Randomized Basic 1 Flashcards
api (ind)
(1) (postposed) ‘even, also’
(2) (at beg. of sentence) marks yes/no question
asura- (m.)
‘asura, demon’
asau/adas- (pron)
‘he/she/it; this, that’
astra- (n.)
‘(throwable) weapon’
āyudha- (n.)
itaḥ (ind)
īkṣaṇa- (n.)
‘eye; look, view’
kapi- (m.)
khalu (ind)
gati- (f.)
‘gait; walk, path’
cit (ind)
turns preceding interrogative into indefinite
√chid (VII chinatti)
‘cut, destroy, break’
√tap (IV tapyate)
‘be hot; suffer, practice religious austerities’
tejas- (n.)
‘brilliance, brightness; blaze, heat’
devatā- (f.)
nagara- (n.), nagarī- (f.)
‘city, town’
nadī- (f.)
nāga- (m.)
pada- (n.)
‘footstep; trace; vestige’
padma- (m./n.)
prāṇa- (m.)
‘breath; life’s breath, life’
bala- (n.)
‘strength; force, army’
√brū (II bravīti, brūte)
‘speak, say’
bhuja- (m.)
‘hand, arm; trunk (of an elephant); branch (of a tree)’
(adj) ‘sweet’;
(n. ) ‘honey, nectar, any sweet liquid;
liquor, any intoxicating drink’
mantrin- (m.)
‘counselor, minister’
mahant- (adj)
‘big, great’
(mahā- at beginning of compounds)
mātṛ- (f.)
mukhya- (adj)
‘main, chief’
yāvat (ind)
‘as great/large/much/many; as soon as; until’
yuddha- (n.)
yojana- (n.)
‘yojana, league’
(distance of between 7 and 15 miles)
rasa- (m.)
‘sap, liquid, juice; pollen;
taste, flavor, incl. literary/artistic flavor’
√lap (I lapati)
‘wail, lament’
√vand (I vandati, -te)
‘praise, honor, do homage’
varṣa- (m.)
‘rain’; the rains, rainy season; the seasons, year’
śakti- (f.)
‘power, ability’
śārdūla- (m.)
saṃkāśa- (ifc)
‘having the appearance of, looking like’
saṃnibha- (adj, ifc)
‘like, similar, resembling’
√sad (irreg sīdati)
‘sit, sit down’
sama- (pron)
‘like, same as’
sarvataḥ (ind)
‘from all sides; in every direction; everywhere’
sādhu- (adj)
siṃha- (m.)
su- (pref)
‘good; much, very’
su-hṛd- (m.)
-stha- (adj, ifc)
‘standing/being (in a place)’
sthāna- (n.)
‘place; state’
√hṛ (I harati)
‘take, seize’