Random Information Flashcards
Management of Thyroid Storm
1) Load with PTU 600 mg PO, then 300mgs q 6hr
2) Potassium Iodide 5gtt q8hrs
3) Dexamethasone 2mgs q 6hrs
4) Propanolol 20-40 mgs bid
Intubation requirements
1) Respiratory rate >35
2) PaO2 >40 mmHg
4) A-a gradiaent >450
5) Apnea
6) Respiratory muscle fatigue
7) inability to protect airway
8) hemodynamic instability
Asthma intubation requirements
Any of the following
1) Inability to maintain pO2 > 60 mmhg
2) Inability to maintain pCO2 <40 mmHg
3) Maternal exhaustion
4) Worsening acidosis despite
5) bronchodilator therapy
6) Altered mental status
Asthma attack management
If respiratory distress–> admit
If Peak flow is < 50% then mange with Beta agoinsts (high dose) and steroid systemic–> repeat assesment If not above 70% PEF–> admit,
What you need to calculate the post hoc power analysis for this study
For a given primary outcome:
1) Endpoint means +/- Standard error
2) Number of subjects in each group
3) Desired alpha error
Need to caclulate Sample size-Assuming 2 independent groups with continuous primary outcome (EBL example)
1) Primary mean endpoint overall (i.e. Blood loss from hysterectomy
2) Desired clinical reduction over the mean
3) Desired alpha error
4) Desired power of study
5) Enrollment ratio