Parables Test Flashcards
What is a parable?
A story with a deeper meaning
Write down two messages from the parable of the Good Samaritan.
Love your neighbour and racism is wrong
What is prejudice?
To pre-judge someone without knowing them
What is descrimination?
Treating someone differently because of thier race
What is antisemitism?
Hatred towards Jewish people
In the parable of ‘The Prodigal Son’, who does the father represent?
In the parable of ‘The lost son’ , who does the lost son represent?
What is the main message of ‘The lost son?
God is forever forgiving if you are truly sorry
Which Catholic Sacrament follows the outline of the parable of ‘The Lost Son’?
What is the ‘Kingdom of God’?
God’s rule authority
In the parable of the sower, the seed that falls on the path represents…
People who receive the message but don’t understand
What do we learn about
In the Parable of the Sheep and Goats, who do the Sheep represent?
The righteous – those
who have done the right thing.
Name two things the ‘Sheep’ did that were righteous.
IFed the hungry, gave drink to the thirsty, welcomed strangers, clothed the naked, visited
those who are sick, visited those in prison.
Name one group of people that Jesus might consider ‘the least’ of his ‘brothers’ – either
from today OR in Jesus’ tim
Women, people experiencing homelessness, people in
prison, people with disabilities
Which prayer did Jesus teach his disciples to say?
Our Father
Name two other instructions Jesus gave about prayer.
Ask and you will receive’/ ‘Do not use meaningless words’ / ‘When you pray, shut yourself
away’ / ‘When two or more are gathered in my name, I am there.’