RE Autumn Term Flashcards
What are the three Abrahamic religions?
Judaism, Christianity, Islam
What does monotheism mean?
The belief in one God
What is the Jewish Holy Book called?
What are the three parts of the Tanakh called?
Torah, Nevi’im, Ketuvim
What are the mitzvot?
613 Jewish laws/rules
What are literary forms?
Different styles of writing in the Bible
What is the Canon of Scripture?
The agreed list of books in the Catholic Bible
What is the Bible?
The Christian Holy Book
What are the different literary forms found in the Bible?
Law, History, Poetry, Prophecy, Gospels, Acts of the Apostles, Letters, Book of Revelation
What are the two main parts of the Bible?
Old and New Testament
What is a prophet?
Messenger of God
What is a covenant?
A promise between God and humanity
Why is Prophet Moses important?
God appeared to Moses through the Burning Bush, Moses freed the Israelites from slavery, Moses received the 10 Commandments
Why is Prophet David important?
David defeated Goliath with a slingshot. David became the King of Israel
Who built the Temple?
King Solomon
Why is the Temple important for Jewish people?
First place of worship for Jewish people. Jewish people believe God was present in the Temple
What is a Messiah?
The anointed one who will restore peace in the world
Why is Prophet Elijah important?
He challenged the prophets of Baal. He restored the belief in the one true God.
What is inspiration?
The belief that God guides humanity. God guided the authors of the Bible to write the truth
What is revelation?
God making himself known to humanity
What do Catholics believe about the Bible?
Inspired by God, contains spiritual truths. There are no mistakes. To be read according to its literary form. God reveals himself through the Bible