Judicial racism sask example
Colten bushie
-fatally shot by a farmer near biggar
-Stanley was tried by an all white jury, acquitted of 2nd degree murder
Justice, INDG people are more likely to:
-be denied bail
-be charger with multiple offences, often for crimes against the system
-have limited time with judges, who visit INDG communities intermittently
-be incarcerated
Judicial summary
-INDG peoples rates of violent crime exceed the national rates
-offences such as rape & child abuse have been introduced into these populations
-incarceration rates continue to rise, especially in the prairie provinces, where INDG populations continue to grow
-the Canadian criminalization of INDG culture has resulted in a criminal justice system that discriminates against INDG people
Racism in health example - Jordan’s pincipal
-Jordan was a young boy from Norway house
-while federal & Manitoba gov’t debated his medical Costs, he died 2 years later with the issues unresolved
-many of the services Jordan needed would be paid for without question for a white Manitoban, or off-reserve resident
-it was Jordan loving on reserve that caused the bureaucracy to choke
That is discrimination, our & simple
INDG experiences in urban hospitals
-inadequate access to health services
-altered diets
-problematic communication
-cross-cultural misunderstandings
-feeling of being discriminated against
Health related issues
-high rates of poverty
-poor water security on many reserves
-inadequate housing, with crowdedness & mould
-high rates of incarceration
-lower on-reserve school funding
-the presence of tuberculosis on-reserve
-high infant mortality rates
-high rates of psychiatric hospitalizations
-high numbers of drug- and alcohol-related deaths
-high suicide rate