Random Ideas Flashcards
An introvert can show interest in a girl by _______
engaging in deep conversations, actively listening to her, making thoughtful gestures, respecting her personal space, initiating small interactions, and gradually building a connection through shared interests, often by starting with one-on-one activities rather than large social gatherings; essentially, focusing on quality time and meaningful interactions over grand displays of attention
There are nine seducer types in the world. Each type has a particular _______
character trait that comes from deep within and creates a seductive pull.
Sirens have an abundance of sexual energy and know how to use it. Rakes
insatiably adore the opposite sex, and their desire is infectious. Ideal Lovers
have an aesthetic sensibility that they apply to romance. Dandies like to play
with their image, creating a striking and androgynous allure. Naturals are
spontaneous and open. Coquettes are self-sufficient, with a fascinating cool
at their core. Charmers want and know how to please—they are social crea tures. Charismatics have an unusual confidence in themselves. Stars are ethereal and envelop themselves in mystery.
A highly feminine and sexual presence, even to the point of caricature, will _______. A cue to _______
quickly differentiate you, since most women lack the confidence to project such an image.
go for it?
Qualities, _______
traits, features, attributes, and characteristics
Optimal growth (Development zone)
Growth occurs at the edge of comfort, where novelty creates optimal alertness and enthusiasm for engagement with life
“Earth is filled with _______.”
the ruins of empires that believed they were eternal
Efforts to cover too much material
lead to _______
superficial recall and doom the achievement of genuine undestanding.
one cannot aspire to be a poet without _______
sensitivity to the interaction among linguistic connotations.
It is through such fresh combinations of _______
words, as Northrop Frye insists, that we have our only way of creating new worlds.
The poet can serve as a reliable guide, or as an apt introduction, to _______
the domain of linguistic intelligence.
Quality, _______
state, and fact
Voluntarily, _______.
deliberately, consciously, and intentionally.
XConformity is the opposite of critical thought?
XQuantum mechanics or physics makes reality a fact that its meaningful?
Haters are like bees, _______
they sting and then they perish
Luck is when _______
opportunity and preparation meet
2 types of sins:
Sin of commission and sin of omission
A vision of the future, the desirable future, is _______. Such vision links _______. It lends actions in the present _______. It provides a frame limiting _______.
action taken now with important, long-term, foundational values
significance and importance
uncertainty and anxiety
A vision of the future, the desirable future, is _______. Such a vision links _______. It lends actions in the present _______. It provides a frame _______.
action taken now with important, long-term, foundational values
significance and importance
limiting uncertainty and anxiety
“Did what I want happen? No. Then _______.” That is the voice of _______. “Did what I want happen? No. Then _______.” That is the voice of inauthenticity. It is not too far from there to “_______” or “_______” or “_______.” Whenever you hear about something incomprehensibly brutal, such ideas _______.
my aim or my methods were wrong. I still have something to learn
the world is unfair. People are jealous, and too stupid to understand. It is the fault of something or someone else
they should be stopped
they must be hurt
they must be destroyed
have manifested themselves.
There is no blaming any of this on _______. When the individual lies, he _______. He may blind himself to _______. He
may fail to _______. He may even _______. But he was _______, in the _______, during the _______. At
that moment, he knew _______. And _______
unconsciousness, either, or repression
knows it
the consequences of his actions
analyze and articulate his past, so that he does not understand
forget that he lied and so be unconscious of that fact
commission of each error, and the omission of each responsibility
what he was up to
the sins of the inauthentic individual
compound and corrupt the state.
Sensations, survival, _______