Ravven Chapters Flashcards
Ravven Ch 1
Searching for Ethics: How do people become good and bad?; intro thesis (soc systems more important to morality than individ blame); character education; failures of Kantian categorical imperatives
Ravven Ch 2
Moral Lessons of the Holocaust About Good & Evil, Perpetrators, and Rescuers; SPE; nazi doctors & men of Reserve Police Battalion 101; social systems and deference to authority
Ravven Ch 3
The Overwhelming Power of the Group and the Situation; Milgram; Obedience (Sabini and SIlver); Asch obedience experiments; more SPE; groupthink
Ravven Ch 4
What Happened to Ethics: The Augustinian Legacy of Free Will; Augustine (divine will over wisdom; no rationality to understand God); Aquinas; Descartes
Ravven Ch 5
Another Modernity: The Moral Naturalism of Maimonides and Spinoza; Aristotle -> Al Farabi -> Maimonides -> Spinoza
Ravven Ch 6
Brain Sciences are Exploring How and Why We Are (and Are Not) Ethical; beginning of psychology discussion pivot; naturalization of ethics; evolution; ‘muddying the waters’ (heuristics, framing, unconscious factors, cultural relativism, moral responsibility w/o FW)
Ravven Ch 7
Beginning Again: Blessing and Curse of Neuroplasticity: Interpretation (Almost) All the Way Down; why don’t humans act morally?; animal empathy; neuroplasticity; anti-brain modules
Ravven Ch 8
The Self in Itself: What We Can Learn from the New Brain Sciences about our sense of self, self protection, and self furthering; selfiness; cordelia fine; cognitive dissonance; reason is emotional; unconscious factors;
Ravven Ch 9
The Self Beyond Itself - The “We that is I” and the “I That is We”; social self is distributed everywhere; Mirror neurons; systems theory/complex open systems/complex adaptive systems
Ravven Ch 10
What is Ethics? How Does Moral Agency Work?; Spinozist ethics; the self beyond itself; systems theory of moral transformation; freedom from bias; moral responsibility without FW