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Treaty of Cateau-Cambresis
Treaty that ended the Habsburg-Valois Wars
French Calvinists
Saint Bartholomew’s Day
The Huguenots in Paris were massacred spreading religious violence
Led to the war of the three Henrys
..believed that only restoration of strong monarchy could reverse the trend towards collapse
Edict of Nantes
Granted Huguenots liberty of public worship in many fortified towns
Union of Utrecht
Seven northern provinces declaring their independence from Spain
Spanish Armada
Battle between England and Spain. England won. It prevented Phillip II from reimposing religious unity on Western Europe by force.
Peace of Westaphilia
The treatise recognized sovereign independent authority of German princes, each governing own territory
Denied the papacy the right to participate in German religious affairs
Eighteenth century art that stressed the influence of Rome and the reformed Catholic Church. Religious aspect striving from the Catholic Reformation
Direct all facets of a states culture (art, education, religion) in the interest of the state
Limitation of government by law.
Balanced between authority and power of government, and the right and liberties of the subjects
Second Treatise of Civil Government
States General
Bohemian estates
Millet system
Pragmatic sanction
Law of inertia
Law of universal gravitation
Social critics of the 18th century
Separation of powers
Open field system
Divided the land to be cultivated by the peasants of a given village into several large fields
Crop rotation
Alternating a number of grain and crops. Led to scientific farming.
Enclose and consolidate their scattered holdings into compact, fenced-in fields in order to farm more effectively
Transformation of large numbers of small peasant farmers into landless rural wage earners
Navigation Acts
The act required most goods imported from Europe into England/Scotland be carried on British owned ships with British crews/ships of country producing the article
Glorious Revolution
War of the Spanish Succession
Louis XIV declared willingness to accept Spanish crown
The War of the Austrian Succession
Seven years war
Louis XIV
Collection of governmental policies for regulation of economic activities
What did the revocation of the Edict of Nantes do?
Ordered destruction of churches, Catholic baptism of Huguenots and exile of Huguenot pastors
The House of Commons