RE Flashcards
what is Gehenna/Shoel
Soul is cleansed for up to 365 days, Really wicked souls cease
What is Olam Ha’ze
The present world
What is Olam Ha’be
The world to come
What is reincarnation
Chance in another life to fufill the 316 mitzvochs
Reform Jews summary on life after death
There is not much in the tenakh about life after death
Reform jews may get cremated
Focus on Tikum Olam
The quote from reform jew prayer book
“What can we know off Death? We who cannot understand life”
What do Orthodox strictly say about bodily ressurection
(body must be intact)
Orthdox jew qoute
“The dust of the Earth will return to those who bestowed it, some will go to everlasting life and some to shame and disgrace”
Orthodox Quote 2
“The spirit will return to those who bestowed it”
many who sleep in the dust of the earth will awake”
“Gods annoited one”
Messiah Quote
“They will bought their swords into ploughshares and their sticks into pruning hooks”
messiah summary
.bring world peace
Decendants of King Dvaid
“Gods Divine presence”
where was the shekinah felt
burning bush
the holy temple
pillar of fire and cloud
4 moral principles
Pikuach Nefesh
Tikum olam
Loving kindness
What Is Tikum Olam
doing things to help the community to bring messianic age closer
What is Justice and quotes
“Let Justice flow like a river”
“An eye for an Eye a Tooth for a tooth, a life for a life”
means following Gods laws and living in a way God instructed
What is Pikuach Nefesh
save Jews can break any mitsvoch to save life
Loving Kindess Quotes etc
“Love thy neighbour as thy self”
Jews should always show loving kidness
Gan Eden
Only really righteous souls go to gan eden “Paradise”