Rate of transpiration Flashcards
What are the 2 types of factors effecting rate of transpiration?
Plant physiology and environmental
What are plant physiology factors?
Number, size and position of stomata, number of leaves and presence of cuticle
What are environmental factors?
Air movement/wind speed, relative humidity, temperature, light, soil water availability and carbon dioxide levels
What is light used for?
As an energy store for photosynthesis
How does light affect stomata?
Stomata open in light for gas exchange to get carbon dioxide in and oxygen out
What is te effect of increase is light intensity?
More stomata open
What is the effect of rate of transpiration with increased light intensity?
Diffusion of water vapour out increases so rate of transpiration increases
How is light intensity drawn?
It plateaus at a certain point as maximum rate of photosynthesis is reached
What is relative humidity?
Total amount of water vapour in the air of possible max water vapour air can hold
What is the effect of increased relative humidity?
More water vapour molecules therefore remain in air spaces inside the leaf
How does increased humidity affect rate of transpiration?
Transpiration rate decreases
What is the effect of increased temperature?
Increases kinetic energy so they infuse out more quickly
What is the effect of increased kinetic energy?
Increases rate of evaporation of after vapour molecules from spongy mesophyll cells into air spaces as the temperature increases, energy provided to break hydrogen bonds
What is the effect of temperature on relative humidity?
Temperature increases which increases max saturation of the air with water vapour molecules
What is still air?
Leaf/stomata has a layer of still air trapped by shape/hairs