Random recalls Flashcards
Post potent inhaled anesthetic
first maneuver to be performed in shoulder dystocia
McRoberts manoeuvre.
Prehn’s sign is suggestive of
A positive Prehn’s sign is used to differentiate epididymis from testicular torsion. A Prehn’s sign is said to be positive when the ain gets relieved on lifting the testis. If it persists, it is likel to be testicular torsion.
Initial investigation for Wilson disease
Serum ceruloplasmoin
Holman Miller sign is suggestive of the diagnosis of
nasopharyngeal angiofibroma.
“strings of beads appearance” on CT angiography which is characteristic of
Fibromuscular dysplasia
Investigation of choice for acute pancreatitis is
Treatment for Drug induced Parkinsonism
Vasopressin has maximum effect on which part of the renal tubule?
Collecting duct
Fatality due to Hepatitis E is highest in
Pregnant women
Iron absorption takes place in the proximal small intestine under
Acidic conditions
The most appropriate management for a patient with a gunshot wound to the anterior abdominal wall with a
breach of the peritoneum is
Isotope used for external beam radiotherapy
What is Piebaldism
Autosomal dominant benign condition, it has mutations in c-KIT.
Well-defined irregular hypopigmented macules with an absence of melnocytes.
Small spots of hyperpigmentation are also seen within hypopigmented patches or on normal skin.
It is onen associated with a V-shaped leucoderma on mid-forehead.
Both sexes are equally affected.
* Piebaldism can be distinguished from vitiligo because of the neonatal presence of white patches.
Epidermal cell or skin grafting is the treatment.
ASA classification is used to
quantify patient risk for anesthesia and not difficult airway
Dutcher bodies are seen in
Multiple myeloma
Best investigation for pulmonary embolism
CT angiography, But VQ scan in pregnant female
symptoms of diarrhea, hair loss and failure to thrive, perianal rash in infant
Acrodermatitis enteropathica which is due to the deficiency of zinc.