ENT Flashcards
MC cause for Septal haematoma
Trauma/Nasal Surgery
treatment of choice for nasopharyngeal cancer.
- Stage I and II are treated by radiotherapy alone while
- Stage III and IV require concomitant radiation and chemotherapy or radiation followed by chemotherapy.
Forceps for nasal septum fracture
Asch forceps
Cottle test
is positive in patients with a deviated nasal septum
Hennebert’s sign in
Congenital Syphillis
Hennebert*s sign is a positive fistula sign (nystagmus occurring on applying positive and negative pressure in
the external auditory canal) in the absence of a fistula seen in congenital syphilis due to the formation of
adhesions between stapes footplate and saccule. It is also seen in a few cases of Meniere’s disease.
Schwartz sign
A pink or reddish hue seen on the promontory through the tympanic membrane is called the Schwartz sign. It is
seen in active otosclerosis.
Bryce’s sign
The gurgling sound produced on pressing the swelling in the laryngocele is known as Bryce’s sign.
CNS infections can spread to inner ear through
Scala tympani is connected with the subarachnoid space through the aqueduct of cochlea. Infection
spreads from inner ear to CNS or vice versa through this route.
Where is the electrode placed in cochlear implant procedures?
Scala tympani
maneuver used in BPPV is the
Dix-Hallpike maneuver, the gold standard for diagnosing BPPV.
clinical scenario of intermittent mucoid discharge and central perforation of the tympanic membrane points to a
tubotympanic type of CSOM
episodic vertigo, sense of ear pressure and fullness, decreased hearing, and a low-tone roaring tinnitus. What is the possible clinical diagnosis?
Meniere’s disease
most common benign middle ear neoplasm
Glomus tumor
Mikulicz cells and Russell bodies are characteristic of
Diabetic patients with local tissue destruction with blackish nasal discharge typically resembles the presentation of
Tx for Mucormycosis
Intravenous administration of amphotericin B is the treatment of choice for invasive mucormycosis.
Procedure for Carhart’s Notch
malignant otitis externa.
It is an inflammatory condition caused by Pseudomonas aeruginosa in elderly diabetics and immunocompromised patients. It is characterised by excruciating ear pain, profuse discharge and granulations on the floor of the external ear canal.
Tympanogram in Otosclerosis
Type As
Compliance is lower at or near ambient air pressure. Seen in fixation of ossicles, e.g. otosclerosis or malleus fixation.
The clinical scenario of a patient with vertigo and a positive Dix-Hallpike test is suggestive of benign positional paroxysmal vertigo (BPPV). The otoconial debris are repositioned from the
posterior semicircular canal to the utricle to relieve the symptoms of BPPV.
- A patient with impacted wax develops a severe cough while performing the following procedure on him. This is due to stimulation of which of the following nerve?
Auricular branch of the vagus nerve
Myer Cotton’s grading is used for
subglottic stenosis.
Thumb sign on lateral X-ray of neck is pathognomonic for
Acute epiglottitis
Post pregnancy hearing loss is also called
Otosclerosis, dip in conductive hearing loss at 2000 hz
Kraissl lines
relaxed tension lines in the skin
Branches of Opthalmic artery
anterior and posterior ethmoidal artery
A metal factory worker suffers from noise-induced hearing loss. Which of the following structures will be affected?
Outer hair cells
First artery to be ligated in epistaxis
Sphenopalatine artery
The persistence of the Petro squamous suture is called
Korner’s septum
The presentation of vertigo, tinnitus, and head tilt following myringoplasty suggests a diagnosis of
Peri lymphatic fistula
Causes of perilymphatic fistula include post-stapedectomy, ear surgery with dislocation of the stapes, head trauma, inner ear injury due to forceful Valsalva or barotrauma, raised intracranial pressure, and occasionally spontaneous or idiopathic. Clinically, intermittent vertigo, fluctuating sensorineural hearing loss, tinnitus, and a sense of fullness in the affected ear are present. The fistula test is positive, and high-resolution computed tomography (HRCT) of the temporal bone is highly sensitive for detecting the fistula. A combination of CT and magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) can diagnose almost all cases. Audiometry and electrocochleography may be performed additionally.