Randomized Basic 2 Flashcards
agra- (n.)
foremost part: ‘front, top, tip, peak etc.’
agrataḥ (ind)
‘in front’; (+ Gen) ‘in front of, before’
añjali- (m.)
cupped hands as a sign of greeting or respect
√āp, pra-√āp (V (pr)āpnoti)
‘get, reach, obtain’
ābharaṇa- (n.)
‘ornament, decoration’
āśrama- (m.)
‘hermitage; the four stages of a brahmin’s life’
iha (ind)
‘here, in this world’
uttama- (pron adj)
‘up-most’: ‘highest, most; best’
eka- (pron)
‘one; sole; alone’
ogha- (m.)
‘flood/stream of water’
kṣaṇa- (n.)
cetas- (n.)
‘thought; mind’
tadā (ind)
tala- (n.)
‘surface, level; surface at the foot of (tree, mountain etc)’
√tyaj (I tyajati)
‘leave, abandon’
tri- (num)
dīrgha- (adj)
‘long, tall’
duḥkhita- (adj)
dūta- (m.)
deśa- (m.)
‘land, country’
druma- (m.)
dhanus- (n.)
‘bow’ (the weapon)
vi-√dhā (III vidadhāti)
‘perform, do, arrange’
abhi-√dhā (III abhidadhāti)
‘utter, say’
na (ind)
nu, nūnam (ind)
‘now, at present; certainly’
vi-ā-pad (X vyāpādayati)
bāhu- (m.)
bhartṛ- (m.)
mūrdhan- (m.)
mūla- (n.)
yadi (ind)
relative pronoun: ‘what, which, that’
√ram (I ramati/-te)
‘delight, make happy’
ramya- (adj)
‘pleasant, beautiful’
ripu- (m.)
√vac (II vakti)
‘speak’ (ukta-)
vā (ind)
‘or’ (postposed)
-vid- (adj, ifc)
vīra- (m.)
√vṛ (V vṛnoti, vṛṇute)
‘cover: conceal, obstruct’
vega- (m.)
‘stream, flood’
√śī (II śete)
‘lie, lie down’
vi-√sad (irreg viṣīdati)
‘despair, be sad’ (viṣaṇṇa-)
sarvathā (ind)
‘in every way; altogether, entirely’
sahasā (ind)
sura- (m.)
‘god, deity’
ud-√sthā (irreg uttiṣṭhati)
‘stand/get up’
sma (ind)
makes preceding verb past tense
√smṛ (I smarati)