Extractions Flashcards
What factors do we consider when deciding which teeth to extract?
- Location and severity of crowding
- Anchorage requirements
- Prognosis of teeth
- Position of teeth
- Patient factors
How severe does crowding have to be to consider extractions?
- Never say you will extract to correct mild crowding!!!!!!
How does location of crowding affect where we extract?
Ideally extract as close to crowding as possible to limit amount of movement required and reduce risk of anchorage loss
What does anchorage requirement determine?
Whether the 4 or 5 will be removed
What will be the extraction pattern for: Class I moderate-severe crowding
44/44 for severe as it gives maximum space to correct crowding
55/55 if moderate
Why do we extract the same teeth in both arches in class I?
It prevents altering the molar relationship (We want it to remain class I)
What will be the extraction pattern for: Class 2 div 1 with moderate crowding
Upper 4s removed to aid OJ reduction and correct canines into class I
Lower 5s to prevent retraction of lower labial segment and corrects molar relationship
What will be the extraction pattern for: Class 3 with moderate crowding
Camouflages reverse OJ and retroclines LLS
What will be the extraction pattern for: Class 2 with well aligned lower arch
Upper 4s only because it aligns labial segments but maintains the molar relationship
When would you consider removing 6s?
Only if they are of poor prognosis e.g. hyper plastic or carious, developmental conditions
Why is removing 6s not ideal?
The 6 is too posterior to provide space for crowding (which usually occurs anteriorly) and correction of incisal relationship
Importance of timing in extraction of 6s
- Ideally age 9-10 to allow spontaneous space closure with 7s
- Not if the dentition is crowded though
How would you approach extraction of 6s in a crowded dentition
Wait for 7s to erupt to prevent space loss (extracting early will result in teeth moving into extraction space) and prevent medial tipping of 7s
How can radiographs indicate correct timing for removal of 7s
Calcification at the bifurcation of the unerupted 7s
When would extraction of canines be indicated
Poor prognosis e.g. severely displaced or impacted that cannot be saved surgically or are resorbing roots of incisors
Caries not as important as it doesn’t commonly affected
Indications for extraction of lower incisor
- Moderate class III malocclusion to shorten the mandibular arch and retried lower incisors
- Supplemental tooth
- Excluded from the arch/ ectopic eruption
- Macrodontia
- trauma
What happens when you remove 4 premolar units?
Always results in class I molar
What happens with removal of 2 upper premolar units only?
Full unit class II molar relationship no matter what you started with
What happens with removal of 2 lower premolar units only?
Full unit class III molar relationship no matter what you started with
How can you restore aesthetics if canines
Modify crown of 4s to look like a canine or orthodontically rotate the 4 so the palatal cusp faces palatally
What is an alternative to removing an incisor to overcome crowding
interdental stripping
Indications for removal of an 8
Not important for orthodontic as too posterior and erupts too late
- Repeat pericoronitis or caries distal of the 7