Radiofrequency2 Flashcards
Surgical technique
-pre-op procedure/questions
Pre-op photos Signed consent BP/pulse/VA Allergies to meds, latex, materials? List of current meds Pacemaker?
Surgical technique
-skin prep (and injection)
Clean injection site with alcohol pad
Mark lesion -> inject -> mechanical deturgescence
Clean lesion and surr area with povidone-iodine 10%
Place sterile drape
Test lesion with toothed tissue forceps
Turn on machine/vacuum
Choose appropriate radiofreq setting and make pt and self comfortable
Surgical technique
-injection prep
Prep syringe with Lidocaine 0.5% with epi 1:200,000
-no epi for HTN, current med or CV problems, sulfite sensitivity, hepatic dz, TCAs, MAOIs, specific locations
Inject bevel up, pointing away from globe
-aspirate first, inject while pulling back
Surgical technique
Perpendicular tip
Press footplate to begin
Cut at 7mm per sec
Never stop moving electrode while activated
Keep tissue moist and taught
Never push downward on lesion
Surgical technique
-troubleshooting the procedure
—tissue dragging
—sparking or burning
Tissue dragging
- dry surface
- too little energy
- carbon build-up on tip
- ground plate out of place
Sparking or burning
- too much energy
- stationary tip
Surgical technique
Clean area with povidone-iodine 10% (optional)
Apply antibiotic ointment
Pt instructions/wound care handout
F/U appointment