RCC - Renal Cell Carcinoma Flashcards
What are your differentials for a Renal Mass?
What are the 2 most common types of RCC. (There are 2 very rare ones as well)
Give the RFs for RCC
RCC has paraneoplastic effects. One of which is Stauffer’s syndrome. What is Stauffer’s syndrome?
What labs will confirm it?
Non-metastatic Hepatic dysfunction
Raised ESR
+ Hepatic dysfunction - (Bilirubin, PT, ALP,GGT)
RCC has paraneoplastic effects. List them all (4)
Most RCC are found incidentally on imaging. What symptoms would you like to elicit in a history?
You are performing a renal exam on a patient that has told you they have RCC. What are you looking for?
Give the staging for RCC
History, exam and preliminary investigations indicate that an RCC is likely and your consultant tells you a biopsy is not needed for this patient. When is a biopsy indicated and why did your consultant say that?
It is not typically done unless unknown diagnosis but the vast majority of renal masses are malignant.
The biopsy also has a high false -ve rate (like esophageal cancer)
What investigations would you order for a patient with suspected RCC? (full list)
Give the management plan for RCC as you would in a long case (no way to break it down, just gotta know it and say it as its shown)