < amount allowed by RCS leakrate acceptance criteria
What is the purpose of NaOH?
Iodine 131 absorption and raises pH which reduces corrosion and H2 formation.
What combinations of RB spray trains and RB cooling coils meet 100% containment cooling?
1) Both trains of RB spray
2) All 4 RB cooling coils
3) 1 spray and 2 cooling coils
What are the design limits for the containment building?
59 psig 286 degrees F
What are the TS requirements for the BWST
Boron: 2470 +/- 200 ppm
Level: 40.2 +/- 1.8 ft
Temp: 40-110 degrees F
What are TS requirements for NaOH tank?
Level: > 9000 gallons (28.5’)
Concentration: 6 - 8.5 wt%
What is maximum flow for RB spray pump when aligned to BWST? Hi Alarm?
1700 gpm - Alarm is the same
What will cause an autostart of DH room coolers and will when the standby room cooler start?
The lead cooler (A/C) will start on a RB spray or DH pump start. If lead cooler does not establish adequate flow the standby room cooler will start within 15 seconds.
What will initiate diverse containment isolation?
Low RCS pressure or High RB pressure (ES Channels 1 - 4)
How is NaOH injected into the containment building?
It is controlled through orifices
What will cause RB spray P-35 ES Failure alarm to come in?
Associated breaker open 55 seconds after associated ES channel actuation or RB spray flow < 1050 gpm 55 seconds after associated ES channel actuates
What degree do RB tendons anchor into buttresses?
Tendons run 240 degrees around the circumference anchoring into 2 of the 3 buttresses
What is the required RB pressure band per TS 3.6.4
-1 psig to 3 psig.
Modes 1 - 4 have 1 hr to restore within limits