Mixed review 0502Q Flashcards
anterior surface of heart is mostly which chamber?
injury at left sternal border in 4th intercostal space would affect….?
[nipple level]
- skin, subcutis
- pec major
- external intercostal memb
- internal intercostal memb
- internal thoracic artery and veins
- transversus thoracis m.
- parietal pleura
- pericardium
- RV myocardium
posterior surface of heart is mostly which chamber?
lateral surface of heart is mostly which chamber?
NE effect in heart
stimulate beta 1 receptors to increase cAMP conc within myocytes
*little effect at beta 2 receptors
dilated CM physiology
- ventricular dilation
- LV systolic dysfunction - decreased vent contractility
*may have sx of CHF
common cause of LV diastolic dysfunction
[impaired filling due to reduced LV compliance]
chronic HTN (hypertensive heart disease). concentric LVH with decrease in chamber size.
also seen with restrictive CM
hypertrophic CM physiology
asymm. septal hypertrophy and dynamic ventricular outflow tract obstruction
what does integrin bind in order for cell adhesion?
fibronectin, collagen, laminin - allow binding to BM and ECM
lipoprotein lipase action
hydrolyze dietary lipids in chylomicrons to release triglycerides
hyperlipidemia type 1
lipoprotein lipase deficiency - increased conc of serum chylomicrons.
hyperlipidemia type 1 SX
(lipoprotein lipase deficiency)
- childhood hyperlipidemia
- pancreatitis, abd pain
- lipemia retinalis
- skin xanthomas
- hepatosplenomegaly
what serum TG conc significantly increases risk of pancreatitis
> 1000 mg/dL
what role does heparin play in lipoprotein lipase activity?
heparin releases endo-bound lipases to encourage clearance of TG from circ
LDL clearance from circ occurs by…?
receptor-mediated uptake by liver
defect in LDL receptor
hypercholesterolemia (high LDL)
hypercholesterolemia SX
(defect in LDL receptor)
- accelerated CAD, chest pain
- tubular (tendon) xanthomas
- maybe xanthelasmas and arcus cornea
what is the hallmark of familial hypercholesterolemia?
tubular (tendon) xanthomas
tubular (tendon) xanthomas
nodular lipid deposits in tendons - Achilles, elbow
enterococcal endocarditis
in elderly men who have undergone GI or GU manipulation (cystoscopy, colonoscopy)
enterococci: Gm pos, gamma hemolytic, cultured in hypertonic saline and bile
adverse effects of direct arteriolar vasodilators
[hydralazine, minoxidil]
reflex symp activation leading to tachycardia and edema (via renin)
how to counteract adverse effects of direct arteriolar vasodilators
coadmin with sympatholytics and diuretics
what layer of heart does SLE affect?
PERICARDITIS - pleuritic chest pain that radiates to neck and shoulders, relieved by sitting up. FRICTION RUB
serosal inflammation
what increases pleuritic chest pain with SLE pericarditis?
Libman Sacks endocarditis presentation
heart murmur but otherwise asymptomatic
anticoagulant for pregnant women
heparin (warfarin is teratogenic)
DVT presentation
unilateral leg pain, swelling, warmth.
HOMAN’S SIGN: tenderness of calf muscle on dorsiflexion of foot
DIC is a common complication of….?
- Gm neg bacterial sepsis
- acute pancreatitis
- burn injury
mech of DIC in Gm neg sepsis
activation of coag cascade by bact endotoxins - microthrombi cause microangiopathic hemolytic anemia and thrombocytopenia
DIC labs
increase PT
increase PTT
decrease fibrinogen, V, VIII
what does bleeding from venous puncture sites suggest?