Medicine Flashcards
A combination of involuntary hand movements and
cognitive issues points to
Huntington chorea.
Which wave is absent in Cardiac tamponade
Y descent
motor aphasia is seen in which lesion
Broca’s lesion
not making sense but can speak fluently
Fluent aphasia
in scissoring gait, which nerve is affected
Obturator nerve, from the lesion to upper MN
What wave is seen in Wolff- Parkinson-white syndrome
Broad QRS
Dry eyes and dry mouth indicates to which syndrome
Sjrogen Syndrome
Cell of rigin for multiple myeloma
Plasma cell
Disease presents with lytic lesions, increased gamma immunoglubulins , Abnormal KFT
Marker for medullary thyroid cancer
Smoky urine and dysmorphic RBC
Acute Glomerulonephritis
Duke’s criteria is used for
Infective endocarditis
Thalamic Dejerine Roussy syndrome occurs due to
ischemic stroke damaging the thalamus hence gives a feeling of burning on the contralateral side of the body
Epitaxis, Cola colored urine, granulomatous lesions in the lungs
Wegners granulomatosis; cANCA is tested
Normal pT with abnormal pTT and bleeding time with no easy bruising
vWF disease
Intermittent proptosis from coughing or valsalva
Orbital varices
adrenaline dosage IM for anaphylaxis
Injection adrenaline 1M 1:1000 dilution, repeat again if no response, till patient reaches hospital
Giant v wave is seen in in
Tricuspid regurgitation
pulses paradoxes and kussmal sign with no mumur
Constrictive pericarditis
Pulsus Paradoxus with non pulsatile elevated JVP
cardiac tamponade
Pneumonia with negative gram stain and hyponatremia
Atypical Pneumonia from Legionella
Post URTI infection , periorbital edema and Anti-DNAase antibody present with RBC in urine
difficulty standing up with Heliotrope rash
treatment for HIV patient with ccryptococcal meningitis
Liposomal Amphotericin-B
Necrolytic migratory erythrema with hyperglycemia and depression
occupational lung disease with ground glass appearance
knee pain with negatively bifringent crystals on polarized microscopy
negative skin tuberculin test and normal CXR in elderly means
Cryptic milliary TB
hemoptysis, hematuria and Anti GBM bodies
Goodpasture syndrome
Worst headache ever + Nuchal rigidity
Subarachnoid hemorrhage ( SAH)
gaisbock syndrome
volume depletion from diuretics causing relative increase in RBC
Female on OCP with headache, papilledema and increased ICP
Pseudotumor cerebri
Ptosis with diurnal variation of symptoms and relief with acetylcholinesterase inhibitors are features of
Myasthenia Gravis
preferred managment of Acromegaly
long acting octreotide called Lanreotide depot formulation
imaging used to locate parathyroid tumor
Tc 99 sestamibi scan
arteritis of the subclavian
Takayasu Arteritis
jaundice after unexplained physical stress or drug intake
Gilbert syndrome ( autosommal recessive ) UG1A1 gene mutation
Treatment for criggler najjar syndrome
Plasmapheresis for Type 1
Phenobarital for type 2
Transplant is curative for Type 1
safer CD4 count for patient with HIV
300 cells/mm3
lung infection with CD4 count below 5 indicated with organism
Mycobacterium Avium-intracellulare
high volume pulse and diastolic murmur
Aortic insufficiency
chest pain at rest with pericardial friction rub
Fever+ splenomegaly+ roth spots
Infective endocarditis
most common site of brain hemorrhage
Distant heart sounds with engorged neck veins points to
Cardiac tamponade
management of ventricular fibrillation
2 minutes of cpr at 100-120 beats per min.
Persistent chest pain with ST elevation >60 minutes after thrombolysis, what is the management
rescue PCI
right sided heart failure due to pulmonary hypertension is called
Waterhammer pulse is seen in what deficiency
Vitamin b1 (beri-beri)
Wide fixed s2 is seen in
Narrow split S2 is seen in
absent y descent with prominent x wave indicates
Cardiac tamponade
Mconnels sign is seen in
Pulmonary embolism
Cavitation at the upper lobe with no fever
SCC lung
bulbar palsy results from
lesion to the LMN of cranial nerves, pseodobulbar palsy is upper MN
Primary sign in corticobulbar palsy
Spastic Tongue ( no protrusion )
Normal CSF sugar value
66 % of blood sugar
IOC for cerebral edema
plasma hydroxy butyrate levels
pneumonia with hyponatremia is caused by which organism
Components of child pugh score
Encephalopathy, ascites, albumin, Bilirubin and PT
par acinar emphysema and cirrhosis
Alpha 1 antitrypsin defieciency
Screening for M.Myeloma
Tx for M.Myeloma
lenalidomide + Dexamethasone
Hematuria Protinuria hypertension edema
hemoptysis with hematuria
good pasture syndrome
proximal muscle weakness with skin involvement
- HIV positive patient presents with cryptococcal
meningitis. Treatment is?
LAMB + Flucystosine
DOC for invasive aspergillosis
Testing for insulinoma
C-peptide and blood sugar
IOC for pancreatic endocrine tumor
IOC for crohn’s
CT enteroscopy
Knee pain with negatively bi fringed crystals
Sign of chronic gout
Mass effect and posturing is found in patient , whats the medication ?
Tennis ball appearance in CT chest
Aortic Dissection
Ocular signs of M. Gravis
Ptosis and Diplopia
Causes of pseudotumor cerebri
OCP, Vit a Toxicity, sudden Steroid Stoppage
a headache that occurs on the side of the head, above the ears
temporal headache
IOC for M Gravis
Single fiber Electro myography
TOC for M. Gravis
Confirmatory test for M Gravis
Tensilon Test
Antibodies present in M Gravis
Anti ACH receptor antibody
Anti- Musk
Anti- LipoProtein Receptor - 4
Antibody of Lambert Eaton syndrome
Anti PIQ antibody
Difference of Lambert Eaton from M. Gravis is
Weakness starts at the shoulders in LE than the eyes in M.GRavis
DOC of Lambert Eaton
3,4 Aminopyridines
Preferred managment of Acromegaly is
Lanreotide Depot formulation
X-hands showing Brown tumor is indicative of
IOC for parathyroid adenoma
Tc 99 Sestamibi Scan
Fiest line management of Hypercalcemia crisis
Normal saline
DOC for hypercalcemia crisis
Headache, Hypertension with Claudication of the ARM
Takayasu Arteritis; mostly in the left subclavian artery
Commonest hyperbilirubinemia ( unconjugated
Gilbert Syndrome ; (-) UDP gluconyl transferase
Dubin johnson - Unconjugated Hyperbilirubinemia
Criggler Najjar- Neonatal with Kernicterus
TOC for Massive haemoptysis
Brochial artery embolization
Pleural plaque calcification with bloody pleural effusion is caused by
MC cancer in Asbestos Exposure
Adenocarcinoma; Mesothelioma
ECG Findings of Pericarditis
St elevation in all leads
Ecg findings in inferior wall myocardial infarction
st elevation in one ii and a V F
Example for steroid responsive hypercalcemia
Lung cancer that causes hypercalcemia
Squamous cell carcinoma; PTH- related peptide
DOC for bleeding varices
IV octreotide
DOC for spontaneous bacterial peritonitis
IV ceftriaxone
DOC for hepatorenal syndrome
IV albumin plus midodrine
TOC for refractory peritonitis
Large volume Paracentesis
DOC for life threatening hyperkalaemia
10% calcium gluconate , but to lower K+ is insulin
Test for carcinoid tumor
Urinary 5HIAA
DOC for HTN in pheochromocytoma
DOC for Absence seizures
Sodium Valproate
MC type of seixure in kids
Febrile seizure
MC seizure in Neurocysticercosis is
Focal seizures
MC seizure in neonates
Subtle seizures
upper pharyngeal web with dysphagia, anemia, Koilonychia
Patterson kelly syndrome
t (9:12) is a presentation of
confirmatory test for CML
Screening test for IDA
Serum transferrin
Confirmatory test for IDA
Serum ferritin
Anaemia of chromic disease
Normocytic normochromic anaemia
Investigational choice for Alpha Thalassemia
Which haemoglobin Causes the severity of sickle cell anaemia
Absense of HbA and presence of HbS
Screening test for Beta Thalassemia
Investigation of choice for beta thalassemia
Chromosomes affected in Thalassemia
Alpha- Ch16
Beta- Ch11
Prothrombine time is indicated by what factors
Extrinsic factors - 5,7
aPTT is indicated by what factors
intrinsic - 8
Bleeding time is an indication of
Platelet plug formation
in Von Willebrand disease what factors are affected
Platelet plug or bleeding time
Intrinsic factor 8 or aPTT
Normal PT
IOC for vWD
Ristocein aggregation test
Severity of mitral stenosis is determined by:
Diastolic murmur duration
DOC for A Fib
MC arrythmia
A Fib
Preferred biochemical marker(s) in patients presenting
with myocardial infarction:
Trop I and T as early as 3 hrs
osbourne waves are seen in which condition
Reasons for ST elevation
Ventricular aneurysm
Osbourne waves
Non-exclusive vasospasm
IOC for Dysphagia Lusoria
CTA- Aberrant left subclavian artery
Pseudo Achalasia is caused by
Ca Stomach
Punched out lesions in the esophagus
Herpes simplex
Serpiginous ulcers in the esophagus
CMV esophagitis
Serpiginous ulcers in the ileum
Crohn’s disease
causes of High Anion Gap metabolic acidosis
Lactic acidosis
causes of Normal Anion Gap metabolic acidosis
Gait instability and ripples in the quadriceps muscle while standing is
Orthostatic tumor
The finding of enlarged calf muscles and atrophied thigh muscles with a history of muscle
weakness are suggestive of
Duchenne muscular dystrophy (DMD).
Best treatment for acute mania and biploar disorder long term
Absolute contradiction for Sildenafil
Murmur of mitral stenosis
Mid-Diastolic Murmur
Dislocation of the radiocarpal joint is the hallmark of
Barton’s fracture
The dimorphic fungus that causes subcutaneous mycosis is
Sporothrix schenckii.
The Borchardt triad comprises of:
The Borchardt triad comprises of:
* Sudden-onset severe upper abdominal pain
* Recurrent retching with minimal vomitus
* Inability to pass a nasogastric (NG) tube
gastric volvulus is the Borchardt’s triad.
The Renal function is best assessed by
Tc-99m MAG3 (mercaptoacetyltriglycine)
lesions of Infective endocarditis
Janeway lesions
Christmas tree bladder or pine cone bladder is a cystogram appearance which usually seen in
Neurogenic bladder
DOC for resistant HTN
DOC for HTN encephalopathy
Labetelol and nifedipine
DOC for HTN emergency
Labetelol and nifedipine
Butterfly rash on face
Libman sac endocarditis
Slapped cheek apperance
Parvovirus B19
Post MI pericarditis is called
Dressler Syndrome
diffuse ST elevation in ECG
Treatment is high dose aspirin
Murmur that presents after MI (4-7 days )
MR- pulmonary edema
at sternal border - VSD
Adenosine 6 to 12 mg IV
Saw Tooth pattern in ECG
Atrial Flutter -
Recurrent syncope attacks + Complete heart block
Stokes Adam Syndrome
Uveitis+ Parottitis+ Fever
Heerfordt’s syndrome
Erythema nodosum + B/L hilar Lymphadenopathy+ Polyarthritis
Löfgren syndrome
Panda/ Lambda sign in gallium scan
Spirometry below 30 % indicates
Severe COPD- Stage 4
Black urine and black deposits
Dermatitis, Diarrhea and dementia
Pellagra by Vit b3 - Niacin
Bleeding gums, poor wound healing, fatigue