Radium Girls Lines Flashcards
Grace: Oooh! There she is!
Walk up to podium w/ societywoman and Sochocky
Reporter: Madame Curie! What will you do with the radum?
Curie: Eh?
Reporter: What will you do with the radium?
Curie: Uh… I will continue my experiments to fint petter mesots for se treatment of se cancer
Sob Sister: Is radium a cure for all cancer?
Curie: Cure for se cancer? Yes, yes. Cure for se cancer! Sat is so. It has alreaty cure-t all kints of se cancer.
Sob Sister: But some doctors dispute that!
Curie: Sen sey to not understant se mesot. Sere is no question– Ratium will cure se cancer.
Sob Sister: Madame Curie! How have you been able to devote yourself both to science – and to your children?
Curie: Ah. It has not been easy. (ah hahaha) Put my taughters share my gratitute to se American women for sere interest in science and my work. I am most grateful.
Male Shopper: Two hundred and fifty thousand dollars!
Store Owner: Ask me, it’s all a sham
Customer: What do you mean? Those girls are very sick!
Store Owner: Sicka workin’ sure!
Shopgirl: Then I’d travel all around the world - first class. With all my friends.
Store Owner: I’d play the stock market.
Grace: I try not to think about it.
Store Owner: But it must get to ya sometimes-
Male Shopper: And all they have to say about it is-
Everyone: No comment!
Knef:I couldn’t put out a cure, no. I’m saying- I scratch your back you scratch mine.
Board 1: How so, Doctor Knef?
Board 2: An excellent idea. (muttered agreement)
Board 1: I don’t know. Perhaps we shouldn’t be so quick to dismiss Knef’s proposal.
Roeder: What do you mean?
Board 1: We’re in a very bad situation here Mr. Roeder.
Board 3: And it’s going to get worse.
Board 1: And the papers are full of stories about those girls…
Lee: Making them out to be saints.
Board 1: And what defense can we put out?
Lee: Except to say we’ll try our case in court.
Board 1: And in the court of public opinion, we’ve already lost!
Board 2: Perhaps we should reconsider. It certainly wouldn’t hurt to have testimony from a dentist who treated those girls.
Board 2: Knef could be very helpful to us. We should retain him.
Roeder: Retain him as what? An extortionist?
Board 1: As an expert.
Roeder: It wasn’t medical advice. It was an expert’s opinion, a scientific opinion. (Pause)
Board 1: How about this? We retain Knef, but we don’t put him on the stand.Just so we keep him from testifying for the women.
Board 2: Yes, I agree. That’s the most important thing.
Board 1: Would you agree to something like that, Mr. Roeder?
Grace: Mmm! Tommy! Please! (knock knock)
Curie: Rise ant shine!
Grace: Madame Curie?
Curie: Time for work!
Grace: Oh, am I late? I set the alarm.
Curie: We have five sounsant tiles to paint pefore preakfast. Up, up, up! It’s all for se war effort!
Grace: Please, I’m so very tired.
Curie: No complainingk! Goot soltiers don’t complain!
Grace: But I’m dying.
Curie: And who isn’t?
Grace: It’s not fair! I’m only twenty-six. I should be married by now. I should have children. My own home.
Curie: We all have to make sacrifices sometimes.
Kathryn: It’s all for science, Grace.
Curie: Science! Family! Every life is sacrificet to somesingk! Just a matter of choosingk which.
Grace: I’m sorry Kathryn. I guess I shouldn’ta said anything.
Curie: No problem! What’s one more tet tilepainter?