Radiation Flashcards
What is the nature of alpha radiation?
Description = 2 neutrons & 2 protons which is the same as a helium nucleus
Electric Charge = +2
Relative Atomic Mass = 4
Penetrating Power = stopped by paper or few cm’s of air
Ionising effect = Strongly ionising
What is the nature of beta radiation?
Description = High energy electron Electric charge = -1 Relative atomic mass = 1/1860 Penetrating power = stopped by few mm of aluminium Ionising effect = Weakly ionising
What is the nature of gamma radiation?
Description = High energy electromagnetic radiation
Electric charge = 0
Relative atomic mass = 0
Penetrating power = Stopped by few cm’s of lead and by few meters of concrete
Ionising effect = Very weakly ionising
What is ionisation?
Ionisation is the addition or removal of an electron to create an ion
What can ionisation do to a neutral atom?
If an atom loses an electron it becomes a positive ion ( i.e positively charged)
If an atom gains electrons it becomes a negative ion ( i.e negatively charged)
What is the formula that shows the relationship between activity, time and number of nuclei decays ?
What are some sources of Background radiation?
Cosmic rays , Radon gas , Food (bananas) , Medical (X-rays , radiotherapy , tracers etc.) , buildings , water , air
What are some dangers of Ionising radiation to living cells?
Can cause damage to the cells which can cause mutations which can lead to the cells becoming cancerous
What is the relationship between absorbed Dose , Mass and energy ?
What is the relationship between equivalent Dose , Dose and weighting factor?
What is the relationship between: equivalent dose rate , equivalent dose and time?
H dot = H/t
What are some natural sources of radiation?
Cosmic Rays , geology of the local area , latitude and altitude
What are some artificial sources of radiation?
medical and dental X-Rays , radiation used in medical diagnosis and treatment ( radiotherapy) , radioactive fallout from nuclear weapons testing , radioactive waste from nuclear power stations , industrial and consumer use of radiation ( smoke detectors,UV sterilisation equipment , Industrial measurement equipment)
What is the exposure safety limit for the public?
1mSv ( this is in addition to the annual background radiation in the UK)
What is the annual background radiation in the UK?
2.2 mSv
What is the annual effective dose limit for a radiation worker?
20mSv ( this is again in addition to the annual background radiation)
What are some applications of Nuclear Radiation?
Medical = X-rays , CAT scans , treatment of certain conditions , Tracers that involve a radioactive material
Academic/Scientific = demonstrating principles to students, carbon dating and scientists experimenting with radiation to see the effects on different materials
Industrial = Smoke detectors, monitor the thickness of a material , clothe’s are irradiated so chemicals bind better, Non stick pans are irradiated so they function better , crop seeds are irradiated so they are more resistant
Energy Generation = Nuclear power plants
Military = Nuclear weapons
Describe an experiment which may be used to measure the half-life of a material
Stopclock, geiger muller tube, geiger counter, clock and radioactive source
Before the source is used the background count rate is measured using a Geiger Muller tube connected to a counter. The count rate from the source is then measured at regular fixed intervals over a period of time.
The background count rate is subtracted from each measurement of the count rate and so the actual count rate from the source is calculated (known as the ‘corrected count rate’).
A graph of the count rate of the source against time is plotted.
How would you use graphical data to determine the half life of a material?
Half the Initial count rate value then find that number on the graph and then find the corresponding time on the graph and that time is your ‘Half-Life’
Give a Quality description of Fission
This is the process in which energy is released when a large atom is hit by a neutron, becomes unstable and splits up into 2 or more smaller pieces plus 2 or 3 neutrons.
When this happens,some of the mass of the atom is ‘Lost’ - it has been converted directly into energy. This energy is in the form of heat which can be harnessed and used to generate electricity in a Nuclear Power Station
Give a quality description of chain reactions
In a Nuclear Fission reaction when the 2 or 3 neutrons are released they can hit other Uranium Nucleus’s which can cause another fission reaction.
What does fission and chain reactions have to do with the generation of energy?
In a Nuclear power station, nuclear fuel undergoes a controlled chain reaction in the reactor to produce heat - nuclear energy is converted to heat energy:
heat is used to change water into steam in the boiler
the steam drives the turbine (heat to kinetic energy)
this drives the generator to produce electricity - kinetic to electrical energy
Give a quality description of Fusion
Fusion is when 2 small nuclei are fused together. This only happens under extreme temperature and pressure conditions.
This is what happens in the sun
Heavy isotopes of hydrogen nuclei are fused together to form helium ( and an extra neutron).
Give a quality description of Plasma Containment
Plasma containment is the act of maintaining plasma in a discrete volume . Magnetic fields must be used as plasma is ordinarily hotter than the degradation temperature of any known material
What does fusion and plasma containment have to do with the generation of energy ?
A Nuclear fission reaction can only happen under extreme temperature conditions, because of these extreme temperature conditions the atoms in the reaction change state into plasma. The plasma must be stored in electromagnetic fields as its temperature is much higher than the degradation point of any known material. If this can be done safely with minimal input and maximum output this can be a safe,renewable way to source energy. Low C02 emissions , very minor radioactive contamination and no chance of a nuclear disaster similar to Chernobyl or Three mile island.