Radiology Flashcards
What 2 changes occur to protons when RF pulse is applied?
- More protons flip from spin up to spin down (the result is that Mz component of M0 decreases)
- Protons precess in phase (the result is that transverse magnetization progressively increases)
** net result of these two is that the net magnetization vector will progressively tilt away from initial orientation with its tip describing a spiral motion from the north pole to its equator
What is longitudinal relaxation?
90 degree RF pulse –> net magnetization shifted into the transverse plane –> RF pulse stops –> longitudinal magnetization (z-axis) progressively grows back to its initial (maximum) value
AKA spin lattice relaxation
What is spin-spin relaxation?
90 degree RF pulse applied –> neg magnetization shifted into the transverse plane –> RF pulse stopped –> rapid DECREASE in the amplitude of transverse magnetization
AKA transverse relaxation
Results from progressive de-phasing of protons due to:
- brownian motion
- magnetic field inhomogeneities
- movement of spins
T/F: The rate of regrowth of longitudinal magnetization is the same as rate of decrease of transverse magnetization after the end of RF pulse
- Regrowth of longitudinal magnetization and decrease in transverse magnetization are due to independent processes:
- energy exchange between protons and microenvironment
- rapid dephasing of the precession motion of the protons
- The decrease in transverse magnetization (T2) is much faster than the regrowth of longitudinal magnetization (T1)
What is free induction decay?
During relaxation, the tip of the transverse component of the net magnetization vector describes a spiral in the XY plane
This rotating magnetic field in the XY plane can generate an electrical signal in a receiving coil placed in the XY plane
How do magnetic field inhomogeneities infleunce T2 relaxation?
- Magnetic field inhomogeneities make dephasing of protons during relaxation much faster so that Mxy actually decreases at a much faster rate than expected
- The resulting decrease in transverse magnetization is characterized by T2* (which is significantly less than T2)
- T2* is heavily dependent on the strength of B0 (it is harder to obtain a homogeneous field in a high-field system)
- T2 is independent of B0
- Due to magnetic field inhomogeneities, the signal measured (FID) does not only reflect the magnetic properties of the tissue, but is compounded by extrinsic inhomogeneities of B0
Regarding spin echo sequence - what is the effect of the 180 degree pulse applied?
180 degree pulse cancels out onl the fixed magnetic field inhomogeneities (but not the intrinsic spin-spin interactions)
- t=0, 90 degree RF pulse applied –> all protons are in phase causing transverse magnetization to be maximum
- Rapidly, protons start to lose phase coherence
- At t=180 after the end of the RF pulse, a 180 degree pulse is applied –> spins move symmetrically across the y-axis
- after a time equal to 2x t180, the spins are again in phase and Mxy is maximal
- this is the ECHO
- occurs at time = TE
- The newly created Mxy (Mxy2) has LESS amplitude than the initial one
The longer one waits to apply the 180 pulse, the weaker the echo signal will be (more irreversible spin-spin relaxation will have occurred in the sample)
To obtain an echo at a specific TE, one needs to apply a 180 RF pulse at ________ seconds after the RF pulse
Why does the 180 RF pulse not affect T1 relaxation?
180 degree pulse will influence longitudinal relaxation but is usually negligible because TE/2 is very short in comparison with T1
(There has been minimal regrowth of T1 by the time the 180 pulse is applied)
After initial 90 degree, then 180 degree RF pulse are applied, what needs to happen before the next 90 degree RF pulse can be applied?
Wait a sufficient amount of time for Mz to have regrown enough so that a 90 degree pulse will be able o shift that new magnetization into the XY plane again
This is called the REPETITION TIME = TR
How are FOV, matrix size, and spatial resolution related?
For a given FOV, if the matrix size increases, the size of each individual pixel decreases –> spatial resolution increases
Regarding fourier transformation, what is the significance of the high amplitude/low frequent components vs. the high frequenc/low amplitude components?
High amplitude, low frequency components –> general shape and contrast
High frequency, low amplitude –> detail and spatial resolution
What is spatial encoding?
MRI signal is detected - need a way to localize the spatial origin of that signal and attribute it to a specific voxel
Relies on:
- magnetic field gradients
- fourier transformation
How is a linear gradient created?
How is a slice selection gradietn created?
Gradient coils
- A gradietn is applied along the axis of the main magnetic field B0
- the gradient is centered at the isocenter of the bore
Slice selection gradient
- because of the linear gradient created by gradient coils, in a transverse plane perpendicular to B0 and located at some distance d from the isocenter, all protons will process at a unique frequency (that is dependent on the strength of the gradient and the distance)
- apply an RF pulse that is tuned to that specific frequency –> only the protons located n the specific slice will experience resonance and be excited
- the other protons in the volume of the bore are processing at different frequencies and thus will be insensitive to that RF pulse
What determines slice thickness?
- Transmit bandwidth
- in reality, the RF pulse contains a small range of frequencies called the transmit bandwidth
- it is a slab of a certain thickness, proportional to the frequency range, that gets excited by the RF pulse
- wider transmit bandwidth –> thicker slice (and shorter RF pulse frequency)
- Changing the strength of the slice selection gradient
4 radiographic changes of discospondylitis:
How do radiographic changes in young dogs vary from adults?
- osteolysis of vertebral end plates and vertebral bodies
- collapse of the intervertebral disc space
- variable sclerosis adjacent to the osteolytic regions
- variable osseous proliferation adjacent to the intervertebral disc spaces
Young dogs - intervertebral disc space narrowing without vertebral end plate osteolysis
- over time, majority developed osteolysis of vertebral metaphysis with appearance similar to adult dogs
- 8/10 had subluxation at initial diagnosis or follow up
Vet Clin N America
Vertebral physitis = osteolysis initially restricted to the _________ vertebral physis
Caudal vertebral physis
Eventually collapse of the caudal vertebral body, spondylosis of caudal vertebral body occurs
Acinetobacter and Enterococci species have been isolated from vertebral biopsy material
Vet Clin N America
CT abnormalities in patients with discospondylitis?
Same as radiography: osteolysis of adjacent vertebral end plates, with or without osteolysis of the underlying bone
Vet Clin N America
Radiographic evidence of healing discospondylitis? (2)
Replacement of lytic bone by osseous proliferation
Ankylosis of the vertebrae
Vet Clin N America
MRI characteristics of discospondylitis
- end plate changes
- cortical bone changes
- soft tissues
- intervertebral discs
- empyema
- spinal cord changes
- end plate changes - T1 hypointense (or mixed signal), T2 hypointense (or hyperintense), STIR hyperintense, contrast-enhancing
- cortical bone changes - cortical lysis and irregularity
- soft tissues - abnormal soft tissues adjacent to the affected vertebrae
- intervertebral discs - hyperintense on STIR and T2W, isointense on T1W, contrast enhancing
- empyema - T1 hypointense, T2 and STIR hyperintense, contrast enhancement (rim enhancement or diffuse enhancement)
- spinal cord changes - T2 hyperintensity of the spinal cord (no correlation with severity of signs)
Vet Clin N America
What sequences should be included in MRI for discospondylitis
- T1 pre and post contrast
- T2 fat sat?
Vet Clin N America
Processes that affect the appearance of end plates on MRI (5)
- Reactive end plate changes
- Fatty infiltration of the body and end plates
- End plate sclerosis
- Osteochondrosis
- Schmorl nodes
Vet Clin N America
Rate of positive culture using fluoroscopically guided disc aspirates?
Vet Clin N America
Discospondylitis starts as an infection of that anatomic structure?
5 most common discospondylitis organisms?
4 Risk factors for discospondylitis?
Discospondylitis - infection of the cartilaginous end plates of the vertebral bodies –> secondary involvement of the intervertebral disc
Staphylococcus, then Strep, Brucella, E. coli, Enterobacter
Risk factors:
- lg breed
- intact male
- recent corticosteroid administration
- recent surgery
Vet Clin N America
What 3 parameters define the spatial resolution of an MR image?
- Dimensions of the FOV
- Slice thickness
- Size of the image matrix
For a given FOV: increasing the matrix size –> decreases pixel dimension –> increases resolution
Increasing slice thickness –> decreases resolution in the direction perpendicular to the image plane
Larger voxes lead to increased volume averaging
What is phase wrap around? How is it prevented?
MRI artifact that occurs when the dimensions of an object exceed the defined FOV
- A type of aliasing where large phase shifts in the periphery of an object are mismapped into lower phase shifts near the center
- More severe along the phase-encoding axis
- FOV in the PE direction needs to be larger than the area of anatomy being imaged
- Phase oversampling
How are gradient strength, bandwith, and FOV related?
For a given gradient strength: smaller bandwidth –> smaller FOV
Fixed bandwidth: increased gradient strength –> smaller FOV
** in practice the technician specifies the FOV desired in the frequenting encoding direction and has no access to gradient strength
Bandwitch can be modified at the control station in order to improve SNR (decreasing bandwitch)
The machine automatically adjusts the frequency encoding gradient strength to maintain the specified FOV
How can sampling frequency result in aliasing/wrap?
For a given sampling frequency, there is a risk that high frequencies may not be sampled and represented accurately in the MR signal leading to aliasing or wraparound artifact
For a standard spin-echo pulse sequence, when is the slice selection gradient applied in relation to the RF pulses?
When is the phase encoding gradient applied?
When are the frequency encoding gradients applied?
Slice selectin gradient is applied simultaneously with the RF pulses so that these pulses are selective of the slice of interest
Phase encoding gradient applied between the 90° and 180 degree pulses
Frequency encoding gradients applied during the application of phase-encoding gradients, and at the same time the echo is formed (during readout of the MRI signal)
What kind of TE and TR are required for T1W imaging?
What kind of TE and TR are required for T2W imaging?
PDW imaging?
T1W imaging: short TR, short TE
T2W imaging: long TR, long TE
PDW: long TR (minimizes T1 differences of various tissues); short TE (minimizes differences of T2 of various tissues) - only proton density determines the signal of the image
What are:
- MRI sources of noise? (2)
- Noncontrollable factors influencing SNR? (2)
- Controllable factors influencing SNR? (4)
MRI sources of noise:
- Patient’s body (emits RF energy due to thermal motion)
- Receiver chain (preamplifier, RF receive coil)
Noncontrollable factors influence SNR:
- Magnetic field strength (B0 increases, increase signal to read)
- Relaxation times of tissues (determines the amount of signal available for readout)
Controllable factors that influence SNR:
- Volume of voxels (larger voxels = more protons = more signal, less resolution)
- Receiver bandwidth
- Number of exitations
- Number of PE steps (number of pixels in the PE direction)
What are operator-controlled parameters that influence SNR? (4)
TR: longer TR –> more longitudinal magnetization has recovered –> more magnetization available for next pulse –> more signal
TE: Longer TE –> less transverse magnetization remains –> lower signal
Flip angle: Flip angle < 90, lower amplitude of transverse magnetization, less signal
Type of receiver coil
What factors control acquisition time?
Number of phase encoding steps = number of pixels in the phase encoding direction
NEX = number of excitations
TR = time to repetition
Series of events for spin echo sequence?
T0: 90 degree RF pulse (shifts net magnetization into the transverse plane)
TE/2: 180 degree RF pulse tuned to the slice of interest
TE: progressive rephasing of the protons, signal readout (while FE gradient is turned on for a period of time that depends on chosen rBW)
TR: after readout, new 90 degree RF pulse is applied
One echo is obtained per TR, filling 1 line of K space at a time
How does gadolinium affect T1 relaxation?
Shortens the T1 relaxation time of protons –> longitudinal magnetization recovers much faster –> more measurable transverse magnetization
How does fast spin echo differ from spin echo?
Fast spin-echo uses separate phase-encodings for each echo, allowing accelerated imaging
- in conventional spin echo, all echoes are recorded with the same TE
- in FSE, pulse sequences are collected at various TEs with 1 TR
- “if we use shallow gradients for the echoes within the echo train that occur at the desired TE, we maximize signal contrast for these echoes, and thus obtain an appropriately weighted image
- FAT tends to be BRIGHTER on TW FSE images
- Susceptibility artifacts (ex/ metal implants) are reduced with FSE
What MRI sequence is described by the following: Single 90° RF pulse –> little over half of the lines of K space acquired within 1 TR. The other half is synthesized using conjugate symmetry of k-space
Single-shot fast spin-echo
- short acquisition time = low SNR
- long echo train after single excitation –> severe T2 blurring artifacts in the PE direction –> significantly degrades image quality
- Clinical applications:
- used to image tissues with long T2 relaxation times
- myelogram effect on sagittal images of the spine - quick snapshot of the subarachnoid space in a short time, rapid detection of spinal cord compressive lesions and areas of dilation of the subarachnoid space
Which MRI sequence fits the following description:
Same principles as spin echo, except an additional 180° RF preparation pulse occurs at time T1, that is equal to the nulling time of the longitudinal magnetization of the tissue that is targeted
Inversion recovery
- STIR - TI is short (matching the nulling time of fat)
- Nulling of fat with STIR is more efficient than with the fat saturation techniques as STIR is not sensitive to magnetic field inhomogeneities
- Cannot be used with gadolinium contrast because the T1 of enhancing tissue is shortened, closer to that of fat –> enhancing tissues will be suppressed on STIR images
- FLAIR - TI is calculated so that signal from fluid is nulled
- relatively pure fluids (CSF) have long relaxation times
- FLAIR can be made with T1 or T2 images depending on TR and TE values
What MRI sequence describes the following:
- Strategy to generate an echo that does not rely on 180° RF pulse
- RF pulse generates a transverse magnetization –> dephasing gradient is applied in the frequency encoding direction, then the rephasing gradient is applied in the frequency encoding direction (opposite polarity, equal strength) –> progressive rephasing of protons and regrowth in transverse magnetization
Gradient echo imaging - reversal gradient
- Smaller flip angles
- Shorter TR and TE –> faster acquisition times
- Echo is created by biphasic gradient (dephasing/rephasing)
- Transverse magnetization decays according to T2* (does not compensate for dephasing of spins caused by tissue magnetic susceptibilities)
How does SNR of gradient echo sequence image compare with SNR of spin-echo sequence?
What factors control imaging weighting of gradient echo images?
SNR tends to be reduced compared with spin-echo sequences due to smaller flip angle and decreased TR
Image weighting of gradient echo: depends on TR, TE and flip angle
- TR is always short - main determinants are TE and flip angle
- A significant degree of T2* weighting is always present
- T1 weighting: flip angle > 70°, short TE
- T2* weighting: flip < 20°, long TE
- PDW: flip angle < 20°, short TE
Clinical applications for gradient echo pulse sequences:
- High sensitivity to magnetic susceptibility - used to identify hemorrhage (low flip angle, long TR, long TE)
- single slice breath hold image for abdominal scanning for dynamic contrast enhancement studies
- MR angiography
Which MRI sequence describes the following:
MRI signal made of 2 components:
- Classic echo from FID induced RF excitation, weighted in T1 or proton density
- Rephased (stimulated echo) from the residual transverse magnetization (transverse coherence) weighted more in T2*
Steady state gadient echo/rewound gradient echo/coherent gradient echo
- The signal is T2* and T1W because it is contributed to by transverse coherence and longitudinal magnetization tilted by the RF pulse
- Steady state gradient echo imaging, TR is very short, tissue with longer T2 do not loose their transverse magnetization between 2 excitation RF pulses. There is a permanent longitudinal and transverse magnetization
- Image contrast depends on the ratio of T2/T1
What MRI sequence describes the following:
Gradient echo imaging where the residual transverse magnetization following signal readout is altered so that only a longitudinal component contributes to the net magnetization vector
Spoiled gradient echo = incoherent gradient echo
- because transverse magnetization is spoiled, the residual signal depends less on T2/T2*, and more heavily on T1
- Spoiling done in 2 ways:
- Application of spoiled gradient –> dephases transverse magnetization
- Excitation RF pulses of variable phase in a pseudo random fashion (called RF spoiling)
- Excellent T1 contrast, fast imaging, sensitivity to flow make them suitable for MRI angiography
Which MRI sequence describes the following:
Gradient echo sequence that allows acquisition of more heavily T2W images by recording only the signal from the echoes from the residual transverse magnetization
Time reversed gradient echo
- Represents a T2 contrast enhanced approach
- Gradients are applied prior to the RF excitation pulses (as opposed to simultaneous to them) –> no gradient echo from the pure FID is recorded
- Signal is more T2W because it is generated in the form of a spin echo
What physiologic processes result in isotropic restriction of water motion?
Neoplasia with high cellular density - compresses the extracellular space and restricts free diffusion of water in the EC space
Cytotoxic edema - water molecules move in the intracellular compartment where their movement is impaired by cell membranes and intracellular organelles
What MRI sequence is described by the following:
2 diffusion gradients, either in slice selection, phase encoding, or frequency encoding direction are placed symmetrically on either side of the 180 RF pulse of the spin echo sequence
Classic DWI
- Duration and amplitude of the 2 gradients are identical
- First diffusion gradient –> phase to be acquired by protons in water molecules in the voxel
- If protons move out of the voxel prior to the application of the second diffusion gradient - that phase is not reversed by the second diffusion gradient –> drop in signal in the voxel
- If the water molecule has restricted motion and remains in the voxel between the 2 diffusion gradients, the phase acquired during the first diffusion gradient and inverted by 180 pulse is completely reversed by the second diffusion gradient –> high signal in the voxel
- Typically this is repeated 3x by applying the diffusion gradients in the slice selection, frequency encoding and phase encoding gradients - assessment of movement of restriction of water is performed in all 3 directions of space
What is used to model the amplitude of diffusion in diffusion weighted imaging?
- An image is obtained with a B value of 0 = no diffusion = T2W
- An image is obtained with a b value of > 0 (typically around 1000) = DWI
- From that information, an ADC can be determined within each voxel that measures the absolute diffusion of water between the 2 images
- This is displayed on an ADC map - restricted motion appears black and unrestricted motion has a brighter signal
______ vertebrae result from a failure of segmentation in the developing vertebrae
Block vertebrae result from a failure of segmentation in the developing vertebrae
- can involve fusion of the vertebral bodies, arches, or entire vertebrae
- Often incidental BUT there may be instability and an increased likelihood of intervertebral disc herniation at the site adjacent to block vertebrae
- Results from fusion of 2+ vertebral bodies +/- vertebral arches
- Disc space seen as radiolucent line
- Most common in the cervical region
- Fused sacral vertebrae = normal block vertebrae
(BSAVA Manual, Thrall)
Myelograph induced seizures have been reported to occur in _______% of patients and are more likely to occur in ______ patients
Why should CSF be collected prior to myelography?
Myelograph induced seizures have been reported to occur in 10-20% of patients and are more likely to occur in large patients
Myelograph contrast medium induces mild meningitis that makes csf interpretation within a WEEK of myelography difficult
(BSAVA Manual)
What type of compression?
Extradural - displacement of at least one contrast column is seen in at least one projection
Brain Camp
Sacral OCD
- Arrow - multiple small but highly attenuating osseous fragments are seen within the vertebral canal at the level of the lumbosacral junction
- large arrowhead - there is a defect of the craniodorsal margin of the first sacral body (angular flattening of the bone)
- small arrowhead - lumbosacral intervertebral disc space is widened and a soft tissue mass containing the fragmented bone protrudes into the vertebral canal, indicative of intervertebral disc herniation and possible dorsal ligamentous hypertrophy
(Atlas of Small Animal MRI and CT)
What were associated risk factors for seizures in dogs after iohexol for myelogram according to Barone et al?
What was the overall prevalence of seizures in the study?
Prevalence of seizures was 21.4% (dog had at least 1 generalized seizure during or after myelography)
Risk factors:
- injection site (cerebellomedullary injection 7x > lumbar)
- Mean total volume higher in dogs that developed seizures
- Dogs weighing > 20kg
*dogs that did NOT have surgery were more likely to have a seizure
Barone et al 1998
MRI characteristics of MLO according to Lipsitz et al?
T1W - hypointense as compared to brain, not as hypointense as CSF
PDW and T2 images - hypointense as compared to brain with central hyperintensities
T1WI+C - 2/3 dogs had rim of contrast enhancement, areas of uniform enhancement interspersed with nonenhancing regions
1/3 dog had uniform enhancement
Lipsitz et al 2001
T/F: Meningeal enhancement was consistently identified in dogs with intracranial extension of orbital infection? (according to Kneissl et al)
False - definite meningeal enhancement was not observed in any dog in this study
MRI features of intracranial extension or orbital disease:
- Structures within and in continuity with the skull foramina had increased T2, STIR, and FLAIR signal
- Contrast enhancement at the skull base in continuity with the orbital lesion
- Hyperintensity and thickening of the periorbita after contrast medium injection
Kneissl et al 2007
What is the sensitivity of MRI for detecting inflammatory CSF?
Lamb 2005
MRI characteristics of trigeminal neuritis? (3)
- Diffuse enlargement of the trigeminal nerve within the calvarium and trigeminal canal
- Affected nerves are isointense on T1W, iso-to-hyperintense on T2W images, and have homogeneous or heterogeneous contrast enhancement after gadolinium injection
- +/- concurrent atrophy of the masticatory muscles
What are the contrast-enhancing characteristics of the NORMAL trigeminal nerve according to Pettigrew et al
Contrast enhancement of the entire trigeminal nerve in 39/42 dogs
Contrast enhancement in the region of the trigeminal ganglion in all 42 dogs
(Intensity of contrast enhancemet was subjectively less than or equal to that of the pituitary gland)
Retrospective - 42 dogs w/ normal MRI images, no trigeminal disease
T/F: The normal canine optic nerve is contrast enhancing?
(Boroffka et al 2008)
According to Bentley et al 2013, what 3 MRI characteristics of glioma are more common for grade III-IV tumors?
- Single cysts/ Intratumoral fluid accumulations
- Moderate or severe contrast-enhancement
- Some or all tumor situated in the diencephalon or any part of the internal capsule (deeper location)
Astrocytoma vs. oligodendroglioma:
- caudal fossa location more common?
- more likely to contact the surface?
- more likely to cause ventricular distortion?
- intraventricular location?
- caudal fossa location - astrocytoma
- contact surface - oligodendroglioma
- ventricular distortion - oligodendrogliomas have been reported to be more likely to cause ventricular than astrocytomas, however others found no difference between astrocytomas and oligodendrogliomas regarding relationship to the lateral ventricles
- Intraventricular location - oligodendrogliomas. CSF drop metastases have been reported
According to Bentley et al 2013, what 3 MRI characteristics were significantly associated with astrocytomas?
- Significantly associated with presence of moderate to extensive peri-tumoral edema
- Lack of ventricular distortion
- Isointense to hyperintense T1W signal
Glioblastoma multiforme is a high-grade _____ that is sporadically reported in dogs
If glial tumor, what kind?
Glioblastoma multiforme
MRI findings:
- focal or multifocal ill-defined T2/FLAIR hyperintense areas associated with brain and/or spinal cord
- typically not contrast enhancing; however mild parenchymal enhancement and meningeal enhancement is possible
- several adjacent cerebral lobes are typically simultaneously affected
- Focal mass-like changes are possible in the midst of diffuse lesions, and concurrent astrocytoma or oligodendroglioma may be identified
- Normal MRI is possible (?)
How does MRI enhancement pattern correlate with histopathologic findings according to Brunner Singh et al?
in 73% of the lesions, the histomorphologic features explained the contrast enhancement pattern
- vascular proliferation and dilated vessels occurred significantly more often in areas with enhancement than in areas without enhancement
In 15/81 lesions, there was no association between MR images and histologic findings
- contrast enhancement was found within necrotic areas
- ring enhancement was seen in lesions w/o central necrosis
“These findings imply that necrosis cannot be differentiated reliably from viable tissue based on postcontrast images”
Brunner-Sing et al 2011
According to Sturges et al, the incidence of specific meningioma grades was ____% benign, ____% atypical, and ____% malignant
56% benign
43% atypical
1% malignant
Sturges 2008
injection into the central canal
Brain Camp
What % of French Bulldogs, English Bulldogs, and Pugs in retrospective study (Bertram et al) were found to have thoracic caudal articular process dysplasia?
70% of french bulldogs
84% of english bulldogs
97% of pugs
retrospective study of 271 dogs presenting for problems unrelated to spinal disease
Bertram et al 2017
2 headed arrow - foramen magnum is larger than normal and elongated in the dorsal-ventral axis
OAA malformation
arrowhead - the rostral margin of the dorsal arch of the atlas extends into the dorsal part of the foramen resulting in atlantooccipital overlapping
arrows/arrowheads - occipital condyles are hypoplastic but appear to articulate well with the articular fovea of the atlas
marked rotational subluxation of the atlantoaxial joint is evident. the odontoid process of the axis is hypoplastic
(Atlas of Small Animal MRI and CT)
Arrows - multiple T1 isointense and T2 hyperintense ovoid extradural masses that uniformly enhance following intraveneous contrast administration
Masses = confirmed extradural nephroblastoma presumably resulting from residual disease or surgical seeding
(Atlas of Small Animal MRI and CT)
Asterisk - A large, ovoid, T2 hyperintense, T1 isointense mass is present in the caudal cranial fossa, causing rostrodorsal displacement and compression of the cerebellum and dorsal compression of the brainstem
Arrow - There is a complex, sessile mixed‐intensity “cap” on the dorsal margin of the mass, best seen on T2 images
The mass nonuniformly and peripherally contrast enhances
*confirmed epidermoid cyst, ruptured causing lipogranulomatous encephalitis surrounding the cyst
(Atlas of Small Animal CT and MRI)
What imaging technieuq of the CNS produces planar images that aidentify areas where the blood-brain barrier has broken down and fails to exclude the injected radionucleotide?
Covnentional scintigraphy
(BSAVA Manual)
arrowheads (a) - comminuted fractures of the pedicles and the cranial body
white arrow - comminuted fractures of the cranial body of the 11th thoracic vertebra
Arrowhead (b) - T10-11 intervertebral disc space narrowing and subluxation
black arrow - contrast medium has absorbed into the spinal cord marenchyma indicative of myelomalacia
(Atlas of Small Animal MRI and CT)
A) 2y pug with dilation of the quadrigeminal cistern
B) 4y male chihuahua w/ moderate dorsocaudal dilation of the 3rd ventricle
C) 1y mix with large dorsocaudal expansion of the 3rd ventricle. Enlargement of the quadrigeminal cistern leads to the dorsoventral compression of the cerebellum
D) 11y shih tzu with dilation of the quadrigeminal cistern
E) 2y Chihuahua with dorsocaudal out pocketing of the 3rd ventricle
F) 8m Yorkie with supracollicular dilation of the 3rd ventricle and displacement of the quadrigeminal plate
*large dilations of quadrigeminal cistern and 3rd ventricle lead to displacement of the occipital lobes and interthalamic adhesion
Bertolini et al 2016
A - anatomically correct articular process joint
ventral = cranial articular process
dorsal = caudal articular process
B - right-sided unilateral caudal articular process aplasia
Bertram et al 2017
arrow - Well-delineated, contrast-enhancing mass within the horizontal part of the right external ear canal
arrowhead - fluid is entrapped between the tympanic membrane and the mass in the proximal part of the canal
Thickening of the ipsilateral tympanic bulla and a small volume of exudate adherent to the bulla wall are suggestive of previous otitis media.
*biopsy = ceruminous adenoma of the external ear canal, chronic otitis externa
(Atlas of Small Animal MRI and CT)
well demarcated expansile mass emanating from the left tympanic bulla which has eroded the petrous temporal bone and adjacent occipital bone, extends into the cranial vault and has resulted in brainstem deformation.
Mass is heterogeneously but T1 hypointense, and moderately T2 hyperintense. There is irregular peripheral contrast enhancement (small arrows) and adjacent meningeal enhancement (large arrow)
Similar changes in the R tympanic bulla, confined within the bulla cavity
Pronounced left-sided temporal, masseter, and pterygoid muscle atrophy is evident
*biopsy = cholesteatoma
(Atlas of Small Animal MRI and CT)
MRI has a high sensitivity and specificity for detecting which 2 categories of brain disease?
It has a low sensitivity for detecting what category of brain disease?
High sensitivity (94%)/specificity (95%) for detecting neoplastic and inflammatory brain disease
Low sensitivity (38%) for detecting cerebrovascular disease
(Wolf et al 2012)
Contents of the cavernous sinus? (6)
Located on either side of the sella turcica
- internal carotid arteries
- sympathetic plexus associated w/ internal carotid artery
- CN 3, 4, 5, 6
(Atlas of Small Animal CT and MRI)
mild left-sided displacement of the spinal cord and a split contrast column on the right, indicative of an intradural-extramedullary mass
The mass homogeneously enhances following intraveneous contrast administration
*post-mortem confirmed meningioma
(Atlas of Small Animal MRI and CT)
A partially and diffusely mineralized mass arises from the right frontal bone and extends around the right zygomatic arch
The mineralized component of the mass has a coarse, granular appearance characteristic of MLO
Arrow - mass is osteodestructive and displaces normal soft tissue structures
Arrowhead - right globe
** approximately 50% of dogs experience local recurrence after treatment, approximately half develop metastatic disease
(Atlas of Small Animal MRI and CT)
What are the 2 patterns identified on MRI for brachial plexus nerve sheath tumors identified by Kraft et al?
Diffuse brachial plexus nerve thickening
Circumscribed brachial plexus mass +/- additional brachial plexus thickening
Kraft et al 2007
injection of gas
Brain Camp
arrowheads - multiple extradural T2 isointense, mildly T1 hyperintense masses are widely distributed within the vertebral canal and uniformly enhance following intraveneous contrast administration
*B-cell lymphoma
(Atlas of Small Animal MRI and CT)
Cerebellum is small and the surface contours appear unusually well defined because of increased CSF volume.
4th ventricle and cerebellomedullary cistern are larger than expected
3.5m MI Cocker Spaniel w/ presumptive cerebellar hypoplasia
(Atlas of Small Animal CT and MRI)
It has been suggested that only _____% of Pugs diagnosed with cauda articular process dysplasia will demonstrate neurological signs
Bertram et al 2017
Most common MRI findings in cats with meningoencephalitis according to Negrin et al?
gadolinium contrast enhancement (71%)
T2 hyperintense foci (50%)
Negrin et al 2006
causes of intradural/extramedullary myelographic pattern (3)
arrowhead - a large mass of partially mineralized disc material has been extruded into the right side of the vertebral canal extradural space, causing lateralized spinal cord compression
some disc material has migrated cranially and can be seen within the mid body of T12
Arrow - the T12/13 intervertebral disc space contains residual mineralized disc material
(Atlas of Small Animal MRI and CT)
T2 shine through
(Brain Camp)
Arrowhead - dorsal subluxation of C7 relative to C6 and narrowing of the C6/7 intervertebral disc space
Arrow - highly comminuted and displaced fracture of the right cranial articular process of C7
(Atlas of Small Animal MRI and CT)
CT characteristics of masses of the brachial plexus according to Rudich et al
contrast enhancement 83% (20/24) - uniform or heterogeneous enhancement with hypoechoic central area
well defined margins (13/24)
muscle atrophy in 83% (20/24) - most apparent in the region of the scapula
Arrows - T2 hyperintensity in the caudal lumbar spinal cord and cauda equina that enhances following intraveneous contrast administration
the enhancement is plaque-like and appears to be contained by the dura matter
*postmortem confirmed widely disseminated intradural-extramedullary histiocytic sarcoma
(Atlas of Small Animal MRI and CT)
Uniformly contrast enhancing and symmetrical pituitary gland is evident
The gland is considered within normal limits for size, but the dorsal margin is convex and extends beyond the dorsal extend of the sella turcica
*pituitary macroadenoma
(Atlas of Small Animal CT and MRI)
Histologic lesions that result in low ADC values (indicating restricted diffusion) (4)
- acute nonhemorrhagic infarcts
- meningiomas
- glial cell tumor
- granulomatous meningoencephalitis
Sutherland-Smith et al 2011
R optic nerve is enlarged and has a nonuniform diameter
Meningeal sheath of R optic nerve intensely enhances. R orbital exenteration was performed and a R optic nerve meningioma was confirmed histologically
The dog returned 2y later with clinical signs referrable to intracranial dz - proximal remnant of the right optic nerve is enlarged, irregularly margined, and nonuniformly contrast enhances
(Atlas of Small Animal CT and MRI)
Arrowheads - Ill‐defined bilateral T1 hyperintensity in the lentiform nuclei is seen
There is no corresponding change on T2 images and no evidence of enhancement following contrast administration.
These lesions are consistent with those described in dogs with
liver insufficiency due to portosystemic shunting.
The T1 hyperintensity is due to manganese accumulation
(Atlas of Small Animal CT and MRI)
Arrow - ill-defined, ovoid mass within the left thalamic region which is heterogeneously T1 hypointense and heterogeneously FLAIR hyperintense
Arrow - similar but larger mass is seen in the right occipital lobe
Arrowheads - extensive, bihemispheric white matter edema associated with both masses
Arrow - masses markedly contrast enhance, revealing ill-defined and irregular margins
Arrowhead - excessive meningeal enhancement evident adjacent to the masses
*Post-mortem examination confirmed granulomatous encephalitis from systemic aspergillosis
(Atlas of Small Animal CT and MRI)
causes of extradural myelographic pattern (7)
Survey spinal radiographs - widespread focal and coalescing osteodestructive lesions involving the ribs, vertebrae and scapulae.
CT/myelogram - multifocal osteolytic lesions in the ribs and scapular cortices
the subarachnoid contrast column is circumferentially attenuated at the level of T5
Multiple myeloma confirmed on post mortem exam
(Atlas of Small Animal MRI and CT)
What are the three compartments of the three column classification model for thoracolumbar vertebral trauma?
Dorsal column = lamina, pedicles, and articular processes
Middle column = dorsal half of the vertebral body and intervertebral disc
ventral column = ventral half of the vertebral body
(Atlas of Small Animal MRI and CT)
What is wrap artifact? how is it mitigated?
artifact that occurs when the dimensions of an object exceed the field of view
Generally more severe along the phase-encode axis
mitigated by
- increase FOV
- phase oversampling
- applying saturation bands
Black arrow - hyperattenuating new bone of the lamina and articular processes (arrow heads) results in reduction of the vertebral canal cross-sectional area and change in shape
White arrow - osseous fragment associated with the distal margin of the right caudal aspect of the 4th cervical articular process - consistent with OSTEOCHONDROSIS
The spinal cord is grossly distorted by bilateral compression from hypertrophied articular facets.
(Atlas of Small Animal MRI and CT)
rads arrow - vertebral end plate osteolysis, surrounding bone sclerosis, and narrowing of the L3-4 intervertebral disc space
CT arrow - endplate destruction is more apparent
CT arrow - loss of normally fat attenuating ventral epidural space
CT arrowhead - regional enhancement adjacent to the vertebral column and within the ventral epidural space
(Atlas of Small Animal MRI and CT)
White arrow - right occipital condyle is axially subluxated in relation to the cranial articular fovea of C1
Asterisk - cranial articular fovea of C1
arrowhead - left occipital condyle is ventrally luxated
(Atlas of Small Animal MRI and CT)
small arrowhead - an in situ mineralized nucleus pulposus is present at the T11-12 intervertebral disc space
arrow - mineralized disc material from the T12-13 intervertebral disc space has herniated into the ventral subdural space of the spinal canal causing spinal cord compression with attenuation of the contrast columns.
large arrowhead - the T12/13 disc space is narrow and contains residual mineralized disc material
(Atlas of Small Animal MRI and CT)
arrow - hyperattenuating new bone of the lamina
arrow head - hyperattenuating new bone of the articular processes
reduction of vertebral canal cross‐sectional area and change in shape, with greatest narrowing occurring in the horizontal axis.
Remodeled articular facet margins impinge on the spinal cord to the greatest extent at C4–5, although a thin subarachnoid
contrast column is retained
(Atlas of Small Animal MRI and CT)
What is this myelogram artifact called?
The contrast medium has been injected into the epidural space, causing opacification of the intervertebral foramina (short arrow) and an undulating appearance to the contrast medium column due to opacification of the venous sinuses (long arrow).
(BSAVA Manual)
T/F: MRI has a low sensitivity for diagnosis of meningeal pathology in dogs.
Especially for lesions of the leptomeninges
Keenihan et al 2013
There is ill‐defined, bihemispheric, white‐matter T2 hyperintensity and T1 hypointensity
There are multiple focal signal voids in the deep gray matter and at the cerebral cortical gray–white matter interface, best seen on T2* images
The residual pituitary tumor is best seen on the contrast‐enhanced T1 image
The signal voids represent susceptibility effect from multiple lacunar infarcts from the vascular effects of irradiation.
The white matter T2 hyperintensity is consistent with necrotizing leukoencephalopathy.
(Atlas of Small Animal CT and MRI)
regarding epidurography for LS compression: if the gontrast medium is deviated by > ___% of the diameter of the vertebral canal, there is significant neural compression
(BSAVA Manual)
T/F: The imaging features of pituitary adenomas, invasive adenomas, and adenocarcinomas are not sufficiently different to reliably differentiate these entities
(Atlas of Small Animal CT and MRI)
Arrowheads - T1 and T2 hyperintense mass involving the entire right cerebral cortex, causing a pronounced midline shift
Arrowheads - the mass intensely and uniformly enhances following contrast administration
*confirmed granular cell tumor
(Atlas of Small Animal CT and MRI)
Arrow - large, well-defined mass present within the 3rd ventricle
arrowheads - generalized hydrocephalus
Solitary 3rd ventricle choroid plexus carcinoma was confirmed on post mortem examination w/o evidence of overt obstruction –> diagnosis of overproduction hydrocephalus
(Atlas of Small Animal MRI and CT)
There are focal regions of T2 and FLAIR hyperintensity involving the lateral geniculate nuclei, the caudal colliculi, and vestibular nuclei
Other thalamic nuclei were similarly affected (not shown). There is also ill‐defined T2 and FLAIR hyperintensity of the axial regions of the parietal and occipital cortex, which enhance following contrast administration.
These MR features are characteristic of multifocal polioencephalopathy due to thiamine deficiency. Further questioning of the owner revealed the cat had been fed an almost exclusively meat diet. Clinical signs resolved with dietary change and thiamine supplementation
(Atlas of Small Animal CT and MRI)
arrowhead - well-defined, uniformly enhancing caudal fossa mass
T2 hyperintense, variably contrast enhancing nodules widely distributed in the periphery of the spinal cord, intradural in location
*post mortem confirmed a choroid plexus carcinoma arising from the right lateral aperature with widespread CSF disseminated metastasis
(Atlas of Small Animal MRI and CT)
Asterisk - large, encapsulated soft tissue attenuating mass adjacent to the third lumbar vertebra. heterogeneously enhances following intraveneous contrast administration
arrowhead - tissue within the vertebral canal is uniformly soft tissue attenuating without evidence of epidural fat
arrowhead (c) - CT image cranial to the mass shows clearly defined spinal cord surrounded by lower attenuating epidural fat
*Postmortem - infiltrative left paralumbar myxosarcoma with invasion of the spinal cord
(Atlas of Small Animal MRI and CT)
The transverse plane image reveals a unilateral regional nasal turbinate destruction. The fluid-attenuating mass represents a combination of remaining turbinates, mucosa and accumulated exudate. The fragmented gas pattern suggests this is not a solid mass. A plant awn (foxtail foreign body) was removed via rhinoscopy.
(Atlas of Small Animal MRI and CT)
A well‐delineated, T1 isointense, T2 hypointense intraaxial cerebral mass is present in the region of the
right piriform lobe.
There is moderate edema surrounding the mass as well as a thin peripheral rim of contrast enhancement
There is uniform susceptibility effect within the lesion
Acute intracranial hemorrhage
(Atlas of Small Animal CT and MRI)
What is T2 “shine through”?
regions of hyperintensity on DWI images that conforms to regions of T2 hyperintensity on T2WI
does NOT indicate cytotoxic edema
(Brain Camp)
What is the sensitivity and specificity of MRI for detecting specific brain diseases, according to Wolf et al?
high sensitiity, low specificity for detecting specific brain diseases
(Wolf et al 2012)
T2W, T1W and T1W+C characteristics of brachial plexus NST?
T2W hyperintense (13/18)
T1WI isointense (14/18)
T1WI+C heterogeneously contrast enhancing (13/18), uniform (4/18)
Kraft et al 2007
Abnormalities identified on epidurograms fall into 3 major categories:
epidurogram with complete obstruction of cranial flow of contrast media over the LS junction
epidurogram with dorsal deviation of the ventral epidural space
epidurogram with epidural space deviation/attenuation recognized on dorsoventral views
(Roberts, Selcer 1993)
Black arrow - T1 and T2 hyperintense mass dorsal to the caudal thoracic vertebral column that has caused osteolysis of the vertebral lamina and pedicles
White arrow/arrowhead - the mass extends into the vertebral canal producing spinal cord compression. The mass is hypointense on a fat suppressed contrast-enhanced sequence and has minimal peripheral enhancement
CT - mass is predominantly fat attenuating
*confirmed liposarcoma
(Atlas of Small Animal MRI and CT)
highly aggressive mass extends from the ethmoid bone to the retropharyngeal region
Mass margins are ill defined on the contrast enhanced images with enhancement extending along fascial planes and invading temporal and pterygoid musculature
marked destruction of ethmoid, frontal, palatine, pterygoid, and sphenoidal bones is evident
The mass extends into the cranial vault
*cytology = aggressive, anaplastic adenocarcinoma
(Atlas of Small Animal MRI and CT)
rad arrowheads - ill defined new bone formation on the ventral aspect of the L1 and L2 vertebral bodies
arrow - right sublumbar musculature is focally enlarged at the level of the first lumbar vertebra, which is peripherally contrast enhancing following contrast administration
CT arrowhead - an additional tract is seen extending toward the right lateral paraspinal region
*migrating foxtail was removed
(Atlas of Small Animal MRI and CT)
Intradural - spinal cord enlargement and subsequent divergence and thinning of the contrast columns visible on all radiographic projections
Brain Camp
Causes of intramedullary myelographic pattern (4)
Arrowheads - Multiple foci of marked T2/FLAIR hyperintensity and T1 hypointensity involving the cerebral cortex
Arrow - Regional T2 hyperintensity of the white matter and caudate nucleus on the right
Arrowheads - mild amorphous contrast ehancement of the right caudate nucleus
Arrowheads - mild amorphous contrast enhancement of the meninges overlying the cerebral cortical lesions
*confirmed NME (extensive cortical necrosis and encephalomalacia)
(Atlas of Small Animal CT and MRI)
white arrowheads - complex tubular contrast-filling defect is seen within the cervical subarachnoid space
black arrowhead - A complex of dilated, coiled blood vessels is seen in the cervical region on a CT myelogram following intraveneous contrast administration
White arrow - postmortem examination documented the extent of vascular dilation and impingement on the cervical spinal cord
(Atlas of Small Animal MRI and CT)
Arrow - mineralized disc material from the C5/6 intervertebral disc space has herniated into the right ventral extradural space of the vertebral canal causing focal spinal cord impingement with attenuation of the contrast column
large arrowhead - part of the herniated disc material also extends into the right intevertebral foramen, potentially compressing the origin of the right 6th cervical spinal nerve
small arrowhead - the C5/6 disc space contains residual mineralized disc material
(Atlas of Small Animal MRI and CT)
Arrow - Communuted fracture of the right wing of the atlas with moderate displacement of fracture fragments
(Atlas of Small Animal MRI and CT)
Subdural injection of contrast
“Dural drape sign.”
Brain Camp
Transcranial doppler ultrasonography can be used to evaluate the blood flow in the ______ artery via the foramen magnum
basilar artery
the resistance index can be calculated for the basilar artery and has been shown to be related to intracranial pressure and neurological status (Fukushima, Saito et al)
(BSAVA Manual)
What is mean diffusivity?
measures the total diffusion within a voxel
the measurement that is used to produce DWI images
(Brain Camp)
There is diffuse T2/FLAIR white matter hyperintensity in both cerebral hemispheres, consistent with vasogenic edema.
Arrow - There is focal right hemispheric subcortical T2 hyperintensity, FLAIR mixed intensity, and T1 hypointensity consistent with a focal fluid collection
Arrow - an additional T2 hyperintense mass is present within the pons
Arrowhead - diffuse meningeal enhancement is also evident
*confirmed NLE (multifocal lymphohistiocytic leukencephalitis with cystic malacia and necrosis, consistent with necrotizing leukoencephalitis)
(Atlas of Small Animal CT and MRI)
Current neurologic signs include nystagmus and rolling. arrowheads - symmetrical T2 and FLAIR hyperintensity of the dentate nuclei is present
There is no visible abnormality on the unenhanced T1 image and no evidence of contrast enhancement
MR features are consistent with metronidazole neurotoxicity, and both serum and cerebrospinal fluid were positive for metronidazole on liquid chromatography/mass spectrometry analysis.
(Atlas of Small Animal CT and MRI)
Arrowheads - comminuted compression fracture of L3 that results in marked reduction of the vertebral canal diameter
arrow - sharp fracture margin from one of the larger fragments is displaced dorsally into the canal and impinges on the ventral margin of the spinal cord
(Atlas of Small Animal MRI and CT)
There is a mass in the left dorsal thalamic region causing a midline shift and compression o the third and left lateral ventricles
Arrow - The mass is characterized by T1 hypointensity with heterogeneous T2 intensity
arrowheads - extensive perilesional edema
*similar lesion also present in the L occipital lobe
Arrow - the mass intensely and heterogeneously enhances following contrast administration and mass margins are poorly defined and irregular
*Confirmed granulomatous encephalitis from systemic aspergillosis
(Atlas of Small Animal CT and MRI)
Marked expansion and osseous remodeling of the right tympanic bulla
Soft-tissue attenuating material fills the bulla and the horizontal ear canal
Bulla contents and soft tissues adjacent to the bulla are mildly contrast enhancing
Histologic features of biopsy material were consistent with cholesteatoma
(Atlas of Small Animal MRI and CT)
The external ear canals are occluded because of stenosis and exudates.
Contrast-enhanced images show marked enhancement and redundancy of the external ear canal walls
Gas and fluid within the canal lumen can be distinguished from adjacent enhancing epithelium
Biopsy revealed severe diffuse chronic lymphoplasmacytic otitis externa with epithelial hyperplasia and ceruminous and sebaceous gland hyperplasia
(Atlas of Small Animal MRI and CT)
arrow - reduced opacity of the body of C5 on survey radiographs
MR - osteodestructive soft tissue mass arising from the C5 vertebral body that is T2 hyperintense and mildly T1 hyperintense (compared to adjacent muscle) and also involves the right pedicle and invades the transverse foramen
lg arrowhead - the mass breaches the dorsal cortex and extends into the floor of the vertebral canal causing spinal cord compression
small arrowhead - mass involves the right pedicle and invades the transverse foramen
Arrowhead (g) - spinal cord compression
(Atlas of Small Animal MRI and CT)
How is inter-rater agreement for detecting detection of structural brain disease on MRI according to Wolf et al?
Inter-rater agreement was very good for overall detection of structural brain lesions and neoplastic lesions
MRI inter-rater agreement was only fair for cerebrovascular lesions
(Wolf et al 2012)
What MRI sequence a heavily T2W sequence that generates a high signal from CSF?
HASTE = half-Fourier-acquisition single-shot turbo spin-echo
Mankin et al 2012
There is generalized reduction in cerebral and cerebellar volume with concomitant generalized ventriculomegaly and prominence of the subarachnoid space due to gyral atrophy and sulcal widening
There is also loss of white and gray matter definition on the proton density image
Postmortem examination revealed neuronal accumulation of eosinophilic granular intracytoplasmic material. The material was autofluorescent and stained positive with PAS, LFB, and Sudan black B, all of which supported the diagnosis of neuronal ceroid lipofuscinosis
2y MC Border Collie cross with 4‐month history of progressive behavior changes, ataxia, and incoordination.
(Atlas of Small Animal CT and MRI)
Pituitary tumors on MRI:
- What 2 types of tumor are > 10mm in height and arise from the sellar region?
- Are invasive adenomas or noninvasive adenomas typically larger?
- How can smooth/irregular margins, cysts, hemorrhage and mineralization help differentiate the type of tumor
- Pituitary macroadenoms and adenocarcinomas are > 10mm in height and arise from the sellar region
- Invasive adenomas are on average, larger than noninvasive adenomas
- Both macroadenomas and adenocarcinomas can have smooth or irregular margins, can contain cysts or hemorrhage, and can occasionally be mineralized
(Atlas of Small Animal CT and MRI)
arrow - There is evidence of noncompressive increased spinal cord diameter and parenchymal update of contrast medium at T13/L1
arrowhead - the T13/L1 intervertebral disc width is also slightly narrower than those of the adjacent disc spaces
(Atlas of Small Animal MRI and CT)
L5/6 injection in which the contrast medium has entered the subdural space causing a characteristic spindle-shaped end to the contrast medium column caudally
(BSAVA Manual)
Smooth, dense production of bone centered on the parietal bone and expanding both intracranially and extracranially. The mass is hyperattenuating and uniform on CT images.
MR - mass effect compressing the brain, lateral ventricle and displacement of the falx cerebri to the right
T2 hyperintensity of white matter next to the mass - edema
(Atlas of Small Animal MRI and CT)
What biologic change is suspected to be responsible for change in signal intensity of denervated muscle?
water shift from intracellular to extracellular space with a consecutive widening of the extracellular space
Bendszus et al 2001 (human paper)
Well-demarcated ovoid mass within the 3rd ventricle which is predominantly T1, T2 and FLAIR hyperintense.
The mass deforms the lateral ventricles, but there is minimal hydrocephalus and no peritumoral edema
The mass intensely and nonuniformly enhances following contrast administration
Confirmed ependymoma within the 3rd ventricle post-mortem
*an unrelated diagnosis of lymphoplasmacytic meningitis explains the meningeal enhancement
(Atlas of Small Animal CT and MRI)
What condition has been associted with diagnosis of Rathke’s cleft cyst in dogs?
Hypopituitarism –> dwarfism
HASEGAWA et al 2008
Suspected to be the dorsal longitudinal ligament
Olby et al 2000
Location for epidural puncture when performing epidurography?
between 1st and 2nd caudal vertebrae or at the sacral-caudal vertebral junction
Roberts, Selcer 1993