RE Revision Flashcards
Name two types of Jesus’ miracles.
Nature and Healing
In order for a miracle to happen what does Jesus say is needed?
What is the name of the young woman to whom Mary appeared in Lourded, France?
State one personal characteristic of the person answered in Q3
What was Jesus’ first ever miracle?
Miracle at Cena
Name one miracle that Jesus performed at sea
Calming of storm/ walking on water/
catching fish.
How many baskets of food were left over in the Feeding of the Five thousand?
Name one thing Jesus did on the Sabbath that was wrong according to the Jewish leaders
Allowing the disciples to eat corn / healing a man’s hand in the synagogue.
Who did Jesus raise from the dead
What is the Sabbath?
Jewish holy day (Friday sundown to Saturday sundown).
Why did Jesus wait before going to this person
He wanted to show that he is
God/Messiah/to bring glory to the Son of Man
At the healing of the paralysed man, how did the friends get the paralysed man into the
Lowered him through the roof
At the healing of the paralysed man, why were the Jewish leaders so angry with Jesus?
Because he claimed to forgive sins (only God could do this).
State one thing Jewish people expected to do on the sabbath?
Worship God
What does blasphemy mean?
Insulting God