RE Autumn Term Flashcards
What are the three Abrahamic religions?
Judaism, Christianity, Islam
What does monotheism mean?
The belief in one God
What is the Jewish Holy Book called?
What are the three parts of the Tanakh called?
Torah, Nevi’im, Ketuvim
What are the mitzvot?
613 Jewish laws/rules
What are literary forms?
Different styles of writing in the Bible
What is the Canon of Scripture?
The agreed list of books in the Catholic Bible
What is the Bible?
The Christian Holy Book
What are the different literary forms found in the Bible?
Law, History, Poetry, Prophecy, Gospels, Acts of the Apostles, Letters, Book of Revelation
What are the two main parts of the Bible?
Old and New Testament
What is a prophet?
Messenger of God
What is a covenant?
A promise between God and humanity
Why is Prophet Moses important?
God appeared to Moses through the Burning Bush, Moses freed the Israelites from slavery, Moses received the 10 Commandments
Why is Prophet David important?
David defeated Goliath with a slingshot. David became the King of Israel
Who built the Temple?
King Solomon
Why is the Temple important for Jewish people?
First place of worship for Jewish people. Jewish people believe God was present in the Temple
What is a Messiah?
The anointed one who will restore peace in the world
Why is Prophet Elijah important?
He challenged the prophets of Baal. He restored the belief in the one true God.
What is inspiration?
The belief that God guides humanity. God guided the authors of the Bible to write the truth
What is revelation?
God making himself known to humanity
What do Catholics believe about the Bible?
Inspired by God, contains spiritual truths. There are no mistakes. To be read according to its literary form. God reveals himself through the Bible
Why were the Lindisfarne Gospels special?
Illuminated manuscript, the Gospels beautifully decorated by Monks. Handmade and represents different cultures. Oldest surviving English Gospels in the UK
What is the Islamic Holy Book?
Why is the Qur’an important?
The recitation of the direct word of Allah (God). It was revealed to Prophet Muhammad.
How is the Qur’an treated by Muslims?
Muslims will learn the verses in the Qur’an by heart. The Qur’an will be kept on the highest shelf, and will always wash before using the Qur’an.
What is the Sikh Holy book called?
The Guru Granth Sahib
How is the Guru Granth Sahib treated by Sikhs?
The Holy book is treated like a living Guru, it is covered with beautiful cloths. It will be fanned. Sikhs will remove their shoes, cover their heads and bow towards the Guru Granth Sahib and it will be put to bed overnight.
Why are Holy Books important?
Teach about different faiths and religions. Word of God. To learn more about God.
What day is Christmas?
25th of December
Where was Jesus born?
Bethlehem in a manger
Why is Christmas important to Catholics?
Because we celebrate the birth of Christ God’s son
What celebration is on the 24th?
The vigil mass
What do we celebrate on the next Sunday after Christmas?
The celebration of the Holy Family [Jesus Mary and Joseph]
What are the colours of candles on the advent reath?
Pink, purple and white
How many weeks are there in advent?
4 with one candle lighting each week
Who do Catholics believe is the anointed one?
Jesus Christ
What is the incarnation?
God made flesh
How do Catholics read Genesis 1?
They read it as a poem and it is symbolic for how God created the world
What is scientism?
The belief that science is the best way to find out about the world
What is creationism?
The belief that the world was created exactly as it is written in Genesis 1 and 2
How would a literal Christian read Genesis 1?
They would read like that is exactly how God created the world
In Genesis 1, what did God make on the 1st day?
Day and Night
In Genesis 1, what did God make on the 2nd day
The seas and skies
In Genesis 1, what did God make on the 3rd day
Sun, Moon and the Stars
In Genesis 1, what did God make on the 4th day
In Genesis 1, what did God make on the 5th day?
Birds and fish
In Genesis 1, what did God make on the 6th day?
Humans and land animals
In Genesis 1, what did God do on the 7th day?
He rested
What did God make first in Genesis 2?
Adam [Man]
What did God make second in Genesis 2?
All the animals which man named
What did God make third in Genesis 2?
What was Adam made out of?
What was Eve made out of?
Adam’s rib
What is the word for looking after the Earth?