Random Facts Flashcards
What is the lowest quality energy?
The three states or phases in which matter can be found:
Solid, fluid, and gaseous
Also plasma
What we mean by heat and measure in temperature is _______
disordered movement.
Temperature is a concept that means anything only if we have a lot
of _______
molecules at once.
After a while, a molecule in a gas will have bumped into other molecules and therefore acquired a certain _______
“knowledge” of the speeds of the other molecules.
All “facts” we currently accept are still, at their core, _______
just ideas that are our best current explanatory models rather than permanently settled truths.
New evidence or perspectives could revise or overturn previously held “facts.” So in this view, facts are constantly updated working ideas about reality rather than permanently factual.
The distinction between an act as a category and activity as something beyond categories is _______
nuanced and relates to how we perceive and interact with reality. An act can be seen as a category because it represents a defined, discrete action or event that we can label and categorize. It’s a way of breaking down our experiences into manageable, understandable units
If you ignore something thats real _______
sooner or later its gonna cause you trouble
Nietzsche believed that Paul, and later the Protestants following Luther, had removed moral responsibility from Christ’s followers. They had watered down the idea of the imitation of Christ. This imitation was the sacred duty of the believer not to _______
adhere (or merely to mouth) a set of statements about abstract belief but instead to actually manifest the spirit of the Saviour in the particular, specific conditions of his or her life—to realize or incarnate the archetype, as Jung had it; to clothe the eternal pattern in flesh
For Nietzsche and Dostoevsky alike, freedom—even the ability to act requires _______.
“Spiritual is good, physical is bad” is a key _______
Gnostic belief
Gnostics see salvation as _______
escape from ‘matter’ - the physical world
in the context of relationships, intimacy is generally considered the opposite of _______
lust, as lust is primarily focused on physical attraction and immediate sexual desire, while intimacy involves a deeper emotional connection and closeness beyond just physical attraction
XChronic stress can _______
shrink the amygdala—that’s the area of the brain that’s responsible for processing emotions—which can lead to depression and anxiety. And not just that, but cortisol is toxic to the hippocampus, the area of the brain that’s responsible for memory function.
“He might be alone in holding that belief, and if alone, then a _______.”
The only difference is that Orwell saw surveillance and control and the domain of _______, whereas in reality the surveillance world we have come to know is one of _______
the state
private companies monitoring, monetizing, and manipulating society for nothing more than commercial gain
Evil eye
The concept that the awareness of your success from those who wish bad upon you can affect you
Everything that is not order—that is, not
predictable, not usable—is, by default (by definition) _______.
Higher perception without action risks becoming _______
inert—an abstract understanding that doesn’t translate into lived experience.
Action without higher perception risks becoming _______
aimless—mechanical movements devoid of depth or purpose.
The crux of your thought seems to be that perception and action are _______
inseparable in the pursuit of meaning. To perceive meaningfully is to act meaningfully, and vice versa. This interdependence suggests that the pursuit of meaning isn’t just a mental exercise—it’s an active engagement with the world.
Your connection between “real” and “serious” is thought-provoking. Pain is real because it demands _______ and _______. It forces itself into the _______. True love, as you suggest, may feel “more real” than pain because it _______. By this logic, seriousness might function as a _______: the more something _______
can’t be ignored
forefront of existence, asserting its reality
transcends the moment, offering meaning and purpose
litmus test for reality
commands our focus and alters our trajectory, the more real it feels.
We invent tools to _______
compensate for our shortcomings
The premise:
Practically, psychologically, socially, iterably fulfilling
How do the 16 personalities make decisions differently?
An overly simplified version
Ti: Why
Te: What works
Fi: What I want
Fe: What they want (or what they need)
Yawning after waking up is a common _______. It’s also part of a natural response to _______
reflex that can occur due to sleepiness, boredom, or stretching.
prolonged muscle contraction, called pandiculation
Novelty is very _______
motivating as well as anxiety provoking
The problem with a perfect static state is that _______
there’s no novelty, which all of incentive reward to disappear.
For things to be perfect, there has to be some _______
The process vs the state of both good and evil
Your brain is organized to react to the universe as if its constructed of 3 things:
- The territory that you have explored
- The territory that you haven’t explored
- The process of exploration itself
XSelf esteem is a _______
lie. The word you’re looking for is confidence.
Thoughts are sometimes hard to be put _______
into words
Music is far richer than _______. It doesn’t just synchronize brainwaves; it engages _______.
It structures _______ into something _______. It can _______in a way that simple entrainment techniques can’t.
brain entrainment
emotion, memory, and meaning
comprehensible and moving
inspire, challenge, and even transform a person’s psychological state
awareness is the _______.
Awareness of _______. Awareness of _______. Awareness of _______. The more you see, _______.
how words shape thought
how others perceive the world
the structures that govern reality itself
the more precisely you can wield language
Light/ Dark, Order/Chaos, Masculine/Feminine, Known/Unknown, Up/Down, Hot/Cold, Life/Death, Self/Other, Concrete/Abstract, Objective/Subjective, Physical/Mental, Good/Evil, Love/Detest, Freedom/Slavery
theory of cognition based on relational opposites
that the mind structures reality by defining everything in relation to its opposite.
It seems like opposites work best when _______. When we get specific, the concept of “opposites” becomes _______. But that itself is interesting-maybe the broader a category, _______
we’re dealing with broad, fundamental categories
the stronger its opposite?
More specific things (a chihuahua, a banana, a specific person) don’t have obvious opposites, unless _______
you broaden the category they belong to.
Heat =
The Law of Opposites
“The more fundamental a concept is to existence, the more it requires an opposite to be intelligible.”
“The broader a category is, the more its meaning depends on an opposing category.”
“Some opposites are embedded in nature, while others are created by the mind to structure reality.”
Opp of what
The most authentic and fundamental axiom anyone can adopt:
to the best of my ability I will act in a manner that leads to the alleviation
of unnecessary pain and suffering. You have now placed at the pinnacle of your moral hierarchy a set of presuppositions and actions aimed at the betterment of Being.
Lust is a powerful tool that the enemy uses to _______
distract and weaken those with divine callings
Without inner healing, lust becomes _______
a coping mechanism, creating a cycle of sin and shame that is hard to break
T/F “it is possible to perceive nothingness.”
You don’t get to pick what interests you, _______
it picks you
Its not about being fulfilled or satiated, its about _______
adopting an authentic and optimal mode of being
“The goal of life is not to be _______, but to _______. There are no _______, only _______. The aim is not mere _______ but the _______”
engage in a meaningful struggle
final destinations
an unfolding adventure that demands strength, wisdom, and authenticity
continuous development of character through voluntary confrontation with the unknown.
The process of necessary eternal
overcoming constantly _______
constructs and transforms our behavioral repertoires and representational schemas.
Everything we know, we know because _______. Everything we know, we know because _______
someone explored something they did not understand—explored something they were afraid of, in awe of.
someone generated something valuable in the course of an encounter with the unexpected.
Civilization advances by extending the number of _______
important operations which we can perform without thinking about them.
Some things we know, demand our _______
To know something is have _______
the meaning and the optimal reactions to or for it
The nervous system is “designed” to _______
eliminate predictability from consideration, and to focus limited analytical resources where focus would produce useful results.
We attend to the places where change is _______
occurring; where something is happening that has not yet been modeled, where something is happening that has not yet had behaviors erected around it—where something is happening that is not yet understood.
Consciousness itself might be
considered as that organ which _______
specializes in the analysis and classification of unpredictable events
Attention and concentration naturally gravitate to those elements in the experiential field that contain the highest concentration of _______
novelty, or that are the least expected, prior to what might normally be considered higher cognitive processing.
There is limited information, positive and negative, in the _______. The novel occurrence, by contrast, might be considered a window into the _______
“transcendent space” where reward and punishment exist in eternal and unlimited potential.
Seducers are never _______. Their gaze is directed _______. When they meet someone their first move is to get _______.
outward, not inward
inside that person’s skin, to see the world through their eyes.
The irrational can prove immensely _______
seductive, even more so for men, who must always seem so reasonable.
The _______ is often the one most susceptible to the Siren call of pure _______, because _______
physical pleasure
his life so lacks it.
Danger is surprisingly _______.
Highlighting actually works when you do it for _______
the most insightful points
Mathematical ability is connected to _______
musical ability
XThe opposite of nihilism would be _______
a world full of meaning
Isolation leads to _______
hidden battles
The ultimate revenge is _______
to become astronomically succesful
There is the rhetorical aspect of language— _______.
the ability to use language to convince other individuals of a course of action.
There is the potential of language to explain its own activities— _______.
the ability to use language to reflect upon language, to engage in “meta -
linguistic” analysis.
Emotional intelligence is _______
Never tolerate evil especially when it hides behind _______.
culture and religion
Existence must be _______, _______.
to be at all.