Random 2P Flashcards
Alert 5 Conditions
Aircraft: Spotted for immediate takeoff, blades spread. Required Stores loaded. External power applied. Misison equipment warmed up
Aircrew: Strapped in. Preflight checklist complete up to starting engines.
Ship: At flight quarters. Fire party on station.
Maximum Time: 4 Hours
Alert 15 Conditions
Aircraft: Spotted for takeoff, blades spread, required stores loaded
Aircrew: Briefed for flight. Preflight inspection complete. Standing by on immediate call
Ship: At flight quarters. Fire party in immediate vicinity.
Maximum Time: 8 hours
Alert 30 Conditions
Aircraft: Rotors may be folded. aircraft may be on deck or in hangar. Required stores loaded.
Aircrew: Briefed for flight.
Ship: Not at flight quarters.
Maximum Time: 18/48 hours
*Two aircraft det manning allows for unlimited alert 30 readiness. Daily and turnaround inspections due every 24/72 hours
Alert 60 Conditions
Aircraft Aircraft in hangar secured for heavy weather.
Aircrew: Designated and available.
Ship: Not at flight quarters.
Classes of Facilities
- Class 1 - Landing area with support (service and mx) facilities for types of aircraft certified.
- Class 2 - Landing area with service facilities for the types of aircraft certified.
- Class 2A - Landing area with limited service facilities for the types of aircraft certified.
- Class 3 - Landing area for types of aircraft certified; no service facilities.
- Class 4 - VERTREP/hover area (min hover height of 5’) for types of aircraft certified.
- Class 5 - VERTREP/hover area (high hover with a minimum of 15’ authorized) for types of aircraft certified.
- Class 6 - HIFR facility capable of delivering min 50 gal of fuel per min, at pressure of 20 psi, to height 40’ above water
- Class 6R - HIFR facility capable of delivering only 25-49 gal of fuel per min, at pressure of 20 psi, to height 40’ above water
Permissible Lighting Degradation - Unaided Operations
Night unaided VMC operation may be conducted in the event of a failure of not more than one of the lighting subsystems required for ship’s facility certification provided the following criteria are met:
- A visible horizon exists and is discernable by the aircraft commander in the shipboard landing/takeoff environment.
- The ship’s CO and embarked Air Detachment OIC concur that the failed lighting system is not critical to the scheduled mission.
Permissible Lighting Degradation - Aided (NVD Operations)
Aided operation may be conducted in the event of a failure of not more than one of the lighting subsystems required for ship’s facility certification provided the following criteria are met:
- A visible horizon exists and is discernable through NVDs by the aircraft commander in the shipboard landing/takeoff environment
- The ship’s CO and embarked Air Detachment OIC concur that the failed lighting system is not critical to the scheduled mission.
- The following subsystems remain operational and available:
- Overhead/Forward Structure Floodlights, Deck surface/Hangar Wash Floodlights, Associated Lighting Control Panels
Tiedown Requirements
- Initial Tiedown: 4 tiedowns (2 on each main mount); required just prior to and after shipboard aircraft movement, during shipboard aircraft startup, and immediately after landing.
- Permanent Tiedown: 12 tiedowns (2 on each point); required aboard ship when not at flight quarters
- Heavy Weather Tiedown: 18 tiedowns (3 each point); required when winds average 35 kts or greater and/or sea state reaches 8’, or wind over the deck exceeds 60 kts, pitch exceeds 4, or roll exceeds 12.
- VERTREP T Line - obstruction clearance when rotor hub aft or on line
- VERTREP Ball and T Line - used for larger aircraft (H-53/V-22)
- VERTREP Two T Lines - clearance assured when rotors in-between 2 T lines
- VERTREP Dash Line - clearance only when rotors are directly over the line
Polar Plots
Ways to Effect a Rescue Overwater
- 10/10
- 15/0
- Reacue via the Hoist
- Direct Deployment
Ways to Effect a Rescue Overland
- Landing to affect a rescue
- One- or two-wheel landings
- Rescue via the hoist
- Rappeling
- Direct deployment
CNAF Takeoff Mins
- Special instrument rating - No takeoff ceiling or visibility minimums apply. Takeoff shall depend on the judgement of the pilot and urgency of flights.
- Standard rating - Published mins for the available non-precision approach, but not less than 300’/1 SM. When precision approach is available, takeoff is authorized provided weather is at least equal to the approach mins but no less than 200’/1/2 SM/2400 RVR
CNAF Fuel Planning Mins
- If an alternate is not required, fuel to fly from takeoff to destination airfield, plus a reserve of 10% of planned fuel requirements.
- If an alternate is required, fuel to fly to from takeoff to the approach fix serving destination and thence to an alternate airfield, plus a reserve of 10% of planned fuel requirements.
- In no case should the planned fuel reserve after final landing at destination or airfield, if one is required, be less than that needed for 20 minutes of flight, computed as follows:
- Turbine-powered helicopters: compute fuel consumption based on operations at planned flight altitude.
Hazard Defintion
A condition with the potential to cause personal injury or death, property damage, or mission degradation.
Risk Definition
An expression of loss in terms of severity and probability.
Operational Necessity Definition
A mission associated with war or peacetime operations in which the consequences of an action justify accepting the risk of loss of aircraft and crew.