Random mix 1 Flashcards
Solar flares are dangerous for example, the ____ of ___ that took out telegraph wires. (Telegraph systems all over Europe and North America failed, in some cases giving telegraph operators electric shocks.Telegraph pylons threw sparks. Some telegraph operators could continue to send and receive messages despite having disconnected their power supplies.)
Carrington Event of 1859
___ good = types of luxury goods for which the quantity demanded increases as the price increases
Veblen good.
How do you pronounce Yu Zhengsheng?
How do you pronounce Li Keqiang?
LEE kuh chee-AANG
If a test for some disease is 95% accurate, and the disease affects one person in a thousand, and you for a test and it comes back positive, what’s the probability that you have the disease?
Most respondents say, well the test is accurate, so the probability is 95 per cent. The correct answer is 2 per cent, because if you test 1,000 people, the test will give fifty positives, whereas only one of the population has the illness. The sting in the tale lies in the fact that the respondents were doctors.
Lloyd Park is named after ____. He bought the house and surrounding land in 1857 and lived in the house with his family until 1885. The house was uninhabited for a while and then rented, until in 1898 Frank Lloyd, a son of Edward, offered the house and gardens on behalf of the family, to the Walthamstow Urban District Council.
The newspaper publisher Edward Lloyd.
Stanislaw Ulam once challenged Samuelson to name one theory in all of the social sciences which is both true and nontrivial. Several years later, Samuelson responded with
David Ricardo’s theory of comparative advantage
Harp of pint of guiness is based on what?
Harp of high king Brian Boru
If a statistic or polling result looks particularly interesting, it’s probably wrong =
Tymans law
The gay baseball player that invented the high five. After retiring from baseball, ___, who was one of the first openly gay professional athletes, used the high five with other gay residents of the Castro district of San Francisco, where for many it became a symbol of gay pride and identification.
Glen Burke.
How do you pronounce Xi Jinping?
Indica = ?
stoned, relaxing type of cannabis
Before ___ invented Ph-balanced shampoo in the 1930s, people didn’t wash their hair very often, because washing your hair with soap doesn’t produce happy results.
Dr. John Breck
How do you pronounce Zhang Gaoli?
Until The Rhubarb Triangle (located in ____) started in the ___, most rhubarb came from China. In ___ at the start of the First Opium War, the imperial Chinese commissioner Lin Zexu wrote a letter to Queen Victoria warning that, unless the British stopped supplying opium to China, he would cut off rhubarb supplies to Britain, killing everyone through mass constipation. It seems that the Queen never had the letter translated, and so remained unaware of the danger. In the event, the British sent an army from India to force the Chinese to accept British opium imports.
Until The Rhubarb Triangle (located in in West Yorkshire) started in the 1870s, most rhubarb came from China. In 1839, the imperial Chinese commissioner Lin Zexu wrote a letter to Queen Victoria warning that, unless the British stopped supplying opium to China, he would cut off rhubarb supplies to Britain, killing everyone through mass constipation. It seems that the Queen never had the letter translated, and so remained unaware of the danger. In the event, the British sent an army from India to force the Chinese to accept British opium imports
How do you pronounce Wang Qishan?
How do you pronounce Liu Yunshan?
Sariva = ?
energetic high type of cannabis
What did Frederick Bremer do?
the first car in Britain to have an internal combustion engine.
Zhang Dejiang
JAANG duh jee-AANG
____ effect - a common psychological phenomenon whereby individuals give high accuracy ratings to descriptions of their personality that supposedly are tailored specifically to them, that are in fact vague and general enough to apply to a wide range of people.
Barnum effect
What is the traditional symbol of Hermes called which features two snakes winding around an often winged staff? It is often mistakenly used as a symbol of medicine instead of the Rod of Asclepius, especially in the United States
Town Hall is an example of _ _, designed by Phillip Dalton Hepworth
Nordic Classicism
What many don’t know about astrology
There’s a 13th sign because the earth has tilted since the zodiac was developed