Midterm review- what is GIS? Flashcards
What is a GIS? GI science?
GIS is a specialized softwares to analyse spatial data. It solves complex problems from many disciplines by analysing spatial features. GI science is the science behind the technology, understanding the conceptual frameworks
Explain why GIScience shouldnt be a distinct discipline.
Because GIS is useful for people from almost every discipline, so it’s not just an area of study but a tool to many means.
Give a brief outline of the history of GIS:
1854-John Snow
1962- Roger Tomlinson and Canada GIS
1964-Howard Fisher of Harvard Grad School of Design
US. Census bureau used GIS to develop street network databases, with DIME and TIGER files.
1988-ESRI commercial vendor
What is GISystems,
GIScience, and GIStudies?
GISystems: technology for the acquisition and management o spatial info
GIScience: science behind the tech
GIStudies: understanding the social, legal, and ethical issues associalted with GIS
Components of a GIS:
“collecion of__, _, _data, _, and _designed to efficiently _, _, _, _, _, and _ all forms of geographically referenced info
hardware, software, geographic, personnel. capture, store, update, manupulate, analyse, and display
List the 5 distinguishing features of GIS
- use of spatially referenced data
- graphical and attribute data input and editing
- selective spatial and attribute query
- speciailized spatial analysis tools
- map and report generation.
what 5 kinds of questions can GIS answer?
location, condition, trends, patterns, and modelling
Who was the 1st person to have done spatial overlay and when?
1969 Design with nature, Ian McHarg
name the 3 stages of GIS evolution
- 1960-80: formative years, mainly for military, universities, and land management
- 80-mid 90s: maturing technology, more geo-relational databases, more use for business and utilities,
- mid 90s-now: GI infrastructure, used by general public
Name the 3 major areas of practical application and provide an example for each.
- Mature technologies. i.e. remote sensing
- management and decision making. i.e. facilities management
- science and research activities