Radiological Materials - Benjamin Flashcards
What type of radiation is primarily responsible for cutaneous radiation syndrome?
Beta; these are also known colloquially as “beta burns”
What Quality Factor is typically assigned to alpha radiation? Beta? Neutron?
Alpha = 20; Beta/Gamma/X-ray = 1; Neutron =10
One Sievert (Sv) is equal to how many rem?
1Sv = 100 rem
What is Potassium iodide (KI) used for?
To protect the thyroid against radioactive iodine during a nuclear release or meltdown
What three principles are used for limiting radiation exposure?
Time, Distance, and Shielding
What type of path do beta particles travel in?
What is a Quality Factor?
A means of translating between effects of radiation in the air and effects of radiation on the body
What is the SI measure for Dose Equivalent?
Sievert (Sv); other measures include the rem
What is the best material for shielding gamma radiation?
Concrete, lead, earth
What is an alpha particle composed of?
Two protons and two neutrons, or one helium nucleus
What are the three phases of Acute Radiation Sickness?
Prodromal (NVD), Latent, and Manifest
What is the SI measures for Activity?
Becquerel (Bq); other measures are Curies (Ci), Counts per Minute (CPM), Counts per Second (CPS), Disintegrations per Minute (DPM)
One Gray (Gy) is equal to how many rad?
1Gy = 100 rad
What are the three subsyndromes of Acute Radiation Sickness (ARS)?
Hematopoietic, Gastrointestinal, and Neurovascular
What is the best material for shielding neutron radiation?
Water, or polyethylene
What does NVD stand for?
Nausea, Vomiting, Diarrhea
What is the primary route of entry for alpha particles?
Ingestion or inhalation
What is a beta particle?
A liberated electron or positron
What is a Roentgen?
A legacy measurement of gamma and x-ray exposure
What is a safe estimate for Turn-Back Dose?
Roughly 40% of OEG
What is Operational Exposure Guidance (OEG)?
A Commander’s upper limit for radiological exposure during a mission
What is the SI measure for Absorbed Dose?
Gray (Gy); other measures include the rad
What is Prussian Blue used for?
As a chelating agent to pull heavy metals through the body
What are three types of particulate radiation?
Alpha, beta, and neutron