r.e buddhism terminology Flashcards
- the Four Sights
Gautama’s four encounters with illness, old age, death and a holy man
- ascetic
A life free from worldly pleasures (especially sexual activity and consumption of alcohol), often with the aim of pursuing religious and spiritual goals.
- Buddha
Historically the Buddha - the enlightened one. 2. An awakened or enlightened person.
- Buddhahood
- The Four Noble Truths
Dukkha, Samudaya, Nirodha, Magga (suffering, the cause of suffering, the end of suffering, the path to the end of suffering).
- dukkha
Suffering; ill; everything leads to suffering; unsatisfactoriness. The 1st Noble truth
- samudaya (in brackets)
The causes of suffering (the Second Noble Truth).
- tanha
Craving / desire, which causes suffering. The attempt to grasp at the things we enjoy. (The third Noble Truth)
- magga (in brackets)
The Eightfold Path. ‘The Middle Way’ which leads to freedom from suffering (The Fourth Noble Truth)
- The Threefold Way
A term that refers to the three divisions of the Eightfold Path into wisdom, ethics and meditation
- wisdom
Insight into the true nature of reality. One of the six perfections and in Mahayana Buddhism, it is the realization of sunyata, the ‘emptiness’ of all phenomena Also the title of one of the 3 sections of the Eightfold Path. 1.Right Understanding is all about understanding the Buddha’s teachings and in particular the Four Noble Truths 2.Right Thought /Intention is about having the right approach and outlook to following the Eightfold Path; being determined to follow the Buddhist path with a sincere attitude
- panna (in brackets)
Wisdom. Insight into the true nature of reality. One of the six perfections and in Mahayana Buddhism, it is the realization of sunyata, the ‘emptiness’ of all phenomena Also the title of one of the 3 sections of the Eightfold Path. 1.Right Understanding is all about understanding the Buddha’s teachings and in particular the Four Noble Truths 2.Right Thought /Intention is about having the right approach and outlook to following the Eightfold Path; being determined to follow the Buddhist path with a sincere attitude
- Dhamma
Universal law; ultimate truth; the teachings of Buddha. Spelt in Sanskrit as dharma
- Dharma (in brackets)
The Sanskrit form of dhamma. Universal law; ultimate truth; the teachings of Buddha.
- dependent arising
Paticcasamupada. The belief that everything in existence is because other things are. The idea that everything is interconnected and that everyone affects everyone else
- sila (in brackets)
Ethics / moral conduct. Also the title of one of the 3 sections of the Eightfold Path. 3.Right Speech is speaking truthfully in a helpful, positive way; avoiding lying or gossiping about others 4. Right Action is behaving in a peaceful, ethical way, avoiding acts such as stealing, harming others, or overindulging in sensual pleasures 5. Right Livelihood is earning a living in a way that doesn’t harm others; for example not doing work that exploits people or harms animals
- ethics
Sila / moral conduct. Also the title of one of the 3 sections of the Eightfold Path. 3.Right Speech is speaking truthfully in a helpful, positive way; avoiding lying or gossiping about others 4. Right Action is behaving in a peaceful, ethical way, avoiding acts such as stealing, harming others, or overindulging in sensual pleasures 5. Right Livelihood is earning a living in a way that doesn’t harm others; for example not doing work that exploits people or harms animals
- paticcasamupada
The concept of dependent arising. The belief that everything in existence is because other things are. The idea that everything is interconnected and that everyone affects everyone else
- The Three Marks of Existence
Sometimes known as the Three Universal Truths: dukkha, anicca, anatta (unsatisfactoriness, impermanence, no self).
- annica
Impermanence, instability, not permanent. 1st mark of existence
- anatta
No fixed self, no soul; the Universal Truth that the soul is insubstantial; that people change in the course of their lives; denial of a real or permanent self.
- dukkha
suffering; ill; everything leads to suffering; unsatisfactoriness.
- The Five Aggregates
The five skandhas of form, sensation, perception, mental formation, consciousness. The idea that one’s being is composed of these five factors.
- skandhas (in brackets)
The Five Aggregates of form, sensation, perception,
mental formation, consciousness. The idea that a person consists of these five factors.
- form
The first of the Five Aggregates. It refers to matter, to the sense organs and the objects of their experience
- sensation
The second of the Five Aggregates. It is about the feelings that arise from our sense organs making contact with their objects
- perception
The third of the Five Aggregates. The ability to distinguish between different objects that we experience through our senses. It enables memory
- perception
The third of the Five Aggregates. The ability to distinguish between different objects that we experience through our senses. It enables memory
- mental formations
The fourth of the Five Aggregates. They refer to mental activities which direct a person to good, bad or morally neutral actions. They produce good or bad kamma
- consciousness
The fifth of the Five Aggregates. Awareness of something without or before recognition (perception)
- sunyata
Literally ‘emptiness’. In Mahayana Buddhism, it refers to the absence of an intrinsic nature (or identity) in all phenomena
- Bodhisattva
A concept in Mahayana Buddhism. A being destined for enlightenment, who postpones final attainment of Buddhahood in order to help living beings.
- Arhat
A perfected person. In Theravada Buddhism this is a term for a person who has attained nibbana
- Theravada
The kind of Buddhism found in Sri Lanka and Thailand. It came before Mahayana
- Mahayana
A form of Buddhism which includes both the lay and monastic communities. Literally “Greater Vehicle”, it focuses on achieving enlightenment for the sake of all beings. It is the Buddhism of China, Tibet and Japan.
- Pure Land
This is the dominant form of Buddhism in Japan and focuses on chanting the name of Amitabha Buddha
- The Three Poisons
Ignorance, greed and hate
- The Three Refuges
Buddha, Dhamma, Sangha.
- The Three Universal Truths
Dukkha, anicca, anatta (unsatisfactoriness, impermanence, no self). Also known as the Three Marks of Existence.
- Buddha- nature
In Mahayana Buddhism, this refers to the fundamental nature of all beings, which means that all beings can attain Buddhahood
- Jataka
The Jataka Tales are stories about the previous lives of the Buddha
- tranquility
A state of peace and calm
- nibbana
Literally ‘blowing’ out. To reach a state of perfect peace where the individual experiences liberation from the cycle of birth, death and rebirth
- Nirvana (in brackets)
The Sanskrit form of nibbana
- enlightenment
- The Buddha’s Life of Luxury
- The Eightfold Path