RBC 2: acquired anaemia Flashcards
What is anaemia?
- Hb below normal for age and sex
What is included in the normal range for blood Hg?
- Subjects without disease
- Normal distribution
- Mean +/- 2 standard deviations
- Excludes 5% of “normals”
Which factors influence the ‘normal range’?
- Haem varies with age
- Sex: men have higher haem
- Ethnic origin: can effect the mean cell volume
- Time of day sample taken
- Time to analysis
What are the normal references for Hg?
- Male 12-70 (140-180)
- Male >70 (116-156)
- Female 12-70 (120-160)
- Female >70 (108-143)
What are the general features (of anaemia) due to reduced oxygen delivery to tissues?
- Tiredness/pallor
- Breathlessness
- Swelling of ankles
- Dizziness
- Chest pain
- (Depend on age and Hb level)
What are the anaemia features relating to underlying cause?
- Evidence of bleeding
- Menorrhagia
- Dyspepsia, PR bleeding
- Symptoms of malabsorption
- Diarrhoea
- Weight loss
- Jaundice
- Splenomegaly/Lymphadenopathy - may be chronic/acute
What are the anaemia pathophysiologies?
Issues with: Bone marrow, Red cells, Destruction loss
What are red cell indices and what can they show us?
- Automated measure of red cell size and haemoglobin content
- MCV = Mean cell volume (cell size)
MCH = Mean cell haemoglobin
How can anaemia be morphologically described?
- Hypochromic microcytic (small and pale red cells)
- Normochromic normocytic (normal red cells)
- Macrocytic (big flabby red cells)
What does this FBC show?
- Initial tests show hypochromic microcytic
What can haem lab provide for the clinician?
will advise on further appropriate investigations
If hypochromic microcytic what lab tests do we order next?
If Normochromic Normocytic what labs next?
If macrocytic what labs order next?
Serum ferritin
Reticulocyte count [tells us if marrow is functioning correctly - may be sickle cell]
B12/folate, Bone marrow [BM prob may be myelodysplasia]
hypochromic microcytic
What causes low serum ferritin?
What causes normal/increased ferritin?
Low: iron deficiency
Normal/high: Thalassaemia, Secondary Anaemia
How much total body iron?
How is balance maintained?
How is iron recycled?
Where is iron predominantly stored?
Dietary intake balanced by loss
Recycled through breakdown of haem
Predominantly stored in liver
In which form is iron most readily absorbed?
Haem iron is easily absorbed (meat), so more difficult for veggies/vegans
How do we get rid of iron?
Absorbed iron - bound to mucosal ferritin and sloughed off. Transported across the basement membrane by protein ferroportin, then bound to transferrin protein in plasma