Interactions of radiation and matter Flashcards
What three interactions does an x-ray beam have with a patient, and what effect do these interactions cause?
- X-ray transmitted, forms image.
- absorbed (photoelectric effect), dose to patient.
- Scatter (Compton and some elastic), dose to staff.
What are the units of particle fluence and energy fluence?
- Particle fluence: m^-2s^-1 .
- Energy fluence: Jm^-2s^-1.
What is the equation for energy fluence?
- Energy fluence = sum (particle fluence * energy) .
- e.g. for 50cm^-2s^-1 at 50Kev and 50cm^-2s^-1 at 100KeV: energy fluence is 5050 + 50100 = 7500KeVcm^-2s^-1 .
What is the attenuation equation for number of transmitted photons N passing through a material of thickness x?
What is the half value layer?
-The thickness of material which reduces the incident intensity to half. i.e. (N/N0) = 0.5.
Why do real beams not follow a true exponential curve when attenuated?
- Spectrum of energies.
- Low energies preferentially attenuated (photoelectric ~ 1/E^3).
- Also scatter from irradiated volume.
Draw the characteristic spectrum for a diagnostic x-ray beam at 100KVp with filtration.
- Bremsstrahlung curve starting at around 20KeV.
- Characteristic lines from K shell transitions (Photoelectric).
- Max photon energy 100KeV
How does the width of an x-ray beam affect the attenuation?
- Narrow beam - less scatter reaches detector, greater attenuation.
- Broad beam - More scattered radiation hits detector, less attenuation.
How does the energy of an x-ray beam affect it’s attenuation?
- Increase in E leads to a decrease in μ or increase in HVL.
- So higher E x-rays are more penetrating.
How does the linear attenuation coefficient μ change with density?
-μ increases with increasing density since there are more molecules per unit volume.
Define the mass attenuation coefficient and its units
-μ/ρ [cm^2g^-1] .
What is the difference between attenuation and absorption?
- Attenuation: removal of radiation from the beam.
- Absorption: Taking up of energy from the beam by irradiated material.
Define the absorbed dose and state what needs to be specified when using absorbed dose.
- D = ΔE/Δm, the energy ΔE absorbed in mass Δm in units of Gy (JKg^-1).
- Need to specify the material in which energy is absorbed.
What is air KERMA and what are its units?
- Kinetic Energy Released per unit Mass (in air).
- Energy transferred from the x-ray beam (photons) to the electrons at the specified point.
- Units Gy.
Why is air KERMA not necessarily equal to absorbed dose in air?
- Energy removed from the beam is not necessarily equal to the energy absorbed in the mass.
- Some secondary electron energy may be re-radiated as Bremsstrahlung radiation and escape.
- Point of removal of energy not necessarily equal to point of energy deposition because of finite x-ray range.
Give two reasons why air KERMA may be approximated as dose to air for the diagnostic x-ray energy range.
- Negligible Bremsstrahlung.
- Electron ranges very short.
Define Exposure and give the units.
- X=ΔQ/ΔM [CKg^-1].
- The ability of the radiation to produce ionization in air.
- The absolute value of the total charge (ΔQ) of the ions of one sign produced in air when all the electrons liberated by the photons per unit mass of air are completely stopped.
- Δm is the mass of air in volume Δv.
How do you convert from absorbed dose in air to absorbed dose in another medium?
Describe the photoelectric effect.
- X-ray photon ejects inner k-shell electron.
- Transfers all energy to electron.
- Electron energy = photon energy - binding energy.
- Vacancy filled by outer shell electron.
- characteristic photon emitted.
- characteristic photon absorbed in soft tissue (low z).
What is the alternative to characteristic x-ray emission from the photoelectric effect?
- Outer electron emitted.
- Auger electron.
What is the fluorescent yield for the photoelectric effect and what does this tell us?
- ωk = no of k x-ray photons emitted/no of k shell vacancies.
- proportion of characteristic photons and Auger electrons.
- ωk=1 no Auger electrons.
- ωk=0 all Auger electrons.
How does the probability of the photoelectric effect vary with Z and E?
- ~ Z^3.
- ~1/E^3.
Describe Compton scattering.
- Inelastic scattering of photon off “free” electron.
- Scattered photon has reduced energy.
- recoil electron.
- change in energy depends on initial photon energy and angle of scatter.
What is the change in wavelength of a Compton scattered photon?
What is the change in photon energy when it undergoes Compton scattering?
- ΔE=E0(α(1-cosθ))/(1+α(1-cosθ)).
- α =E0/0.511 in MeV .
What is the relationship of probability of Compton scatter with photon energy and Z?
- In diagnostic range, approximately constant with energy.
- At higher energies, decreases slowly with increasing energy by ~ 1/E (for E > 100KeV).
- independent of Z
State 2 negatives associated with Compton scattering during patient examinations.
- Scattered radiation is hazardous to staff.
- Scattered radiation reduces images contrast.
How do you calculate backscatter factor and what are typical values?
- Backscatter factor = dose at P with scatter/dose at P without scatter
- typically 1.2-1.3
Describe elastic scattering and give percentage of elastically scattered photons.
-Whole atom absorbs recoil.
-Resonance: “bound” electrons vibrate at frequency of photons.
-Electrons re-radiate energy at the same frequency (and energy) of photon.
Scattering in forward direction.
-<10% of total interaction - little practical importance.
What is the relationship between the probability of elastic scattering and Z and E?
- ~Z^2
- ~1/E^2
Describe how the k-edge is used in imaging with x-rays.
- Match energy peak of spectrum to K-edge of detector material - maximize absorption in detector.
- Fewer photons for given optical density, lower dose to patient.
- Also for contrast agent - e.g. iodine (k-edge 33KeV), barium (K-edge 37KeV).
- Have K-edges due to photoelectric effect.
- Match energy of peak of x-ray spectrum (~1/3 KVp) with the K-edge of the contrast media.
- Maximizes absorption in contrast media - maximizes contrast.
Describe pair production.
- Need a photon with E > 1.022MeV.
- When high E photon passed near a nucleus, can produce e- e+ pair.
- e- and e+ then lose energy by interaction with other electrons.
- e+ annihilates with a free electron releasing back to back 0.511MeV photons.
What is the relationship between the probability of pair production and E and Z.
- ~E-1.022MeV.
- ~Z.
Write an equation for the mass attenuation coefficient of a mixture.
- (μ/ρ)={W1(μ/ρ)1}+{W2(μ/ρ)2}+{W3*(μ/ρ)3}+….
- W1 = fraction of weight of element 1 etc.
For elastic scatter, Compton scatter, the photoelectric effect and pair production state whether there is absorption and/or attenuation.
- Elastic: no absorption, there is attenuation.
- Compton scatter: Partial absorption (greater proportion of removed energy absorbed at higher energies), there is attenuation.
- Photoelectric: Partial absorption (characteristic radiation. But total absorption to a good approximation in soft tissue), there is attenuation.
- Pair production: Partial absorption (0.511 Mev annihilation photons can escape), there is attenuation.
Describe the different neutrons and give their energies and mechanisms by which they lose energy.
- Fast neutrons: >0.1MeV. Elastic and inelastic scatter.
- Thermal neutrons: 0.025eV (room temp.). Captured by nuclei.
- Intermediate neutrons.
What material is suitable to shield against neutrons?
-Low atomic number material e.g. boron.
In which medical equipment can neutron capture occur causing the production of radioactive material?
-Heads of high energy linacs.