Anaphylaxis, Vasovagal Flashcards
-overview of what it is, what causes it
Severe, life-threatening allergic reaction
Chemical cascade causes the body to go into shock
Type I (IgE) reaction
Occurs from seconds to minutes
Second reaction directly after first = biphasic anaphylaxis (pt seems fine after 1st incident, suddenly really bad again)
Anaphylaxis signs/symp
- general app/vitals
- dermatology
- ocular
- cardiovascular
Restless, anxious
Erythema, urticaria, cutaneous injection/pruritis, warmth, angioemema
Conj injection, pruritis, ecchymosis
Hypotension, weak/rapid pulse
Anaphylaxis signs/symp
- respiratory
- GI
- neuro
- other
Congestion, coryza, rhinorrhea, sneezing, throat tightness, wheezing, hoarseness, dyspnea
Nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, bloating, cramps, dysphagia
Dizziness, HA, blurred vision, syncope, seizure, depressed consciousness, agitation, combative, altered mental status
Metallic taste, feeling of impending doom
- causes
- risk factors
Food, meds, venom, material, activity
Previous anaphylaxis, allergies/asthma, heart disease, mastocytosis (accum of specific WBCs)
-ddx (6)
Vasovagal Hereditary angiodema Malignant carcinoid syndrome Medullary thyroid carcinoma Pheochromocytoma Systemic mastocytosis
-testing (4)
Serum tryptase
-confirm dx
Urinary 24h histamine
-dx recurrent
Urinary 24h 5-hydroxyindoleacetic acid level
-rule out malignant carcinoid syndrome
In vitro IgE tests
-determine cause
-non-pharm management
Airway: ventilator, intubation, mask
High-flow O2
Cardiac/pulse monitoring
IV access
Fluid resuscitation with isotonic crystalloid soln
Supine position, legs elevated
-pharm management
Adrenergic agonists
-diphenhydramine, hydroxyzine
H2 receptor antagonists
-cimetadine, ranitidine, famotidine
-methylprednisolone, prednisone
Positive inotropic agents
-surgical management
Catheter jet ventilation
-in-office management
Call 911
Use an epipen
Lie pt down, elevate legs to avoid seizure
Administer albuterol, then O2
Check pulse, breathing, perform CPR if needed
Vasovagal syncope -overview —aka —response controlled by —cascade
Aka neurocardiogenic syncope or reflex syncope
Vagus nerve (CNX, PNS)
Certain triggers induce extreme stress and lead to syncope: triggers -> bradycardia/hypotension/hyperhidrosis -> reduced blood to brain -> syncope
Vasovagal syncope signs/symp
- general app/vitals
- dermatology
- ocular
- cardiovascular
Jerky, abnormal movements
Pale skin, feeling of warmth, cold/clammy sweat
Dilated pupils
Hypotension, weak/slow pulse
Vasovagal syncope signs/symp
- respiratory
- GI
- neuro
Nausea, vomiting
Dizziness, tunnel vision, lightheaded, blurred vision, syncope
Vasovagal syncope
- causes
- risk factors
- excessive standing
- heat exposure
- seeing blood or needles
- having blood drawn
- fear of injury
- straining
- tonometry
- bright lights
Risks: being around triggers
Vasovagal syncope
-ddx (9)
-Anaphylaxis – Cardiac syncope (unknown cause of syncope have a 30% increase in death vs vasovagal have no increased risk of death) – Hemorrhage – Pulmonary embolism – Carotid sinus hypersensitivity – Orthostasis – Medications – Metabolic – Seizure