Random Flashcards
Causes of AVN
- pancreatitis / Pregnancy
- Lupus
- Alcohol
- Steroids
- Trauma
- Infection
- Collegen vascular disease
- Radiation / RA
- Amyloidosis
- Gauchers
- Sickle cell
RF for falls
balance issues
visual impairment
5 stages of rehab return to play
5 stages of rehab
- isometric
- drills
- return to sports specific task
- return to play
female athletic triad
Low energy availability (anorexia)
menstrual dysfunction
low bone mineral density)
causes of anterior hip pain ( give at least 6)
- Labral Tear
- Chondropathy
- Osteoarthritis
- Synovitis
- Ligament Teres Tear
- Hip Joint Instability
- Hypermobility
- Groin Pain
DDX Reduced hip flexion
CAM / pincer
Reduced internal structure
- Structural
- Acetabular retroversion
CAM/Pincer impingement
Femoral retroversion
OA - Functional
- Hip IR weakness
- Tight external rotators
- Muscle spasm
- Adductor related
- Iliopsoasrelated
- Inguinal related
- Pubic related
- Hip related
I- HAP - I
Lateral hip pain
gluteal medius tear/ tendinopathy
others :
* pain from trachanteric bursitis
* referred pain from lumbar spine
ethology for gluteal medium tear and tendinopathy
- Gluteus medius/minimus tendinopathy
- subgluteus maximus and medius bursitis
- IT band thickening
causes of external snapping hip
- tight IT band
* Glut Maximus sliding
posterior hip pain DDX
- Posterior Labral tear
- Posterior chondral lesion
- Ligamentum teres tear
- Posterior micro-instability secondary to anterior impingement
posterior thigh pain
- Hamstring Strains (Type I&II)
- Hamstring Contusion
- Referred pain from:
- Lumbar spine
- Neural structures
- Gluteal trigger points
sciatic nerve being compressed by piriformis muscle with symptoms overlapping with SIJ pain and lumbosacral radiculopathy
MCA stroke symp
C/l hemiplegia , hypesthesia (face and arms > legs)
C/i homonymous hemianopia
I/L gaze preference
Dominant hemisphere: aphasia
- repetitive - inferior division of MCA - wernicke
- expressive - superior division - Brocas
Non dominent: spastic dyspraxia, C/l hemineglet
C/l hemiplegia , hypesthesia ( legs) alien limb phenomenon gait apraxia urinary incontince Abulia ( inability or variable resistance to passive ROM) TCM aphasia (if dominant lobe affected
PCA stroke
- c/i homonymous hemianopia c/l hemianesthesia c/l hemiplegia c/l hemiataxia vertical gait palsy
Dominant - amnesia, color anosmia, dyslexia w/o agraphia , simultagnosia
Non-Dominant - prosopagnosia ( can’t recognize familiar faces)
defunct in perceptual analysis
weber syndrome
penetrating branches of the midbrain
i/l CN3 palsy
c/i limb weakness
Anton syndrome
contralateral PCA storke - cortical blinds with denial
Balints syndrome
- optic ataxia
- loss of voluntary but not reflex eye movements
- inability to understand visual objects
Wallenberg syndrome
pICA ( posterior inferior cerebellar artery)
- vertigo , nystagmus , i/p Horners , i/l facial pain or numbness
dysphagia, dysarthria
i/p Limb ataxia
c/l pain and temporary sensory lss
b/i pontine infracts
locked in syndrome
Millard Guber syndrome
unilateral lesion of ventrocaudal pons
- C/l hemiplegia
- i/l lateral rectus palsy
- i/l peripheral facial paresis