random Flashcards
CHA2DS2-VASc score?
Used to determine the need to anticoagulate a patient in atrial fibrillation
ABCD2 score?
Prognostic score for risk stratifying patients who’ve had a suspected TIA
NYHA score?
Heart failure severity scale
DAS28 score?
Measure of disease activity in rheumatoid arthritis
DAS stands for ‘disease activity score’ and the number 28 refers to the 28 joints that are examined in this assessment.
Child-Pugh classification?
A scoring system used to assess the severity of liver cirrhosis
Wells score?
Helps estimate the risk of a patient having a deep vein thrombosis
Mini-mental state examination - used to assess cognitive impairment
HAD scale?
Hospital Anxiety and Depression (HAD) scale - assesses severity of anxiety and depression symptoms
Patient Health Questionnaire - assesses severity of depression symptoms
Used as a screening tool and severity measure for generalised anxiety disorder
Edinburgh Postnatal Depression Score?
Used to screen for postnatal depression
SCOFF score?
Questionnaire used to detect eating disorders and aid treatment
One stone (14 lbs./6.5 kg.)
AUDIT scoring?
Alcohol screening tool
Alcohol Use Disorders Identification Test
CAGE questionnaire?
alcohol screening tool
cut down/ annoyed/ guilty/ eye-opener
FAST screening?
alcohol screening tool
(also a mnemonic to rmb symptoms of stroke)
CURB-65 score?
Used to assess the prognosis of a patient with pneumonia
Epworth Sleepiness Scale?
Used in the assessment of suspected obstructive sleep apnoea
International prostate symptom score
Gleason score?
Indicates prognosis in prostate cancer
Bishop score?
Used to help assess the whether induction of labour will be required
Waterlow score?
Assesses the risk of a patient developing a pressure sore
FRAX score?
Risk assessment tool developed by WHO which calculates a patients 10-year risk of developing an osteoporosis related fracture
Ranson criteria?
Acute pancreatitis
ratio of chest compressions to ventilation?
Defibrillator assesses a rhythm of PEA/ asystole
-> mx?
continue CPR for 2 mins then reassess rhythm
IV adrenaline every 3-5 min
defibrillator assess a shockable rhythm ie. pulseless VT/VF
a single shock followed by 2 mins of CPR
adrenaline 1 mg is given once chest compressions have restarted after the third shock and then every 3-5 minutes.
give amiodarone after 3 shocks
Biochemistry of dehydration?
↑↑ U, ↑Cr
Biochemistry of Low GFR?
↑U, ↑Cr, ↑H, ↑K, ↑urate
↑PO4, ↓Ca
Biochemistry of tubular dysfunction?
Normal U and Cr
↓K, ↓urate, ↓PO4, ↓HCO3
biochemistry of SIADH?
↓ serum osmolality, ↑ urine osmolality (>500), ↑ urine Na
Biochemistry of DI?
↑Na, ↑ serum osmolality, ↓ urine osmolality
Biochemistry of Conn’s?
↓K, ↑Na, ↑HCO3
Biochemistry of Addisons?
↑K, ↓Na
Biochemistry of cholestasis?
↑↑ALP, ↑↑GGT, ↑Bilirubin, ↑AST
biochemistry of alcoholic hepatocellular disease?
biochemistry of viral hepatocellular disease?
biochemistry of thiazide and loop diuretics?
↓Na, ↓K, ↑HCO3, ↑U
presentation of hypoNa?
<135: n/v, anorexia, malaise
<130: headache, confusion, irritability
<125: seizures, non-cardiogenic pulmonary oedema
<115: coma and death
Causes of hypovolaemia hypoNa?
Urine Na > 20 mM (= renal loss)
- diuretics
- addisons
- osmolar diuresis e.g. glucose
- renal failure
Urine Na < 20 mM
Causes of hypervolaemic hypoNa?
Cardiac failure
Renal failure
Nephrotic syndrome
causes of euvolaemic hypoNa?
urine osmolality >500
urine osmolality <500
- water overload
- severe hypothyroidism
- Addisons
Mx of hyponatraemia?
Correct the underlying cause
Replace Na and water at the same rate they were lost
- Too fast → central pontine myelinolysis
- Chronic: 10mM/d
- Acute: 1mM/hr
Asymptomatic chronic hyponatraemia -> Fluid restrict
Symptomatic / acute hyponatraemia / dehydrated -> Cautious rehydration with 0.9% NS
If hypervolaemic consider frusemide
Emergency: seizures, coma -> Consider hypertonic saline (e.g. 1.8%)
features of SIADH?
Concentrated urine: Na>20mM, osmolality >500
HypoNa or plasma osmolality <275
Absence of hypovolaemia, oedema or diuretics
causes of SIADH?
Resp: SCLC, pneumonia, TB
CNS: meningoencephalitis, head injury, SAH
Endo: hypothyroidism
Drugs: cyclophosphamide, SSRIs, CBZ
Mx of SIADH?
Rx cause and fluid restrict
Vasopressin receptor antagonists
- Demeclocycline
- Vaptans
presentation of hyperNa?
Confusion, fits, coma
Signs of dehydration
Causes of hyperNa?
Usually caused by dehydration (↓ intake or ↑ loss)
GI loss: diarrhoea, vomiting
Renal loss: diuretics, osmotic diuresis (e.g. DM)
Skin: sweating, burns
↓ fluid intake
Hyperaldosteronism (↑BP, ↓K, alkalosis)
Hypertonic saline
Mx of hyperNa?
Give water PO if possible
Otherwise, 5% dextrose IV slowly
Use 0.9% NS if hypovolaemic or Na >170mM
-> Causes less marked fluid shifts
Aim for Na ↓ ≤12mM/d
Too fast → cerebral oedema
Causes of Hyperkalaemia?
K2EDTA contamination from FBC bottle
Leucocytosis, thrombocytosis
Drip arm
internal distribution
low insulin
cell death/ tissue trauma/ burns
digoxin poisoning
decreased excretion:
oliguric renal failure
Drugs: ACEi, NSAIDs, K+ sparing diuretics
increased input:
massive transfusion
excessive K therapy
Mx of hyperkalaemia?
non-urgent: if K+ 6-6.5 w no ECG changes
- Stop all K containing/ sparing drugs
- Low K diet
- Ensure adequate hydration and monitor UO
- Tx hypotension
- Give iv fluids if dehydrated
- Monitor renal fn
- consider Calcium resonium to decrease K
Emergency: evidence of myocardial instability or K>6.5
- 10ml 10% calcium gluconate
- 100ml 20% glucose + 10u insulin (Actrapid)
- Salbutamol 5mg nebulizer
- Haemofiltration (usually needed if anuric)
- Calcium resonium 15g PO or 30g PR
symptoms of hypoK?
Muscle weakness
ECG changes of hypoK?
Result from delayed ventricular repolarisation
Flattened / inverted T waves
Prominent U waves (after T waves)
ST depression
Long PR interval
Long QT interval
causes of HypoK?
Internal Distribution
↑ insulin
↑ Excretion
GI: vomiting, diarrhoea, rectal villous adenoma
Renal: RTA (esp. type 2), Bartter syn.
Drugs: diuretics, steroids
Endo: Conn’s syn., Cushing’s syn.
↓ Input
Inappropriate IV fluid management
Mx of hypoK?
1mM K ↓ = ~200-300mmol total deficit
Don’t give K if oliguric
Never give STAT fast bolus
Mild: K >2.5
Oral K supplements
Severe: K <2.5 and/or dangerous symptoms
IV KCl cautiously
10mmol/h (20mmol/h max)
Best to give centrally (burning sensation peripherally)
Max central conc: 60mM
Max peripheral conc: 40mM
Mg Replacement
Pts. are often Mg deplete too
Until Mg is replaced the K will not return to normal levels despite K replacement
Give empiric Mg replacement
in hypoK, what other electrolyte do u also need to correct?
Mg replacement
Role of Mg in PTH release?
low Mg prevents PTH release
may -> low Ca
symptoms of hypocalcaemia?
perioral parasthesiae
carpopedal spasms
Cardiomyopathy (↑ QTc -> TdP)
dermatitis: atopic, exfoliative
signs of HypoCa?
Trousseau’s sign:
BP cuff inflated + held in place for 3 minutes-> occlude the brachial artery. In the absence of blood flow, the patient’s hypocalcemia and subsequent neuromuscular irritability will induce spasm of the muscles of the hand and forearm
Chvostek’s sign: facial n is tapped in front of tragus -> facial muscles on the same side of the face will contract momentarily due to hyperexcitability of nerves.
causes of hypoCa?
With ↑ PO4
Hypoparathyroidism / pseudoyhpoparathyroidism
↓Mg Acute rhabdomyolysis (muscle Ca deposition)
With normal or ↓ PO4
Active pancreatitis
Respiratory alkalosis
Mx of hypoCa?
Ca 5mmol QDS PO
Daily Ca levels
Alfacalcidol (1-OH-Vit D3)
10ml 10% Ca gluconate IV (2.25mmol) over 30min
Repeat as necessary
presentation of hyperCa?
Renal stones
Polyuria and polydipsia (nephrogenic DI)
Bone pain
Pathological #s
Moans: depression, confusion
Abdo pain
n/v and constipation
PUD (↑gastrin secretion)
high BP
decreased QT interval
Causes of hyperCa?
Most commonly malignancy or 1O HPT
With ↑ PO4
↑ ALP (e.g. ↑ bone turnover)
Bone mets: thyroid, breast, lung, kidney, prostate, colon
Normal ALP
Hypervitaminosis D
Milk alkali syn.
With normal or ↓ PO4
1O or 3O HPT
Familial benign hypercalciuria: AD, ↑ Ca-sensing receptor set-point
Paraneoplastic: PTHrP (but ↓PTH)
Ix of HyperCa?
↑PTH = 1o or 3O HPT
↓PTH: most likely Ca
FBC, protein electrophoresis, CXR, bone scan
mx of hyperCa?
Dx and Rx underlying cause
1L 0.9% NS/4h
Monitor pts. hydration state
Only start once pt. is volume replete
Calciuric + makes room for more fluids
Ca bisphosphonate can’t be resorbed by osteoclasts
Only used in hypercalcaemia of malignancy
Can obscure Dx as → ↓Ca, ↓PO4 and ↑PTH
E.g. Pamidronate, Zoledronate (IV)
risk factors of osteoporosis?
Hyperthyroidism, HPT, HIV
Alcohol and Cigarettes
Thin (BMI <22)
Testosterone Low
Early Menopause
Renal / liver failure
Erosive / inflam bone disease (e.g. RA, myeloma)
Dietary Ca low / malabsorption
T score vs Z score?
T: no. of SDs away from youthful average
Z: no. of SDs away from age-matched average
indications for DEXA scan?
Low-trauma #
Women ≥65yrs w one or more risk factors
Before giving long-term steroids (>3mo)
Parathyroid disorders, myeloma, HIV
Bisphosphonates SEs?
GI upset
Oesophageal ulceration / erosion: Take w plenty of water on an empty stomach and refrain from lying and don’t eat for 30min.
Diffuse musculoskeletal pain
Osteonecrosis of the jaw
Mx of osteoporosis?
Decision to instigate pharmacological Rx is based upon age, RFs, and BMD.
FRAX can estimate 10yr # risk
Stop smoking, ↓ EtOH
Wt. bearing or balancing exercise (e.g. Tai Chi)
Ca and vit-D rich diet
Home-based fall-prevention program w visual assessment.
Primary and secondary prevention of #s
Bisphosphonates: alendronate is 1st line
Ca and Vit D supplements: e.g Calcium D3 Forte
Strontium ranelate: bisphosphonate alternative
Alternative medications for 2O prevention of osteoporotic #s?
Raloxifene: SERM, ↓ breast Ca risk cf. HRT
Teriparetide: PTH analogue → new bone formation
Denosumab: anti-RANKL → ↓ osteoclast activation
diagnostic ix of Hereditary spherocytosis?
cryohaemolysis test snd EMA binding test
Osmotic fragility test
mx of osteomalacia?
Dietary: Calcium D3 Forte
Malabsorption or hepatic disease: Vit D2 (ergocalciferol) PO, Parenteral calcitriol
Renal disease or vit D resistance:
1α-OH-Vit D3 (alfacalcidol)
↓1,25-(OH)2 Vit D3 (calcitriol)
Monitor plasma Ca
Ix of Heart Failure?
Previous myocardial infarction
arrange echocardiogram within 2 weeks
No previous myocardial infarction
measure serum natriuretic peptides (BNP)
if levels are ‘high’ arrange echocardiogram within 2 weeks
if levels are ‘raised’ arrange echocardiogram within 6 weeks
in tumour lysis syndrome, apart from high K+, phosphate and low Ca
what else do u need?
one or more of:
increased serum creatinine (1.5 times upper limit of normal)
cardiac arrhythmia or sudden death
what supportive therapy can you provide to pt w dementia?
offer ‘a range of activities to promote wellbeing that are tailored to the person’s preference’
cognitive stimulation therapy
reminiscence therapy and cognitive rehabilitation
memory clinic
mx of mumps?
paracetamol for high fever/discomfort
notifiable disease
what antibiotic can cause a disulfiram-like reaction when combined w ethanol?
+ Cefoperazone, a cephalosporin
Clinical features of this include head and neck flushing, nausea and vomiting, sweatiness, headache and palpitations.
mx of secondary pneumothorax <1cm and asymptomatic?
management is with admission, high flow oxygen, and reassessment in 24 hours.
what should you assess for before offering a pt azathioprine or mercaptopurine?
TPMT activity
thiopurine methyltransferase
defect-> enhanced bone marrow toxicity which may cause myelosuppression, anemia, bleeding tendency, leukopenia & infection
Strong assoc of syringomyelia with?
Arnold-Chiari malformation
mx of essential tremor?
propranolol is first-line
most common cause of titubation (head tremor)?
essential tremor
1st line mx of chronic heart failure?
first line ix of acute mesenteric ischaemia (before CT)?
bloods: raised lactate (lactic acidosis)
mx of acute haemolytic transfusion reaction?
immediate transfusion termination, generous fluid resuscitation with saline solution and informing the lab
mx of latent TB?
3 months of isoniazid (with pyridoxine) and rifampicin OR 6 months of isoniazid (with pyridoxine)
concurrent use of BB and verapamil?
may precipitate severe bradycardia
Non-dihydropyridine calcium channel blockers (verapamil, diltiazem) and beta blockers are both negatively inotropic and their combined effects can cause severe bradycardia and even asystole.
main indications for placing a chest tube in pleural infection?
frankly purulent or turbid/cloudy pleural fluid
The presence of organisms identified by Gram stain and/or culture
Pleural fluid pH < 7.2
predisposing factors to obstructive sleep apnoea?
macroglossia: acromegaly, hypothyroidism, amyloidosis
large tonsils
Marfan’s syndrome
mx of obstructive sleep apnoea?
weight loss
CPAP is first line for moderate or severe OSAHS
intra-oral devices (e.g. mandibular advancement) may be used if CPAP is not tolerated or for patients with mild OSAHS where there is no daytime sleepiness
which bones does Pagets disease tend to affect?
axial skeleton
- ie pelvis, lumbar spine, skull, femur, tibia
complications of Paget’s disease?
Nerve compression: deafness, radiculopathy
High output CCF
Osteosarcoma (<1% after 10yrs) -> sudden onset or worsening of bone pain
Ix of Pagets Disease?
Bone scan: hot spots
bone enlargement, sclerosis, patchy cortical thickening, deformity, wedge-shaped lytic lesions, osteoporosis circumscripta (well defined lytic skull lesions)
Biochemistry of pts w osteoporosis?
usually Ca, PO4, Alk Phos, PTH all normal
*Alk Phos may be raised if recent #
Looser’s zones on Xrays?
found in osteomalacia/ Rickets
A band of bone material of decreased density may form alongside the surface of the bone. Thickening of the periosteum occurs. The formation of callouses in the affected area is also common. This gives the appearance of a false fracture.
Biochemistry of Osteomalacia?
PO4 Low
PTH high
Alk Phos high
Biochemistry of Rickets
Ca Normal or Low
PO4 low
PTH high
ALk phos High
Biochemistry of primary hyperparathyroidism?
Ca high
PO4 low
PTH inappropriately normal/ High
Alk phos High
causes of primary hyperPTH?
most common 80% Parathyroid adenomas
20% gland hyperplasia
<0.5% parathyroid ca
Biochemistry of secondary HyperPTH
Ca low
PO4 high
PTH high
Alk Phos high
Biochemistry of tertiary hyperPTH?
Ca high
PO4 low/ n
Alk Phos high
PTH high
Biochemistry of hypoPTH?
Ca low
PO4 high
PTH inappropriately N/ low
Alk phos N
cause of hypoPTH?
congenital - DiGeorge’s
Biochemistry of Paget’s Disease?
Ca normal
PO4 normal
PTH normal
Classification of hyperlipidaemia?
Common Primary Hyperlipidaemia
- 70%
- Dietary and genetic factors
- HIGH LDL only
Familial primary hyperlipidaemia
- multiple phenotypes
- high risk of CVD
Secondary hyperlipidaemia:
- high LDL: nephrotic syndrome, cholestasis, hypothyroidism, Cushing’s, Drugs: thiazides, steroids
Mixed high LDL and high TG: T2DM, Alcohol, Chronic renal failure
Causes of secondary hyperlipidaemia?
high LDL: nephrotic syndrome, cholestasis, hypothyroidism, Cushing’s, Drugs: thiazides, steroids
Mixed high LDL and high TG: T2DM, Alcohol, Chronic renal failure
Types of Familial primary hyperlipidaemias?
1o hypercholesterolaemia:
commonest, ApoB (LDL receptor) defect -> high LDL-C
Combined hyperlipidaemia:
high LDL and TG
Lipoprotein lipase deficiency: high chylomicrons
presentation of hyperlipidaemia?
- corneal arcus
- xanthelasma on eyelids
- planar: orange streaks in palmar creases
- tuberous: plaques on elbows, knees (over joints)
- tendons
Ix of hyperlipidaemia?
Plasma cholesterol
Plasma HDL + LDL
Fasting TGs
TC:HDL ratio is best predictor of CV risk
Aims of tx for hyperlipidaemia?
Total cholesterol < 4
Total cholesterol: HDL ratio < 4
LDL < 2
Mx of Hyperlipidaemia?
Lifestyle changes: weight loss, increase exercise, diet (increase fibre, fruit and veg, less sat fat)
1st Line: Statins
e.g. Simvastatin 40mg PO nocte
HMG-CoA reductase inhibitors -> decrease cholesterol synthesis
2nd line;
fibrates: PPARa antagonists, decrease TGs
Ezetimibe: inhibits cholesterol absorption
Niacin/ Nicotinic acid: raises HDL, lowers LDL
What is Porphyria Cutanea Tarda?
Commonest porphyria
Cutaneous manifestations only
Uroporphyrinogen decarboxylase deficiency
photosensitivity: blistering skin lesions
facial hyperpigmentation and hypertrichosis
ix of porphyria cutanea tarda?
high Urine and serum porphyrins
high serum ferritin
Precipitants of porphyria cutanea tarda?
Mx of porphyria cutanea tarda?
Avoid sun
Phlebotomy/ iron chelators
Precipitants of acute intermittent porphyria?
P450 inducers: anti epileptics, alcohol, OCP/ HRT
infection/ stress
Ix of acute intermittent porphyria?
Urine sample!
keep it shielded from light
Increased ALA and PBG in urine
‘port wine urine’ as seen by person
when PBG gets oxidised to porphobilin (deep yellow -> purple)
what are porphyrias?
diseases due to deficiencies in the enzymes of the Haem biosynthesis pathway. -> overproduction of toxic haem precursors leading to 3 presentations. 1. acute neuro-visceral 2. acute cutaneous 3. chronic cutaneous
ALA Synthase deficiency
ALA synthase produces ALA (5-aminolaevulinic acid) from succinyl CoA + glycine).
*not a porphyria
Causes X-linked sideroblastic anaemia
Acute intermittent porphyria
what enzyme is defecient?
HMB synthase (hydroxymethylbilane)
PBG deaminase (porphobilinogen deaminase)
-> buildup of ALA and PBG in serum and urine.
Acute intermittent porphyria
what inheritance?
autosomal dominant
What causes the neurovisceral symptoms in porphyria?
(5-aminolaevulinic acid)
is neurotoxic
what causes the skin lesions in porphyria?
porphyrinogens become oxidised to porphyrins, which under light become activated porphyrins and oxygen.
porphorinogens are colourless while porphyrins are highly coloured.
also, porphyrinogens get oxidised in the circulation where there is high [O2] compared to in the cells where it is made.
Acute intermittent porphyria
Auto dominant inheritance
HMB synthase deficiency
accumulation of PBG and ALA -> neurovisceral attacks
abdo pain, nausea and vomiting, tachycardia, HTN
constipation and urinary incontinence
hypoNa (SIADH)
seizures, psych distrubances
NO cutaneous manifestations
Treatment and Mx of acute intermittent porphyria
Avoid precipitating factors - adequate nutritional intake, avoid precipitant drugs, prompt treatment of infection/ illness
IV Carbohydrate + IV Haem Arginate (key tx)
- inhibits ALA synthase, which turns off the pathway and reduces [ALA]
porphyria cutanea tarda
inherited/ acquired e.g. liver disease/ drugs
formation of vesicles on sun exposed areas of skin crusting, superficial scarring, pigmentation