Raster data Flashcards
What are the 5 conceptual steps to creating a raster file?
- Choose grid resolution (1/2 the length and 1/4 the area of the smallest feature to map)
- set data type (integer/real)
- overlay grid over study area
- assign attribute code to each grid cell
- repeat process for each map layer
What are the 5 ways we can input raster data into a GIS?
- Manual raster coding
- Raster scanning (aerial photos/ hard copy maps)
- Existing digital raster data
- Remote sensing imagery
- Vector to raster conversion
What are the steps of vector to raster conversion?
- Code polygons
- Overlay grid cells on top of polygons
- assign attribute code to each polygon
How do we convert raster to vector?
- Boundaries are set up between different attribute classes
- A polygon is created by storing x and y coordinates for the points adjacent to the boundaries
In terms of cell values, grid cell representation is often used for _ data and _ data
- Categorical (nominal or ordinal)
- quantitative (interval or ratio)
You can code data as
- Integers
- Real values (decimals)
- Alphabetic values
What are the 4 methods of encoding?
- Presence/absence (if a single feature even touches the cell, the cell is that attribute); for polygons, the polygon which covers the highest # of cells is recorded
- Centroid of cell: something’s only recorded when it touches the centre of the cell (only good for areal data/ continuously variable quantities like elevation)
- Dominant type: encodes the presence of something if it takes up more than 50% of cell (most common method)
- percent occurrence
what can raster data represent?
- Visual images
- discrete value
- continuous value
- null data
What are methods for organizing multiple raster layers?
- Band interleaved by line (BIL)
- Band interleaved by pixel (BIP)
- Band sequential (BSQ)
Explain BSQ
- stores each characteristic in separate file
- good for compression
- bad if focus on 1 area
Explain BIP
- all values for a pixel grouped together
- good for focusing on multi-area characteristics
- bad if want to remove or add a layer
T or F, it’s impossible to convert between BIP, BIL, and BSQ.
What are the 4 data compression methods?
- Run length encoding
- Chain encoding
- Block encoding
- Quadtrees
What is the limitation that run length encoding has?
-File is read left to right, one row at a time
How does chain encoding work?
- Scans rows and columns to define 2D regions with same cell values
- starting point (origin) and direction to follow around the boundary