Radiographic Interpretation of Periapical Conditions Flashcards
2 other names for periapical inflammatory disease
Apical periodontitis
Periapical lesion
3 types of periapical lesions
periapical abscess, granuloma and cyst
Definition of periapical inflammatory disease
Inflammatory conditions of the apical periodontium of pulpal origin
Periapical inflammatory disease can be __ or __, and __ or __
acute or chronic
symptomatic or asymptomatic
What is needed for periapical inflammatory disease
Pulp necrosis
Irreversible decomposition of the pulp
Pulp necrosis
Destruction of the microvascular and lymphatic systems and ultimately, nerve fibers
Pulp necrosis
The rigid dentin walls and lack of collateral circulation leads to inadequate drainage of inflammatory fluids –>
Increased pressure on the tissues and progressive destruction until the entire dental pulp is necrotized
Pulp necrosis can result from __, __, or __ irritation of the pulp
Pulp necrosis can not be determined __
What radiographic conditions can indicate that necrosis is likely present
deep restorations
caries lesions
fractures involving pulp
When there is pulp necrosis what should be done
endodontic therapy
What is the process of endodontic therapy to be done
Removal of pulp tissues
Shaping, cleaning, and decontamination of canals (files and irrigating solutions)
Obturation (filling) of the decontaminated canals (gutta-percha)
When there is pulp necrosis, bacteria and products of degradation can reach the __
Periapical tissues
In a normal state there is a constant balance between
While in the presence of inflammation there is an
osteoblastic bone production and osteoclastic bone resorption
Inbalanace of these