Radiography in orthodontics Flashcards
What is cephalometry?
Cephalometry is the analysis and interpretation of standardised radiographs of the facial bones.
What view are cephalographs taking?
True lateral view
How are the radiographs standardised?
- Fixed position of ear posts that sit into the external acoustic meatus (central beam of X-ray is to the ear post)
- Head is in the vertical position by ensuring frankfort plane is horizontal
What cannot be standardised? How does this affect the magnification?
- distance from the beam to the patient
- distance from the film to the patient
- Causes around 7-8% magnification
Approximate standard dose of a lateral ceph
6 usv (microsiverts)
When are lateral cephs indicated? (5)
- Skeletal discrepancies
- When treatment involves movement of the incisors
- When treatment will cause movement in three planes
- Sometimes: to monitor changes during tx and to locate displaced unerupted teeth
Define: A point
Point of deepest concavity on the anterior profile of the maxilla
What is the A point also called?
What does the A point represent?
Anterior limit of the maxilla
What is the ANS (anterior nasal spine)
Tip of the anterior process of the maxilla, found at the lower margin of the nasal aperture
Define: B point
Deepest concavity of the anterior surface of the mandibular symphysis
Define: Gonion (Go)
Most posterior inferior point on the angle of the mandible
How can Gonion be determined?
Bisect angle from tangents from the posterior border of the ramus and the inferior border of the mandible
Define: Menton (Me)
Lowest point of the mandibular symphysis
Define: Pogonion (Pog)
Most anterior point on the mandibular symphysis
Define: Nasion (N)
Most anterior point on the frontonasal suture
What can be used if nasion cannot be found?
Deepest concavity at the intersection of the frontal and nasal bones
Define Orbitale (Or)
Most inferior anterior point of the margin of the orbit
Which orbit should be used by definition? What is done instead?
- Left orbit
- Average of both orbits taken
Define: Porion (Po)
Uppermost outermost point on the bony external auditory meatus
Why may Porion be difficult to find? What do you use instead?
- Blocked by ear post
- Use uppermost surface of condylar head
Define PNS (posterior nasal spine)
Tip of the posterior nasal spine of the maxilla
Where can you find the PNS if its blocked on the film? What usually blocks it?
- Directly below pterygomaxillary fissure
- Unerupted 8s block it
Define Sella (S)
Midpoint of the sella turcica
What is the SN line
Connects Sella with Nasion