RBC and anemia 0503 Flashcards
acanthocyte (spur cell)
liver disease
basophilic stippling
Lead poisoning
Anemia of Chronic Disease
“Love The Angry Crawfish of Drew”
bite cell
G6PD deficiency
hereditary elliptocytosis
megaloblastic anemia (w/ hypersegmented neutrophils) marrow failure
ringed sideroblasts
sideroblastic anemia
schistocyte (helmet cell)
microangiopathic anemia: TTP, HUS
traumatic hemolysis
sickle cell
sickle cell anemia
hereditary spherocytosis
autoimmune hemolysis
tear drop cell
bone marrow infiltration - MYELOFIBROSIS
target cell
HbC disease
Liver disease
“HALT, said the hunter to his target”
Heinz bodies
alpha thalassemia
G6PD deficiency
Heinz bodies pathogenesis
oxidation of iron from ferrous to ferric form leads to denatured Hb precipitation and damage to RBC membrane – leads to bite cells
Howell-Jolly bodies
functional hyposplenia
Howell-Jolly bodies pathogenesis
basophilic nuclear remnants found in RBCs (one obvious darker spot)
anemia presentation
signs of hypoxia: weakness, fatigue, dyspnea pale conjunctiva and skin* HA, lightheaded angina (esp w/ CAD)
cause of microcytic anemia
decreased production of Hb.
extra RBC division tries to maintain Hb conc.
- Fe deficiency anemia
- thalassemias
- lead poisoning
- sideroblastic anemia
where does Fe absorption occur?
allows Fe across enterocyte membrane into bld
binds and transports Fe in bld, deliver to storage sites
stores Fe in macrophages, liver, BM (prevent from free radical formation)
as ferritin decreases, what value increases?
TIBC - increased transferrin molecules in bld to find more Fe
presentation of Fe deficiency anemia
koilonychia (spoon nails)
causes of Fe deficiency anemia
(decreased heme synth)
chronic bleeding- GI loss, menorrhagia
increased demand (preg)
Plummer Vinson syndrome
- Fe deficiency anemia
- esophageal webs (dysphagia)
- atrophic glossitis (beefy red tongue)
cause of alpha thal
alpha globin gene deletion
= decreased synth of alpha globin
(4 genes present at chromo 16)
alpha thal population
alpha thal 4 gene deletion
Hb Barts (gamma-4).
hydrops fetalis.
fatal in utero.
alpha thal 3 gene deletion
HbH disease (beta-4). tetramers damage RBCs.
alpha thal 1 or 2 gene deletion
no significant anemia
cause of beta thal
POINT mutation in splice sites and promoter regions of beta globin gene
= decreased synth of beta globin
beta thal population
beta thal minor
beta chain is UNDERPRODUCED.
mildest form.
usually asymptomatic.
beta thal minor DX
electrophoresis: increased HbA2 > 3.5% (alpha-2, delta-2). increased HbF (alpha-2, gamma-2). decreased HbA1 (alpha-2, beta-2).
beta thal major
beta chain is ABSENT.
beta thal major SX
severe anemia requiring TRANSFUSION (secondary hemochromatosis).
marrow expansion (erythroid hyperplasia). skel deformities.
crew cut on skull XR.
chipmunk facies.
beta thal major DX
electrophoresis: little or no HbA1 (alpha-2, beta-2). increased HbF (alpha-2, gamma-2).
HbS/beta thal heterozygote
mild to moderate sickle cell dz depending on amt of beta globin production
enzymes inhibited by lead
ALA dehydratase
lead poisoning
lead inhibits enzymes leading to decreased heme synth.
also inhibits RNA degradation.
SX of lead poisoning
Lead lines on gingiva (Burton’s lines) and on epiphyses of long bones on XR
Encephalopathy and Erythrocyte basophilic stippling
Abdominal colic and sideroblastic Anemia
Drops - wrist and foot
what is basophilic stippling?
aggregation of ribosomes in RBC
TX of lead poisoning
1st line: Dimercaprol and EDTA
for kids: succimer
sideroblastic anemia
defective protoporphyrin synth
= defective heme synth
*reminder: heme = proto + iron
ringed sideroblasts
erythroid precursor with IRON-laden mitochondria around nucleus
*heme is formed in mito. lack of proto leads to iron being trapped in mito.
hereditary sideroblastic anemia
X-linked defect in ALA synthase