RADAR Flashcards
Radar components
Radar receiver/transmitter (R/T); • Antenna/pedestal (antenna array and IFF interrogator R/T); • Radar data processor (RDP); • Radome; • IFF Mode 4 crypto; • Waveguide assembly; • Waveguide dehydrator.
The receiver/transmitter generates the transmission pulse for the antenna and
converts the received pulse from the antenna into a usable form for the RDP to process
provides for controllable antenna position and
azimuth drive for the radar and provides the radar and IFF interrogation signals to the planar array for
A/P Subsystem
Azimuth drive assembly - speeds of 12, 108, or 154
Radome/IFF array attached to x-band antenna
Radar Data Processor
The RDP processes the raw radar and IFF interrogator data to form tracks
which are presented to the operator on the mission display. The RDP receives digitized antenna azimuth and
IFF replies from the A/P, radar video from the R/T, helicopter position from the EGI, and operator mode
control command via the mission computer. The RDP provides digital pulse compression in selected modes,
radar control, video processing, data communications, tracking and image processing.
The radome provides environmental protection for the antenna/pedestal assembly and is
relatively transparent to RF energy.
Crypto Module
The KIV-6 provides the encryption/decryption functions required for secure IFF
Mode 4 operations. It is loaded during preflight with current day/next day (Mode 4A/4B) keylists and is zeroized
after flight. The KIV-6 interfaces with the IFF processor in the RDP
Waveguide Assembly
The waveguide assembly transmits the voltage standing wave ratio from the
R/T to the A/P and transmits X-band radiation.
Waveguide dehydrator
The waveguide dehydrator is a passive, desiccant-filled cylinder mounted
beneath the mission computer in the SO console avionics rack. The waveguide dehydrator connects to the radar
waveguide for the purpose of moisture removal to prevent waveguide arcing
default power up or after hard init
Short Range Search (SRCH SHORT)
Scan Rate: 108
Radar 100yds-16NM
IFF 100yds-75NM
Range Scales (NM): .25, .5, 1, 2, 4, 8, 16, 32, 64, 128, 256
Optimized to detect both large and small contacts at short ranges. Used for low-visibility approaches and situations requiring display of closely spaced contacts.
Short Range Periscope Detect (PERI SHORT)
Scan Rate: 108
Radar: 100 yds - 16 NM
IFF: 100 yds -75 NM
0.25, 0.5, 1, 2, 4, 8, 16,
32, 64, 128, 256
Optimized to detect small
contacts such as periscopes
at short ranges.
Long Range
Periscope Detect
Radar: 2-32 NM
IFF: 100 yds -75 NM
2, 4, 8, 16, 32, 64, 128,
Optimized to detect small targets such as periscopes, submarine snorkels, mines, or lifeboats in the presence of sea clutter.
Automatic Radar Periscope Detection and Discrimination (PERI ARPDD) (APS-153(V)1 only)
Radar: 100 yards - 30 NM
IFF: 100 yards - 45 NM
0.25 - 256 NM
Provides for range profile of a target. High range resolution tracks closely separated tracks. Detects probable periscopes and presents to the operator as symbols on the mission display.
Aperture Radar
5 - 160 NM
Provides for two-dimensional image of designated surface contact for purpose of identifying ship class.
Search Mode
Radar: 0.25 - 160 NM
IFF: 100 yds - 160 NM
4, 8, 16, 32, 64, 128,
Standard long-range
surveillance detection
mode of radar.
Coastal Search
Radar: 0.25 - 160 NM
IFF: 100 yds - 160 NM
4, 8, 16, 32, 64, 128,
Optimized to display
coastline detail.
ARPDD mode note about discriminator
100 yards to 2 NM will have video and tracks. Discriminator labels will not display
ARPDD Regular Signature
Most useful for periscope detection
Extended signature
ESIG size is determined by the discriminator and is most useful for
determining target length and large scale features.
A-scan (ARPDD)
Amplitude Scan
Monochrome ESIG with only peak amplitude responses identified.
Most useful for determining target architecture (analogous to ISAR A-scan characteristics).
Periscope detect (PD) integration times used for PERI SHORT/LONG
3 Levels: L/M/H
For higher sea state, select higher PINT to prevent false alarms.
Small Target Indicator
Radar tracks that exhibit characteristics of exposed periscope/mast
Standard symbol with “s”
Land Mass Rejection
radar tracks are not displayed on regions defined as land (world vector shoreline map which is stored permanently inside the
RDP, does not include the locations of man-made
No effect on IFF tracks; fused will drop radar track and continue as IFF
Inverse Synthetic Aperture Radar
2-d image of surface target for purpose of identifying ship class
Able to freeze images for quadrant format viewing with up to 4 images, one of which can be dynamic
Mode 1, 2, 3/A, 3/C, and 4 (requires crypto); transmitter/receiver are functions of the A/P
Sent to ship via data link
IFF Track Showcode
display IFF code responses attached to track symbols
ISAR image quality
For low sea states or target speeds, increase integration time
Automatic Detection and Tracking
Maximum 320 (APS-147);
2500 for ARPDD beneath AOP. 320 reported to AOP; 256 radar, 64 IFF.