Rando Flashcards
St Laurent
Estaing (50%)
Brulhois (10% accessory)
Cotes du Marmandais )50%)
Marcilliac (90%)
Gaillac (min. 40% combined Duras, Prunelard and Fer, at least 2 of these varieties must be present
Entrayges Le Fel (50% min)
Name of Bollinger CLoss for VVF
CLos St Jacques. CLos Chaude Terres. Äy
Phylloxera in Greece
Santorini is free
Crete 1970s
Peloponnese 1960s
Sold table grapes to France during phylloxera so they could make wine. Devastated when they replanted and stopped buying and implemented tariffs 1898
Dactylosphaera vitifoliae
Phyloxera. Genus Daktylosphaera. Family. D vitifoliae. Formerly known as phylloxera vastatrix
Xiphinema index
Dagger nematodes. Fan Leaf Virus. Mustard cover crop helps
Leaf roll Virus
Fungal diseases
Powdery Mildew oidium. Damp warm breezes. Budbreak to veraison
Downy Mildew plasmodpata viticola. Spreads thru water (rain). Affects green plant tissue. Young shoots.
Bunch rot including boytritis. Spores get trapped in flowers
Trunk diseases (esca. Europa dieback. Botryosphaeria)
Black rot. Humidity. Guignardia Bidwelilli
Bacterial diseases
Pierces (xylella fastidiosa) xylem and prevents transport of water. Spread by sap feeding insects. Plants die (sharpshooters)
Flavescance Dorée (phytoplasmic disease) grapevine yellows. Impacts Phloem. Leafhoppers
Crown gall (allorhizobium vitis)
Bacterial blight. Kills young shoots.
Viral diseases
Leaf roll (low yields slow maturation) mealybugs. Birds wind and on clothes. Leaf roll good in warm places
Fan leaf (low yields and quality. Shortens lifespan of vineyard) spread by nematode xiphinema index. millerandage.
Red blotch looks like leaf roll. Slows and can inhibit ripening
Flavescence Dorée
Yellowing of the leaves. Withered fruit. Only in France. Leafhoppers (American) incurable
Pierce’/s Disease
Cuts off vascular system of the plant. Can’t take up water. Everything desicates. Glassy and blue winged sharpshooter
Teinturier Grapes
Alicante Boucher
Gamay de Bouze
Marechal Foch
Rubired (Tinta Cao x Alicante Ganzinu)
Saperavi (Georgia)
Cane pruning
is commonly used in cooler climate growing regions, including Burgundy, Sonoma, and Oregon. By limiting the vine’s lignified growth (the hard brown part) to just the trunk, the vine is less vulnerable to frost and better protected than spur pruned vines. Cane pruning takes great skill to do well because it requires manually cutting back nearly all the vine’s prior growth and correctly selecting a single cane (or two) that will be responsible for next season’s production.
Cordon / Spur
common to see in warmer climate growing regions, including California, Washington, and Spain. There are many different styles of Spur-pruned training methods used for everything from table grapes (high production) to fine wine (low production). Spurs (the stub of a cane that contains 1-3 buds) are generally easier to prune and certain training systems, such as goblet method, are ideal for areas prone to drought.
Spur pruning is a more traditional training method that is known to produce outstanding old vine wines
Who owns Nobilo and where is it located
Constallation Huapei Auckland nz
Difference beteeen Central Otago and Waitaki Valley soils
Central is schist and slate. Waitaki is limestone
Central Otago sub regions n to south 6
Wanaka, Cromwell Basin, Tarras, Bendigo, Pisa, Lowburn (Pisa and Lowburn are part of Cromwell basin, Bonackburn, Gibbston, Alexandra Basin. Bonackburn only officiant GI
What subregion is Rippin in
Highest and coolest of C Otago sub zones
What is the big lake all the sub regions of C Otago center around
Lake Dunstan
What river is the northern border of Banockbutn GI
Bannockburn GI producers
Felton Road, Bald Hill, Mt Difficulty
Oldest vine in the world
In Maribor (stajerska Slovenska in Podravje Slovenia) 400yrs old. Zametovka grape
Zametovka grape
Oldest vine in world Maribor Slovenia (Podravje)
Style of rose popular in Dolenska Posavja Slovenia. <10% abv high acid often fr Zametovka grape
One yr old Lambic + 2-3yr old beers. Sugars left in lambic referment in btl