Radiation risk and dose calculation Flashcards
What is equivalent dose?
- HT = D*WR [Sv]
- absorbed dose * radiation weighting factor.
- Take into account the harmfulness of different radiations.
Describe what is meant by stochastic effects.
- Probability of effect occurring is proportional to dose (no threshold).
- Stochastic effect of interest is carcinogenesis.
Describe/draw the features of the stochastic effects graph.
- Linear no threshold (LNT).
- Starts at the natural incidence line.
- Probability of effect proportional to dose.
- Curves off at high doses due to cell kill.
Describe what is meant by deterministic effects.
- e.g. erythema, cataracts, sterility etc.
- No effect below a threshold dose
- Above threshold, severity of effect increases with dose.
Describe/draw the features of the deterministic effects graph.
- Well-defined threshold.
- sigmoid-like curve
Describe what is meant by genetic damage.
- Chromosome damage - breakage followed by faulty repair (no convincing evidence).
- Gonad exposure relevant.
What are the problems associated with estimating the risk to an individual?
- Different organs and tissues have different radio-sensitivities.
- Doses to organs and tissues are not uniformly distributed.
- Cannot directly measure, usually rely on simulation.
- Not much data on exposure to radiation and risk.
What is effective dose?
- E = SUM(WTWRDT,R) = SUM(WT*HT) [Sv].
- Sum over exposed tissue (SUM(WT) = 1).
- Tissue weighting factor * Radiation weighting factor * absorbed dose.
What is the effective dose received if the equivalent dose to the: oesophagus is 15mSv, lungs 10mSv, liver 6mSv, stomach 3mSv, breast 15mSv?
- 3.6mSv
- i.e. equivalent to whole body being exposed to 3.6mSv.
What do the tissue weighting factors depend on (and state the four components)?
- Detriment: a measure of total harm arising from an exposure.
- Has four components:
- probability of fatal cancer.
- Probability of severe genetic effects.
- Relative length of life lost.
- Weighted probability of non-fatal cancer.
What is the average annual dose to the public from all sources in the UK?
What fraction of the average annual dose to the public is due to medical exposures in the UK and how many mSv is this?
- 16%.
- Approx 0.4mSv.
What is the annual risk of death from radiation exposure at 1mSv per year?
-1 in 80 000.
What is the lifetime risk of fatal cancer in %/Sv for adult workers and the whole population? What is the risk of mental retardation (8-15 weeks conceptus)?
- 4%/Sv for adult workers.
- 5%/Sv for whole population.
- 30 IQ points/Sv
How and why do risk factors change with age?
- Risk decreases with age.
- There is greater opportunity for expression of induced effects with children (i.e. have more life ahead).
- Children’s cells divide more quickly so greater sensitivity for some forms of cancer.
List and describe the radiation effects on the embryo and foetus.
- Tissue effects:
- (a) Lethality ~ 0.1 - 1Gy (age 0 - term).
- (b) Gross malformations ~0.2Gy (2-5weeks) ~ 0.5Gy (5-7 weeks), very few observed after 7 weeks.
- (c) Abnormal brain development, 8-15 weeks no threshold, 16-25 weeks ~ 0.6-0.7Gy, 25 weeks-term no effects observed.
- Stochastic effects:
- (a) Heritable effects ~ 2.4%/Gy but limited data
- (b) Cancer induction 6%/Gy to age 15 (3%/Gy death).
List patient dose quantities, both measurable and un-measurable.
- Surface dose.
- Organ dose.
- DAP.
- Effective dose.
Describe how the surface dose can be measured or calculated (give equation).
- Place TLD chip on surface of patient/phantom.
- x-ray beam exposes TLD chip.
- Can also calculate from radiographic factors.
- Surface dose = tube output [mGy/mAs] * inverse square factor * BSF * mAs (ionisation chamber measures tube output).
How can you obtain organ dose from surface dose?
- Calculate from surface dose if position of organ is know and the attenuation of the beam at depth of organ is known (PDD).
- Table of normalized organ dose data available.
Explain what is meant by the DAP.
- Product of dose * area of the beam at specific cross-section of the beam [Gycm^2].
- Proportional to the total amount of energy passing through the chamber (also total energy passing through the patient).
- Total energy imparted correlates well with risk.
- Useful when x-ray beams vary in size and position.
State some pros and cons of direct dose measurement techniques.
Good: -Straightforward. -Confined to surface (usually). Bad: -Not retrospective. -Delay between measurement and readout.
State some pros and cons of indirect dose measurement techniques.
-Retrospective estimates possible.
-Large number of estimates possible for small number of measurements.
-Not all factors may be recorded.
-Calibration needed if AEC is used.
-Difficult in fluoroscopy (use DAP meter).
What is the CTDI and how is it measured?
- CTDI(air) = 1/s * integral[D(x)dx].
- D(x) is the dose profile across a slice.
- s is the nominal slice width.
- Measured using ion chamber aligned with z-axis.
- Relates to machine output in air.
- Area under single or multi-slice dose profile for one rotation.
What is the CTDIw and how is it measured?
- Weighted computed tomography dose index.
- Weighted average dose within the standard phantoms.
- Measured using cylindrical perspex phantom, four measurements at periphery, one at centre.
- Separate head (16cm D) and body phantoms (32cm D).
- CTDIw = 1/3CTDIw100,centre + 2/3CTDIw100,periphery.
State the derived CT dose quantities.
- CTDIvol: CTDIw corrected for pitch or couch increment and for the mAs used in the scan.
- DLP: CTDIvol multiplied by the irradiated length.
- [CTDIvol represents the average radiation dose over the x, y and z directions, taking into account gaps and overlaps between the radiation dose profile from consecutive rotations of the x-ray source]
- [DLP is a measure of the ionising radiation exposure during the entire acquisition of images]