R.E | Theme F : Religious Freedom Flashcards
What are the 2 essential points of information for Religious Freedom?
- Christians and buddhists generally believe people should have freedom of religion (the right to practise whatever religion one chooses), including freedom of religious expression (the right to worship , preach and practise one’s faith in whatever way one chooses).
- these rights are protected by the UK government , and included in the Universal Declaration of human Rights.
What are the 6 key points about religious freedom in Britain today? (the 6th point is a quote)
- Christianity is the main religion
- but nobody is forced to be christian because the government protects the freedom of religious expression .
-this gives all the individuals the right to follow whichever faith they choose or none.
- laws forbid the persecution of members of faith.
- any person can encourage anybody else to follow their faith, provided they do not preach hatred and intolerance.
- “Everyone has the right to freedom of thought, conscience and religion ; this includes freedom to [… ] manifest his religion or belief in teaching, practise , worship and observance “ - Universal Declaration of Human Rights
What are 4 key points on Christian religious teaching on freedom of religion (3rd & 4th are a quote)?