Reactive and Neoplastic Myeloid Processes CC Flashcards
In order to make a diagnosis of acute leukemia, how many blasts (at a minimum) would you have to see in a peripheral blood (or bone marrow) smear?
What is the dominant cell on this slide?
In steptococcall tonsilitis, what is the dominant cell we expect to see?
What about in INfectious mono or whooping cough?
What about cutaneous larva migrans?
strep we expect to see neutrophils
In whooping cough or mono = lymphocytosis
cutaenous larva migrans = eosinophils
What test do we order to confirm strep?
for mono?
Throat culture for strep
monospot for mono
What do the following lab tests dx or confirm?
JAK2 mutational analysis
Cytogenetics for Philidelphia chromosome
Flow cytometry for TdT+ cells
JAK2 mutational analysis = neoplastic condidions
Cytogenetics for Philidelphia chromosome = CML
Flow cytometry for TdT+ cells= ALL
What is the significance of
“toxic change” in the peripheral blood
Indicates the presence of primary granules
What is the difference between primary and secondary granules?
Primary granules = purple and seein in BM or in mature neutrophils in reactive conditions
Secondary granules are more pink and are the mature form
When do we see Auer rods?
The patient is a 60-year-old lady with a past medical history significant for hypertension.
Her labs show these concerns:
WBC: 122,000 (normal 4-10,000)
Plates = 550,000 (nomral is 160-370,000)
Neutros = 86,000 (normal is 1,800 to 7,700)
Baso = 1,220 (normal is 0-80)
Negative for infection/medications/ last CBC with normal spleen and lymph nodes; what does this indicate?
Chronic myelogenous leukemia
We see hyper/hyocellular BM and
effective or ineffective hematopoesis in CML
. Hypercellular bone marrow
with effective hematopoiesis
What is the differnce between effective and ineffective hematopoiesis?
efficetive is if precursors are being made in the BM and being released to periphery~ you would see elevated counts, this does not mean cells released are mature
Ineffecitve is when the cells are not released to the periphery thus we will see cytopenias
Leukocytes positive for the
Philadelphia chromosome are often indicitive of
Chronic myelogenous leukemia; 9:22 translocation that leads to constituitively active JAK/STAT path
What is the functional defect that is associated with the product of the BCR-ABL
fusion gene?
A constitutively activated tyrosine kinase
Clonal myeloproliferative disorder of pluripotent
stem cells
•____ proliferation, _____apoptosis
Increased proliferation
decreased apoptosis
CML Hallmarks
– Cytogenetic:
– Molecular:
Boring statistics on CML
7% to 15% of adult leukemias
• Incidence 1.5/105; prevalence 5/105
• 2009 statistics: 5050 new patients, 470 deaths
• Etiology: Irradiation in <5%
Unknown in 95%
What are the three phases in CML?
Chronic phases = Ph+ and pts live 3-5 years
Accelerated Phase= cytogenetic changes w/ increasing blasts; live 12-24 mo
Blast phase = increase blasts; live 3-6 months