Dosimetry equipment Flashcards
When do we measure radiation in healthcare?
- Patient dose (risk): effective and organ dose.
- Occupational dose: ALARP.
- Area monitoring: room shielding, “other persons” dose.
- Calibration in NM: how much isotope?
- Equipment performance: QA/calibration.
What are the physical dose quantities and how can we link them to protection dose quantities?
- Exposure [dQ/dm].
- Air KERMA.
- Absorbed Dose [dE/dm].
- calculation and phantoms links to protection quantities.
What are the operational dose quantities and how can we link them to protection dose quantities?
- Ambient dose equivalent H*(d)
- Personal Dose equivalent Hp(d)
- Measurable approximation to link to protection quantities.
What are the protection dose quantities?
- Equivalent organ dose (HT)
- Effective dose (E)
What is the ICRU sphere?
- Theoretical sphere, 0.3m diameter with density of 1000kg/m^3 and a mass composition equivalent to tissue.
- Radiation field expanded and aligned so that it encompasses the sphere and the quantity is independent of the angular distribution of the radiation field.
What is the ambient dose equivalent and how is it obtained?
- Operational quantity for area monitoring (strongly penetrating radiation only).
- H*(10) in a radiation field is the dose equivalent that would be produced by the corresponding ‘expanded and aligned field’ in the ICRU sphere at a depth of 10mm, on the radius opposing the direction of the aligned field.
- Good estimate for effective dose E [Sv].
- Obtained through calibration chain and published conversion factors (convert photon fluence, air KERMA or exposure to H(10) or H(0.07).
What is the personal dose equivalent and which depths should be used for effective dose, skin dose and eye dose?
- Operational quantity for personal dose.
- The equivalent dose that would be generated in a depth ‘d’ from the surface of a person.
- Hp(10): good estimate of effective dose to a person.
- Hp(0.07): for skin.
- Hp(3): for lens of eye.
- Measured with a dosimeter that is worn at the surface of the body and covered with tissue equivalent material.
Describe how an ion chamber works.
- Contains air at normal atmospheric pressure.
- 2 electrodes with p.d of ~ few hundred volts.
- Radiation causes ionization of air - creates charge pairs.
- e- and ions accelerated towards electrodes.
- Charge collected and measured.
- Current is proportional to dose.
- Ion recombination can occur.
- Sensitivity is proportional to the mass of air.
How can we relate the exposure measured with an ion chamber to air KERMA?
- 33.7eV to make an ion pair.
- KERMA = 33.7(Q/em) eVKg^-1 (convert to mGy)
State the positives and negatives of using an ion chamber.
-Measures air KERMA
-Gives linear response across large dynamic range.
-Variety of chamber sizes: large increases sensitivity, small increases spatial resolution.
-Excellent for standards: cross calibration.
-Can measure dose rate or dose accumulate.
-Electrometer readout: limited by leakage current.
-Temperature and pressure corrections required.
Describe how a GM tube works.
- Sealed chamber contains very low pressure gas.
- 2 electrodes with very high p.d. between them ~400-800V.
- Radiation causes creation of ion pairs.
- e- accelerated by high voltages and causes further ionization.
- Chain reaction until saturation and a pulse is detected by the electronics.
- Measures in CPS but can be calibrated to measure μSv/hr within specific E range.
State the positives and negatives of using a GM tube.
-~1000 x increased sensitivity c.f. ion chamber.
-Can detect all radiation types.
-Low dose measurements - contamination monitoring.
-Poor at high doserates: dead time, 10^4-10^5 CPS limit.
-Poor energy response output (pulse always the same regardless of energy of radiation).
Describe how a scintillation detector works.
- Phosphor as detection medium e.g. NaI crystal.
- Radiation excites e-s, releases flash of light.
- light hits photo cathode: e-s released.
- PMT: e-s accelerated by dynodes, amplifying signal.
State the positives and negatives of using a scintillation detector.
-High sensitivity, ~1000 x ion chamber.
-Size of pulses can be related to energy of radiation.
-Low intrinsic efficiency of detection for high energy gamma rays.
-Reduced resolution in large crystals since some of the light photons will not reach the detector.
-Crystals sensitive to temp. changes, may crack.
Describe how a solid state detector works.
- Radiation creates electron-hole pairs in semiconductor.
- no of electron-hole pairs proportional to energy of rad.
- e-s and holes move to electrodes: measurable voltage.
Describe how a TLD badge works.
- e.g. LiF
- When irradiated, e-s stored in meta-stable states within crystal structure.
- Heat badge to ~few hundred degrees to release e-s from traps.
- e-s fall back to ground state releasing visible, UV and IR light which is measured using PMT.
- Intensity of light released is related to dose.
State the positives and negatives of using a TLD badge.
Good: -Linear response to dose. -High sensitivity to dose. -Response is energy independent. -Reusable after readout. Bad: -Needs to be sent off to ADS, no immediate readout. -Doses cannot be re-read.
Describe how Gafchromic film works.
- Contains dye that changes colour upon exposure.
- Dose obtained via a lookup table or calibration curve.
- Results can be obtained almost instantly.
- Very poor response <1cGy - good for RT and primary beam.